Clubbing A Side Story by Hokuto Kuzuki and XxGigasboltxX *Our scene opens in Suzuki's apartment on a normal day; Satsuki is sitting in the living room, tapping away at Val as usual, when there's a knock on the door.* Satsuki: Ara? Satsuki: *half-yelling* Come on in! Sakura: *pushes the door open* 'Suki-chan? You here...? Satsuki: Oh, Sakura. Hi. Sakura: *waves a little* Glad I found you. You doing anything? Satsuki: Me? Nah, just trying to knock a little sense into Val here. *scowls at the laptop in question* Val: *beeps innocently* Sakura: *rubs her arm, selfconsciously* Well, um, would you like to get out of the apartment for a little while? Satsuki: *looks around* Hell yeah. Suzuki's off working God knows where, and Val and I are starting to annoy each other... Satsuki: Where do you want to go? Val: *beeps sulkily and shuts down* Sakura: Anywhere... I need new clothes, we could go shopping. Satsuki: *shrugs* Shopping's fine. Sakura: Okay... I just HAVE to get away from Kanoe... Satsuki: I could probably do with a new pair of army boots... *points at her current pair, which are indeed rather ragged* Satsuki: ~.-? E-chan bothering you somehow? Sakura: Well, we've been getting mad at each other a lot lately. She started smoking, and I hate it. Sakura: We seem to be grinding on each other's nerves. Satsuki: Yeah, that's been bugging me too. Satsuki: Especially the smoking - it seems so random... Sakura: And she won't talk to me about it. Satsuki: *sighs, looking rather grown-up for once* Me, neither... and it's starting to worry me. Sakura: I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Satsuki: *looks scared for an instant* Oh, God, I hope nothing does... Satsuki: *shakes her head suddenly* Anyway... Are we going or what? Sakura: *kinda knocked out of her bad mood* Yeah, let's go. Satsuki: *stuffs Val into a shoulder bag and puts on her boots* All set - any particular store in mind? Sakura: No... I don't really know of anything around here. *looks down* My outfit seems to be getting kind of old, anyway, don't you think? Satsuki: *breezily* It'll be fine. Sakura: Well, where do you shop, Satsuki? Satsuki: Why don't we try Tanaka's? That's usually got some pretty good clothes... some of them aren't even camouflage! *joking* Satsuki: *wears camouflage all the time* Sakura: *sweatdrop* Okay... Lead the way. Satsuki: *leads Sakura to Tanaka's, which is a fairly decent store sort of like a Belk's or JCPenny's* Satsuki: *begins poking around the teenager's clothes section* Satsuki: Any particular kind of thing you were looking for? Sakura: Not really. I guess I just need... more. Outfits and such. I don't really have anything. I've been wearing K-chan's stuff. Satsuki: ^-^;;; That's kind of vague. Satsuki: What about this? *holds up a rather revealing and brightly- colored halter top* Sakura: *holds it up to herself* Well, what do you think? It's always nice to have a girlfriend's opinion... Satsuki: *blushes a little at that, but looks the shirt over critically* Satsuki: Hmmmm... It's a little bright, I think. *pulls out another one that's a similar style but in a pastel blue* Satsuki: This one? Sakura: I like it... blue is one of my better colors... *holds this one up* Better? Satsuki: Yeah, that looks pretty good! Satsuki: Now we just need a pair of pants - khakis? Jeans? Stretchpants? Sakura: Stretchpants, I think... black ones. Satsuki: Yeah, you have good stretchpants legs. I couldn't wear them in a billion years, but they'd look good on you! *dives into the pants section* Sakura: *blushes at the compliment* Well, thanks... I think you could pull them off. Sakura: *takes a look at her* But, I tell you what.... Have you ever tried a mini-skirt? I think that would be great on you. Satsuki: *blushes furiously* N- no... Sakura: Oh, c'mon... with your legs? You'd have guys all over you. Satsuki: *blushes even more* Sakura: *grabs her and drags her over to another section* Stand right here... This is one of my specialties... Satsuki: *still blushing, but stands there* Sakura: *looks around at the surrounding clothes* First, the shirt... Ah, here we are... *picks out a nice dark colored tank top, not too revealing* Satsuki: *looks at it* Hmmmm... that's pretty nice... Sakura: *goes back over to the clothes* And now.... Yes! That's the one. *Grabs a dark leather miniskirt and brings it over. It's not really short, but not real long, either.