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Metal Fighter Miku
Genre: Action
Length: 13 episodes
Type: TV series

The music was pretty nice. Opening and endings have nice tunes and the music during the show was good. And in one of the episodes it has the pretty four sing a song which I liked quite a bit. Overall the dub is pretty bad. Casting is pretty good, but the performances aren't.

The animation was pretty good overall. And the animation in the last episode during the fight scene was animated really well. Not that the other fights don't look good, because they do, but the last fight really seemed to stand out.

Miku and her wrestling group, The Pretty Four, are challenged to join a tournament to see who is the pro of neo-pro wrestling. They battle to win the championship. The team that wins gets to fight aqaumarine, the queen of neo-pro wrestling. There was only one plot twist that I could remember and it was very episodic - there was a battle every episode except one. It seemed in like half of the episodes they had someone trying to stop the pretty four in someway through trickery. It felt like Team Rocket from Pokemon. Nonetheless, MFM is a decent series, one that isn't essential, but not bad by any means either.
