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Sayonara, Quatre's Fanfiction Archive...

We are all sad to say, Quatre's Fanfiction is closed. Permanently. It wasn't a hard decision to make, actually. Lately, I've been noticing a lot of my work floating around the net without my permission....and quite often, without giving any credit to yours truly for the work. I have my pride too, and was getting sick of this problem, so I decided to shut down the Archive, and take all of my fanfictions off the net for good. I'm very sorry for all of you who enjoyed my work, but I would rather protect what is rightfully mine. For now, my other sites (Buttered Toast, Star's Gaze, In My Words Alone, and Outside the Box) will remain up.

One day I will reopen under another name and URL, but for now, sayonara. It was fun while it lasted...