* This is perfect for you. Satsuki: ~.- Well, it wouldn't hurt to try it on, I guess... *is rather tempted by the idea of wearing the whole outfit - somewhere* Sakura: Never hurts to try it on. *grabs her shirt and some stretchpants* Where are the rooms? Satsuki: Um - back that way. *points, begins walking in that direction with the top and skirt* Sakura: *follows her, looking at other clothes as she walks* Satsuki: *notices her looks* Why don't you try on some of that? There isn't a limit to how much you can try on... Sakura: *grabs another shirt, this one dark red and cut almost too low* I think I will. This one caught my eye... Satsuki: *looks at it* ~.- I don't think yours is the only eye it'll catch. Sakura: *giggles* Oh, hush you... C'mon, let's go try these on. Satsuki: ^-^;;; *goes into a changing room and starts putting on the top and skirt* Sakura: *gets in the changing room next to her, changes into the blue shirt and begins putting on the stretchpants* Satsuki: *comes out just a moment before Sakura does, admiring herself in the mirror* Sakura: *comes out right after her* Not too bad, Satsuki... Twirl for me. Satsuki: *twirls* Hee - I do like this outfit... Satsuki: *a tad grudgingly* Thanks for picking it out. Sakura: *eyes get wide a little, she has a small coughing fit* Um... It's a good thing you're wearing underwear. No twirling in that skirt... Satsuki: 0.0! *tries to pull the skirt's hem down a little lower* Sakura: *recovers* But at least you know you'll catch some lucky boy's eyes... C'mon, let's find one a little longer. Satsuki: ^-^;;; Yes, please... Satsuki: And - um - those stretchpants and that top look REALLY good. You should definitely get them. Sakura: Well, let's try on the red top with the stretchpants first, then we'll decide... *goes back into her dressing room* Satsuki: Okay... Sakura: *comes out a minute or two later* How's this one? Satsuki: *gets a slightly longer skirt and puts that one on in the room, then comes back out* Hmmmmmm... Satsuki: *at the top and what it fails to conceal* 0.0 Satsuki: Uh - anou - um... Sakura: *arches her back a little, flaunting what she has* I like it... Satsuki: ^-^;;; Just don't wear it out of the store, okay? I didn't bring any knives. Sakura: *wicked look in her eyes* Let's wear our new outfits to a club! Satsuki: *goes into a coughing fit* Sakura: *gets a pouty look* Oh, c'mon, Satsuki... You can't buy it then not wear it somewhere... Satsuki: ;.; I know, I know... *has a hazy idea of who she'd like to wear it for, but ruthlessly shoves it away* Satsuki: Just - just - can it please be a club with GUYS in it? Straight ones? Sakura: Sure... I'm sure I can find one of those. Sakura: I used to know all the hangouts. Saleslady: *is giving them both odd looks* Satsuki: *thinks for a minute* Well... Satsuki: Sure, I guess. Let me just leave a message for Oniichan so he knows where I'll be. Sakura: *Looks at the saleslady. She turns to face her, showing off the cut in her shirt.* What's the matter? Saleslady: *blushes* N- n- nothing. Would you like me to r- ring that up for you? Sakura: Yes. Be one minute... Saleslady: *breathes tiny sigh of relief* Sakura: *walks into the change room and grabs the other shirt* This, too. The pants and both shirts. Saleslady: Yes, ma'am. *rings them all up* Satsuki: *goes into her dressing room, changes back into her normal camouflage and brings the top/skirt combo back out* These too, please. Satsuki: *sighs* I guess the boots can wait... Saleslady: *rings everything up* Satsuki: *pays for all of it* Sakura: *Flaunts her new shirt for anyone looking to see... And boy, what they will see...