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3/20/03 - Added some DBZ artwork today. Check it out here.

2/24/03 - Are you for war on Iraq, or against it? E-mail me your thoughts on the matter and I will post in on my site with your permission.

2/23/03 - Created a Message Board. Please check it out.

1/15/03 - Added a link to my link section. This is a non-DBZ site. But if you like a game called Starsiege, check it out you may enjoy it.

12/30/02 - Sorry for not updating. I have been playing a lot of Dragonball Z Budokai. There is a high possibilty that I will create a website for this game. So check back often.

12/14/02 - About time I updated again, eh? Just going through and cleaning up my site.

12/05/02 - Going to start updating very soon.

10/10/02 - I know that I said that I would start updating again on Sept. 3, well, football practice got in the way of my being able to update this site. Also during our third game, I was injured and had to have surgury because I had a complete ACL tear. I will work on this site when I have some free time but going to football practice, which all I do is watch now because I am out for the season, and phyiscal thearpy I don't have much time.

6/06/02 - Hey, whats up everyone? Yes, I am still alive. Haven't had time to do any updating at all. I will most likely start updating again when the new season of DBZ starts on Sept. 3. Well, bye till then.

2/21/02 - Sorry for not updating, wow two whole months. What I have been doing was playing my Playstation 2 which I got for Christmas, and I wanted to play that for a while. Now, I will start updating more often.

12/15/01 - Sorry for not updating everyone. I haven't had much time to work on this site, but I will be off of school for thirteen days starting next Friday. So I will work on my site.

11/23/01 - I have finished the Episode List up to where Vegeta killed himself in the Buu Saga. Once I see the rest of the Buu Saga, I will finish the Episode List.

11/14/01 - It's offical, as of yesterday, the new episodes of Dragonball Z Season five on Cartoon Network have ended, and what a great ending. Vegeta killing himself was handled very good. I loved that episode. But Buu just won't die. Anyway, hoped you enjoyd the Kai Tournament, Great Saiyaman saga, World Tournament, Babidi Saga, and Majin Buu Saga. I know I did!

11/09/01 - Click here to read a Christmas Freedom Poem. It is a very good poem.

10/21/01 - For anyone that has flash, you really need to check out this website page here. This page has missles and...Osama bin Laden in it.

10/20/01 - Starting today, October 20th, Dragonball Z will run from 1PM to 3PM on Saturday afternoon. That is a lot of DBZ in one day, maybe too much, yeah right.

10/18/01 - Any Dragonball Z fan that has some DBZ artwork please send it to me. I need some DBZ Artwork for my Artwork Section. So if you have any DBZ Artwork please e-mail the artwork to me. I will give you full credit.

10/09/01 - Since the start of the airstrikes in Afghanistan Sunday, the United States is now at war with the Taliban. One thing that I do not get is there are people at the White House that are protesing about about the war with the Taliban, even though the Taliban terrorist flew planes into the World Trade Center.

10/07/01 - Well, it seems that I didn't really like my last layout, so I modified it a little. Sorry about all the re-disigning, but I want it look as best as possible. It will take me some time to finish my site again.

10/06/01 - Finally finished re-designing my site. I will now have time to re-finish the character section.

9/29/01 - I have finally finished the Saiyan section. Since I lost all the info on it.

9/26/01 - Since I am re-designing my site again I have lost some info on the Saiyan Section. I will try to get it back up as soon as possible.

9/20/01 - I have decided to re-design my site again. Hopefully, this will get me more hits to my site. So please be patient with me.

9/19/01 - They skipped Gohan's First Date today on Cartoon Network to the very next episode. Possibly because it contains burning buildings/skyscrapers in it. I think that means people won't be able to see that episode until they re-run the saga.

9/17/01 - Well, it seems Toonami only runs two episodes of Dragonball and two episodes of Dragonball Z. I guess the other shows were not getting very good ratings, but it really doesn't matter to me since I only watch Dragonball and Dragonball Z.

