
::Fan Fiction::

::Fan Fiction Fan Art::

::Slightly Damaged::
[Other Site]

::DumbASS Republic::
[Another Site of Mine]



Yo. I'm Danika. I finally decided to drop my pen name on this site cause it could get confusing to hear different names. Although if you really must know, I've got two pen names on FF.net. PallaPalla-chan is my anime and anime crossover name and Freak of Purgatory is my original fiction name. Feel free to email me with anything, even if it's just a request for me to write something new.

12.14.02 Yeah, I'm bad at updating. So sue me... don't really. But there are lots of goodies that I updated this time! I made a new section for art inspired from some of my fan fiction. You're welcome to submit some of your own art as well if you'd like. Just email me and I'll put it up! Be sure to check the "rules and regulations for submitting fan art" though.

Alrighty, now for the other stuff I updated. I updated lots of chapters for a lot of my fanfiction, and I updated a little bit in my regular fiction as well. I uploaded a NEW story and finished both Serenity and Death Becomes You. Everything is marked that is new so go check it out. Have fun everyone!

This site and its content belong to Danika unless noted, do not use without my permission.