* Satsuki: ^-^;;; Satsuki: *sits down outside the store and opens up Val* Sakura: After you send a message, we'll change into our outfits and hit the clubs! Satsuki: Hai... Val: *beeps angrily at Satsuki* Satsuki: *tapping* Now, now, Val, let's let bygones be bygones... Sakura: *looks at them* What's wrong? Val: *gives a sullen beep* Satsuki: Nothing, just that little spat from earlier - there, that's got it. Satsuki: ^-^ Thanks, Val. Sakura: Oh. Val: *beeps* Sakura: Hey, Val, wait until you see how good Satsuki looks in her new outfit! Val: *shows a confused face graphic* Satsuki: 9.9 Sakura: Y'know, clothes... outfit.... Val: *shows little typed message* "BUT SATSUKI ALWAYS WEARS CAMOUFLAGE. IF SHE DOES NOT WEAR CAMOUFLAGE, IS SHE SATSUKI?" Satsuki: *pokes Val* Don't be ridiculous, you'd know me if I was painted like a geisha. Sakura: Girls have to change every once in a while. It's our nature. Val: *shows swirly-eyed graphic, but seems to accept the explanation* Satsuki: *sighs again* Well, let's change. Sakura: *gets all excited* It's been so long since I went clubbing. This will be so much fun. Satsuki: ^-^ *hasn't been any closer to clubbing than the occasional business visit to Kisha's* Sakura: *finds the nearest place with a public bathroom* C'mon, we'll change here. Satsuki: Okay... *follows her in* Sakura: *Takes a stall and changes into her stretchpants and red shirt. She gathers up the rest of her clothes, then steps out.* Satsuki: *comes out of her stall in the skirt and top, as well as a little make-up which she carries in the bag with Val* Sakura: *occupies herself with putting her old clothes in her shopping bag* Satsuki: There - what do you think? Do you want some make-up, too? Sakura: You look so good... Kinda like me when I was younger... Do you think I need a touch-up? *looks in the mirror* Satsuki: *looks, too* You don't need it - but then, neither do I. It's just kinda something you do, I guess... ^-^;;; Sakura: *reapplies her faint lipstick, then blushes her cheeks a little* I think that will do me... Satsuki: *feels a little proud that she reminds Sakura of her younger self, since Sakura is gorgeous even with short hair* Satsuki: Yeah, that looks like plenty. It's not like we're old hags who need an inch of make-up, right? Sakura: *laughs* Right, girl. We're young and on the prowl... Satsuki: ^-^V Let's go! Satsuki: *excited that she gets to do something as cool as clubbing* Sakura: *looks at her hair in the mirror* I wish you could have seen me with long hair, Satsuki... I really had it back then... *wistful look* Satsuki: It looks really nice short, though. It kinda frames your face or something... Sakura: *smiles* Thanks. I know you're excited. Let's get going. Satsuki: ^-^ *walks out with her towards whatever club she picks* Sakura: *looks around the neighborhood, begins talking as they walk* Now then, if I know this place, the Raver is a nice spot, or it used to be. Lots of girls in that club, though. Not a lot of nice young men... Satsuki: ;.; Sakura: But Night Land always had lots of eligible young men... Satsuki: Ooh, that sounds good... Sakura: I think that's where we'll go first. Satsuki: ^-^V Yeah! Satsuki: *is pretty clueless about the whole business, but is having fun anyway* Sakura: We look good enough for Night Land. Now, here's the plan. When we get there, give the bouncer your prettiest look. If they don't let you in, say you are with me and I'll get us in. Satsuki: Okay! Sakura: And, if someone is hitting on you in the club, and you don't like them, call me your "girlfriend." If that doesn't scare them off, I'll do the rest. Satsuki: ^-^;;; Thanks. Sakura: *after a few minutes of walking, they arrive* Here we are... Night Land. Satsuki: *looks at it dubiously, a bit scared by the loud music, but marches up to the door anyway* *A long line of people are waiting to get into the club.* Satsuki: *at the line* ;.;!!! Satsuki: *dutifully gets in at the end* Sakura: Don't worry. All you have to do is get noticed and you’re in. Come with me... *grabs her hand and begins to push her way through towards the front, where the crowd is at the door* Satsuki: 0.0 *is pulled through the crowd* Satsuki: *tries not to stare at the more interesting people in line* Sakura: All right, the bouncer can see us now. Give him a pretty look... Bouncer: *looking through the crowd, picking out people to let in* Satsuki: Anou - like this? *tries out a rather overdone version of the "batted eyelashes" trick* Bouncer: *passes right over her, lets a group of three men into the club* Satsuki: *slumps* I guess not. Satsuki: It always worked on Oniichan... Sakura: Maybe that was a little overdone... Try something a little sexier... Make him want you. Satsuki: *blushes* Sakura: This is a whole 'nother league, girl. Satsuki: I know... Bouncer: *keeps on looking, going to send in some girls now* Hmm... Satsuki: *tries looking up through her eyelashes and letting her skirt ride up a little, blushing all the while* Bouncer: *Her actions catch his eye. But, he waits a little, seeing if she really wants to get into the club.