9/14/01 - Today I made a music section with some Dragonball Z/GT music to it. If you have any Dragonball Z/GT music, and you would like to send it to me then please do so.

9/12/01 - In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks yesterday, efforts are being done to rescue many people that are still trapped in the rubble of the buildings that collapsed. I would like to say this is a time to, as a nation, do what you can to help the victims of this terrible attack that happened.

9/11/01 - Today was a sad day for the American nation and the American civlians, like myself. Terrorist's highjacked American Airliners, and crashed them into the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. I was in my 11th grade math class when I heard of this terrible attack. If you would like to express your thoughts on this matter, then please e-mail me and I will post it on my site. View the picture of the World Trade Center after the attack here and the picture of the Pentagon after the attack here.

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb, the third big war will begin when the big city is burning." - Nostradamus 1654
Now is that erie or what?

9/10/01 - Today the new season of Dragonball Z started in the United States. The episode was Warriors of the Dead, it was great!

9/08/01 - A fellow Dragonball Z/GT website, Vegeta's Family and Ours, was added to my links section.

9/03/01 - Sorry for not updating. I have been very busy with my schoolwork and stuff. Oh, and sorry for not getting those Gifs up. I will finish them as soon as possible.

8/24/01 - All is forgiven. Here is a awesome Dragonball Z site. Check it out here.

8/15/01 - Today I started going back to school. So they will be not as many updates anymore. So now I have other important things to do other than work on my website.

8/13/01 - I have decided to re-design my site. Some sections are finished while some are not. Please be patient while I re-design my entire site.

8/12/01 - I have made a Dragonball Z Quiz. So if you would like to test your Dragonball Z knowledge check out my test. It is pretty easy though.

8/11/01 - Well, it seems Dragonball Z has ended on KidsWB Toonami. It was fun while it lasted, even though I missed it almost everyday, but it had to come to an end. I meant to do this update yesterday, but I forgot about it. Soon I am going to start on the Animated Gif section, as soon as I figure out how I should get the Gif's posted without it making the section load up very slow.

8/09/01 - Funimation has announced the release dates for Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Blue Gender titles for the next three months.

August 7: DBZ Lord Slug (uncut) DVD, VHS
August 14: DBZ Frieza – Clash DVD
August 21: DB Tournament – Fighters Begin! VHS
Aug. 28: DBZ Babidi–Descent VHS, DBZ Babidi–Battle Royal VHS
September 4: DBZ Frieza – Desperation DVD; DBZ Lord Slug (edited) DVD
Sept. 25: DBZ Babidi–The Dark Princess Returns VHS
DBZ Babidi–Showdown VHS
October 2: DBZ Babidi – Descent DVD; DBZ Babidi – Battle Royal DVD
October 9: DBZ Trunks Boxed Set – 4 tape VHS set; DBZ
Namek Saga DVD Set (D) DBZ Movies DVD Box Set , DBZ
Saiyan Saga DVD Set
October 16: DBZ Frieza – SS Goku DVD; Blue Gender – Volume One DVD & VHS
October 23: DB Tournament – Semi-Finals VHS; DB Tournament – The Final Test VHS
October 30: DBZ Babibi – The Prince Returns DVD; DBZ Babibi – Rivals DVD

FUNimation is adding DBZ episodes 106-108 from the Trunks Prelude to Terror video to the Z Warriors Prepare DVD so that it will contain 5 episodes (106-110).

8/7/01 - If you'll closely look at the future episodes of Dragonball Z in's schedule pages, you will notice that season five of Drgonball Z will NOT begin airing on September 3. Instead, it will start a week later on Monday, September 10 at 6PM. While Dragonball Z will start season five during its 6PM time slot, season four will continue running at 6:30PM, and when season four is done at 6:30PM, season five episodes of Dragonball Z will be back-to-back.

8/04/01 - Bid for Power has been stopped. Through many legal agreements between FUNimation and Bid for Power, it finally happened. They stopped them from working on it and handed it over to WIZARD WORKS.

Now, the other part to my update. Today I added the Name Puns section, and I have finished half of the Saga Guide. I will finish it soon.

