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   Anime OSTs

The Weathering Continent
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 60 minutes
Type: Movie
Reviewed by: Ryan
Date reviewed: 08-14-03

The background music has some nice tunes and the Japanese voice acting is good. No complaints here.

Character designs by Nobuteru Yuki, they don't look anything like his recent works (Escaflowne, Heat Guy J), but they look good none the less. The animation is rather fluid as well. Overall, Weathering Continent is pleasing to the eyes.

The story of Weathering Continent follows three travelers trying to survive in a harsh world, due to many natural disasters. They are looking for the nearest well because they are low on water. The story seemed interesting at first, but once the travelers reach a "burial city" the whole movie ends up being about this place I could really care less about. This movie really has no focus or plot and is very slow moving. Its short length also provides no time to get to know the three characters. At the end I was thinking "what was the point?" Bleh. Stay far away.