* Maybe... you... *he points at her, then waits* Satsuki: *tries adjusting the tank top and gives him a hopeful look* Satsuki: *is still blushing like mad* Bouncer: *about to pass her by, now* Sakura: You did well enough, let me get us in... Satsuki: 6.6 Okay... Satsuki: *puts her skirt and tank top back the way they were, grumbling unintelligibly to herself* Sakura: *Steps in front of Satsuki and opens up her already revealing shirt a little more. She takes a relaxed pose and begins to fan herself with her hand, the bobbing motion making her... assets bounce.* Satsuki: *watches Sakura with something approaching awe* Bouncer: *motions for Sakura and Satsuki* You two, come on in... *opens the way for them* Satsuki: ^-^V Wai wai! Satsuki: Sakura-san, that was GREAT! Can you teach me how to do that? Sakura: *readjusts her shirt, then heads on in* Sure... You should have had him though, he must be gay... Satsuki: *blushes as she follows Sakura* Satsuki: *looks around the inside of the club* 0.0 *Inside, the club is full of people, some dancing, some at the bar, others sitting at tables. Loud techno music rocks and the room is all set in blacks and blues.* Tetsuya: *is sitting at the bar, having arranged to meet a contact there to discuss some money laundering; does not see Sakura or Satsuki* Sakura: It's a little different than what I remembered, but it's good enough. Satsuki: *keeps looking around, overwhelmed* 0.0 Whoa... Sakura: C'mon. The place to meet guys is the bar. They can't resist buying drinks for the pretty ladies. Satsuki: 0.0 Okay... *happy to take her word for it, follows her* Sakura: *takes a seat a few stools down from Tetsuya, not knowing he was there* Now, we wait... Try to look good. Satsuki: Look good. Right. Yeah... *sits down one stool closer to Tetsuya, also oblivious of his presence* Tetsuya: *still waiting for the contact, who should have arrived five minutes ago, and is getting a little impatient* Tetsuya: *is not a big club-goer* Sakura: *giving Satsuki tips* All right, keep your eyes sorta closed, but make sure you can see. And cross your legs. In a miniskirt, that will drive them wild. Satsuki: Cross legs. Okay... *does so as she orders a soda* Satsuki: *tries half-closing her eyes, but that drives her nuts so she just keeps them open* Sakura: And... one more thing... *reaches over and pushes the side of Satsuki's tank top over, revealing a little more than before* There... Perfect. Satsuki: *eeps, but doesn't change it back* Sakura: *orders her usual wine beverage, and waits for it to arrive* Tetsuya: *looks up the bar for the contact, sees Satsuki and Sakura* Tetsuya: *outwardly remains calm as usual, but is fingering his rosary and inwardly going "0.0!!!"* Sakura: *Doesn't notice Tetsuya, but doesn't really know him, either. She sips her drink, waiting to be hit on.* Satsuki: *sips her soda in little teeny sips, nervous as hell but still enjoying herself somehow* Sakura: *just in case, she lets her stretchpants slide down her hips a little bit, but amazingly, they keep their smooth appearance* Random Guy 1: *obviously drunk, lurches over to Sakura* Heya, babe, howzha bout you havin a drink wizh me? Satsuki: *looks up, not sure who's being addressed* ?.? Sakura: *takes a look at him* Well... How should I put this delicately... No. Random Guy 1: *not a nice drunk, gets a little belligerent* Wossa matter wi' me, huh? Too high an' mighty jus' to have a friendly li'l drink... Sakura: Go find a girl drunk enough to sleep with you, jerk, 'cause it sure isn't me! Random Guy 1: *grabs her wrist* Hey. Hey. Thass not a nishe thinga say. You oughta polerize... 'pologeist... 'pologize... Sakura: *in two quick moves, she's freed her wrist and has his arm twisted behind his back* Apologize? I believe I asked you to leave me alone... Random Guy 1: OW! OW! She's ashaultin' me! OW! Bartender: She asked you to leave her alone, Jock. Sakura: *pushes him away* Jerk... Sakura: *looks at the bartender* Well, thank you... Random Guy 1: Alla ya... alla ya are againsht me... *staggers away to blubber and have another drink* Bartender: I just don't want fights in my bar, and I don't want a reputation, either. Bartender: He bothers you again, call me. Don't do it yourself. Sakura: Of course... Bartender: Good. *goes back to tending the bar* Random Girl 1: *Walks towards the bar, swaying her hips back and forth. She sits in the stool next to Satsuki.