8/02/01 - Dragon Ball Z could hold the 4:30 pm (ET/PT) time slot on Kids WB Toonami for a long time. Many TV schedules Grids (like are now listing Dragon Ball Z as the permanent 4:30 pm (ET/PT) time slot on Kids WB Toonami. Sometimes these schedules have wrong information on them. So don't take them too seriously. So as of right now only two weeks of DBZ on Kids WB Toonami have been announced. Other TV grids are listing an additional third week of DBZ. I will let you know if that's true or not.

8/01/01 - Kid's WB has now announced another week of DBZ on Kids WB. Looks like the DBZ episode "Gohan's Metamorphosis" got them good ratings the first day. In fact Dragon Ball Z will air even on Saturday on Kids WB. Here is their schedule line-up for Dragonball Z:

Mon, July 30 at 4:30 pm - "Gohan's Metamorphosis"
Tue, July 31 at 4:30 pm - "Home for Infinite Losers"
Wed, August 1 at 4:30 pm - "Laboratory Basement"
Thu, August 2 at 4:30 pm - "Super Vegeta"
Fri, August 3 at 4:30 pm - "Faith in a Boy"

Monday, August 6 at 4:30 pm - Dragon Ball Z
Tuesday, August 7 at 4:30 pm - Dragon Ball Z
Wednesday, August 8 at 4:30 pm - Dragon Ball Z
Thursday, August 9 at 4:30 pm - Dragon Ball Z
Saturday, August 11 at 11:00am - Dragon Ball Z

7/31/01 -Toonami has finally updated and changed the look of their site. It now has tons of info on the new Gundam series and also showings of Daft Punks anime music videos.

And now for the other part of my update. The Official Dragonball Z website is now taking submissions to have other websites linked onto their site. Click here to go straight there.

7/30/01 - I have finished the Power Levels section. I will put the Buu Saga on the Power Level section when the new season of Dragonball Z starts. Also, today is the day that Dragonball Z goes to Kids WB for one week.

7/29/01 - I have finished the Character Guides section. I will now start on the Power Level Guide.

7/28/01 - Well, this has nothing to do with Dragonball Z, but today someone I know told me of a awesome website where you can get music and listen to it. No, it's not Napster or Mp3, it is You need RealPlayer or AOL Media Player to listen to the songs. So if you like music, you now have an easy way of getting that music. Now, something that is on the subject of Dragonball Z. I will finish the Character Guides section tommorow.

7/27/01 - Started working on the character section today. It is still under construction.

7/26/01 - Well everyone knows of Toonami going on Kids WB, and if you didn't, you do now. Well, for one week, Dragonball Z will be shown on Kids WB Toonami, yeah, thats right the frog network.

No the first five Dragonball Z episodes are not airing on Kid's WB, like I first thought. Kid's WB has mixed the episodes up that will air during Dragonball Z at 4:30pm on Kid's WB Toonami. Here is the list as of now...

Mon, July 30 at 4:30 pm - "Gohan's Metamorphosis" (Season 1)

Tue, July 31 at 4:30 pm - "Home for Infinite Losers" (Season 1)

Wed, August 1 at 4:30 pm - "Laboratory Basement" (Season 4)

Thu, August 2 at 4:30 pm - "Super Vegeta" (season 4)

Fri, August 3 at 4:30 pm - "Faith in a Boy" (Season 4)

7/25/01 - Started my site today. Added the banner up top, and the update section here and, to the left some of the stuff that I will have on my site.

God Bless America

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I did not create Dragonball, DBZ, or Dragonball GT. Planet Goku - Feel The Wrath of Goku is purly made by me, and I'm not trying to infringe on any copyrights, just trying to spread the greatest Anime ever created to others. Dragonball/Z/GT is copyrighted by Bird Studio/Shueisha, TOEI Entertainment, Akira Toyirama, Cartoon Network, FUNimation, and Viz Comics.

Web Design © Planet Goku - Feel The Wrath of Goku