* Satsuki: *looks up from her drink* ?.? Random Girl 1: *takes a look over at Satsuki, checks her up and down* Hmm... So... How do you swing, baby? Tetsuya: *moves a stool closer to Satsuki just in time to hear this* Satsuki: ?.? Beg pardon? *is thinking of pendulum clocks* Random Girl 1: *off-kilter from that one* Swing... Y'know... Het, bi, les? Satsuki: Oh. Heh. Um... *blushes* Random Girl 1: *in a not-so-subtle gesture, puts her hand on Satsuki's thigh* C'mon... Pretty little thing like you... Tetsuya: *is listening very intently* Satsuki: *blushing harder* Um - um - um - which one of those three means I like guys? Satsuki: *really wishes the girl, pretty as she is, would take her hand away* Random Girl 1: *looks a little taken aback* That would be het... I can't believe I just hit on a straight girl. Random Girl 1: Sorry about that... *turns and walks away, looking for someone else to hit on* Satsuki: *sighs with relief that the girl isn't getting violent* Oh, it's okay - it's not like it's never happened before, it's just been awhile... Satsuki: *goes back to her drink, wide-eyed and rather pleased that she was called "a pretty little thing"* Sakura: *laughing behind her hand at this entire spectacle* Tetsuya: *is just about juggling the rosary at this point* Sakura: *orders another wine glass filled, sips from it* Satsuki: *sneaks furtive glances up and down the bar, looking for a guy who doesn't seem too strange* Satsuki: *and sees - of course - Tetsuya* 0.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sakura: Hmm? What's wrong, Satsuki? Tetsuya: *sees her look, instantly disappears into the crowd on the dance floor* Satsuki: *staring at the stool where Tetsuya was sitting* It - it was the boss... Satsuki: You know, Tetsuya... Sakura: *looks over Satsuki's shoulder* Where? Satsuki: *points at the stool* There - but when I saw him, he just disappeared! Satsuki: *hmphs to herself* He's ALWAYS doing that. Sakura: You were dreaming... C'mon, let's dance. Satsuki: Anou... sure... *has never really danced in her entire life, but figures tonight's as good a time to give it a shot as any* Sakura: *gets up and heads for the dance floor* This is a great place to meet potential dates, too... You can accidentally bump into someone, strike up a conversation, then have the time of your life. Satsuki: Cool! *likes the sound of that* Sakura: Now, do you want to stay close to me or strike off on your own? *has already spotted a few girls who look pretty good to her* Satsuki: Um - I'll go on my own, I guess... Sakura: Okay. You just give a scream if anything bad is happening, and I'll come find you. Satsuki: ^-^;;; Yeah. No problem. Satsuki: *stands around on the dance floor, sort of half-moving her upper body to the rhythm of the music but not actually dancing* Sakura: * Grooving on off to the side, in view of Satsuki if she looks. She casually bumps into a young lady and strikes up a conversation.* Young Lady: *talks, quite interested and giving Sakura the eye* Sakura: *propositions this young lady, pointing to a dark corner of the room* Young Lady: *shakes head and points at the dance floor* Tetsuya: *currently in a quiet corner of the restaurant, has just gotten in touch with Joker and discovered that the contact canceled the meeting* Tetsuya: *is rather annoyed, but decides to stay in the club for a little while longer to see if he can overhear or see anything useful* Sakura: *Raises an eyebrow, but agrees. Moves in close and begins to dance a little more... sensually.* Young Lady: ^________________^ *is quite happy to dance that way* Sakura: *looks over towards Satsuki, hoping to find her having a good time* Satsuki: *still just standing in the middle of the dance floor, semi- dancing* Tetsuya: *wanders through the crowds, ears open and mouth shut* Random Guy 2: *looks at Satsuki a little, then looks again, and finally decides to walk on over* Satsuki: *gives him a polite but puzzled look* Random Guy 2: Uhm... Uh... Geez, I'm not very good at this... *nervously slicks his hair back, though there wasn't a problem with it in the first place* Satsuki: *smiles at him* Me, neither - I've never really been clubbing before... Satsuki: What's your name? Random Guy 2: Soji... Soji Santao. What's your name? Satsuki: Satsuki. Nice to meet you, Soji-san. ^-^ Satsuki: *thinks that he's kinda cute* Soji: Nice to meet you, too... *still sorta nervous, but thinks she is really pretty* Tetsuya: *walks by and hears this exchange, decides to stay in one spot and gather information for a while* Soji: Uh... So... How old are you? Satsuki: *lies* Twenty-one. Soji: *lies back* I'm 22... Satsuki: Anou... *listens to the music for a minute* Would you like to dance? This song seems okay... Soji: Oh... Okay, sure... Satsuki: ^-^ *tries to dance to the music, doesn't do TOO badly for a novice* Soji: *manages to match her movements, not a very good dancer himself* Sakura: *meanwhile, is having a little fun to this song on the dance floor* Young Lady: *is dancing VERY close to Sakura at this point - in fact, they're practically making out to the music* Sakura: *Practically? Sakura's moved one of her hands down her partner's pants...* Young Lady: *this time is the one to point to the corner* Tetsuya: *stands around near Satsuki and Soji, feeling even more out of place than he normally would* Sakura: *Almost decides to go over to the corner, but feels guilty thinking about Kanoe and shakes her head no. She kisses the young lady, then wanders off.* Young Lady: *pouts, but goes away to find someone else to dance/make out with* Satsuki: *is having a pretty nice time dancing, even if neither she nor Soji are very good at it* Soji: *smiles, is having a good time, too* Tetsuya: *continues to stand around and feel stupid, even though he knows he should either leave or just - do something* Sakura: *spots Tetsuya from behind, goes over and taps his shoulder* I notice you look kinda awkward... Wanna dance? Tetsuya: !.! Tetsuya: *normally isn't that jumpy, but unable to help himself* Tetsuya: Ah - thank you, but I - no, thank you. Sakura: *looks at him* What's wrong with you? *has never ACTUALLY seen Tetsuya, only heard about him* Tetsuya: Nothing. I'm - just fine. *recognizes her rather vaguely as someone who was hanging around with Kanoe and Satsuki* Tetsuya: *plays with the rosary* Sakura: *looks over Tetsuya’s shoulder and spots Satsuki dancing with someone* Hey, there's Satsuki! *waves and yells* Hey, Satsuki!! Tetsuya: !.! Satsuki: *looks over* !.! Soji: *wonders what's going on* Satsuki: Anou - excuse me, Soji, I'll be right back... ^-^;;; *heads towards Tetsuya and Sakura* Soji: Oh... Uh, okay. Soji: *stands there, looking dork-ish* Tetsuya: *just about ready to bolt off into the crowd, and the HELL with being inconspicuous* Sakura: *grabs Tetsuya* You HAVE to meet my friend. She's coming this way... Tetsuya: *nearly breaks the rosary in half at that* Tetsuya: *could escape from her grasp easily, but - doesn't* Satsuki: Sakura! Daijoubu?! Sakura: Yeah, I'm fine. I just want you to meet this guy I found! Look at him... *whispering to Satsuki* He's not my type, being a he, but I figure I'll snag you a good looking one... Satsuki: *puts her face in her hands* Tetsuya: 9.9 *heard every word* Satsuki: Sakura? That would be Tetsuya. You know, the BOSS. Tetsuya: *sighs* Astute as ever. Satsuki: Well, it's not like you're in DISGUISE or something. Sakura: *eyes bug out* This is the BOSS???!!! Sakura: The guy you are always talking about?! Satsuki: Yeah. Didn't you see him that one time? Sakura: *looks at Tetsuya* I don't think so... Tetsuya: *looks at Satsuki* You're nearly in disguise, though. Tetsuya: *bows minimally* It looks quite nice. Satsuki: *blushes more than she has the entire day* Satsuki: S- s- sankyuu... Satsuki: *points at Sakura* She picked it out. Tetsuya: *bows minimally to Sakura* You have excellent taste. Sakura: Well, I've been doing this a long time... Satsuki: Yeah... anyway... Satsuki: What the HECK are you doing here?! Tetsuya: *managing to look dignified and slightly offended* I had arranged a meeting with an - associate, but he canceled. Satsuki: ~.- "Meeting?" "Associate?" Tetsuya: -.- Satsuki: 9.9 Right, right, yeah. Sakura: *thinks this little 'tit-for-tat' seems very... couplish of them* Tetsuya: *bows again, deeper this time* As I said at our last meeting, I will not trouble you again. Please excuse this interruption. Tetsuya: *turns to disappear* Satsuki: Oh, no you don't! *grabs him by the collar* Tetsuya: 0.0!!! Sakura: *thinks she knows what Satsuki has in mind* Satsuki: You are NOT just sneaking out on me again! I want to know what the hell is going on! *in a more moderate tone of voice* Besides, I think Sakura would like to talk with you. Sakura: *looks confused* I would? Satsuki: *hisses* Yes! You would! Because any time we mention him you get all swirly-eyed! Tetsuya: 9.9 Sakura: *still confused* I do? Satsuki: Yeah, just like you are now! Sakura: Oh... Tetsuya: *tries to slip away again* Satsuki: *grabs him back* Satsuki: So. Let's all go over to the bar, and have drinks, and a nice little chat. Like friends. Right? Sakura: Okay. Tetsuya: *slumps* I suppose it will do no harm... Satsuki: *drags him over to the bar and orders herself yet another soda* Sakura: *orders a wine cooler* Tetsuya: *doesn't order anything* Satsuki: So, Sakura, fire away. Ask whatever you want. Tetsuya: 9.9 Sakura: *whispers to Satsuki* What do I want to talk to him about? Satsuki: *whispering back* Ummmm... ask him why he has a death wish and what that whole scene with Sailor Bob was about. Also if he knows how to dance. Tetsuya: *is blushing, though it's barely perceptible* Sakura: *gets the feeling she is being used* Why do you have a death wish? Tetsuya: *stiffly* I do not have a "death wish." I have the organization to think of. Satsuki: Then why'd you let Kai shoot you in the back? TWICE?! Jeez, I was scared half to death when I heard those shots! Tetsuya: *doesn't answer* Sakura: *waggles finger* And don't lie to me. I'm psychic. Tetsuya: ~.- Psychic? Satsuki: For real! Tetsuya: *keeps mouth firmly shut* Sakura: Yes. Psychic. Sakura: *closes her eyes* Right now, you think I'm lying. Tetsuya: *looks at her* Of course. Sakura: But, you also wonder why Satsuki is getting me to ask you these questions... Tetsuya: Yes. Satsuki: *listens intently* Sakura: And, just because you are SOO skeptical... You've made a mental note to tell Joker to deal with the next "associate" meeting. *smiles smugly* Tetsuya: *is amazed, but doesn't show it* Quite astute, Sakura-san. Satsuki: 0.0 Wow... *is amazed and not ashamed to show it* Sakura: Believe me now, or do I have to dump a glass of water on your head with my mind? Tetsuya: *shudders slightly* No, thank you. This is one of my nicer suits. Satsuki: Yeah, it looks really good on you. Tetsuya: ~.- Satsuki: *realizes what she said* Geep! Satsuki: *hides her face, but keeps one ear open* Sakura: *goes back to her wine cooler* By the way, you do have a death wish... Tetsuya: I cannot leave the organization leaderless. There is no one else qualified to run it at its current level - I cannot kill myself... Sakura: Now, what this between you and Sailor Bob? Sakura: *shakes her hand at him* We heard your excuse, we're on another question now. Tetsuya: *playing with the rosary again* That was - curiosity. I wanted to see if his story of his "mystic eye" was true. Satsuki: -.- So you provoked him and yanked the eyepatch off. Smooth move. Tetsuya: *ignores her, as is his right after that suit comment* Sakura: *thinks a minute* I'll accept that answer... Sakura: Now, finally, the last question. Tetsuya: *sighs* Sakura: Can you dance? Tetsuya: *looks away from both of them, seeming almost a little ashamed* No. I have never had the time or the inclination to learn. Satsuki: *listens to the music, which has become a slow song, and shrugs* Ah, well. Anyone can dance to slow music, right, Sakura? Tetsuya: *edges slightly away from both of them* Sakura: Of course they can. Satsuki's not very good either. The two of you will learn together. Sink or swim... *herds them both onto the dance floor* Satsuki: *stands on the dance floor, looking extremely embarrassed* Tetsuya: *not much better* Sakura: Now then... For this song... *grabs Satsuki's arms and puts them around Tetsuya's neck* Clasp your hands together... Satsuki: *blushes more, but clasps her hands* Tetsuya: *stands perfectly still, unsure of what to do* Sakura: All right.. Now, Tetsuya, put one hand on her hip... Tetsuya: *looks at Satsuki rather helplessly* Satsuki: *nods* Daijoubu. Tetsuya: *rests one hand lightly on Satsuki's hip* Sakura: For a slow song, all you really have to do is sway in time with the music and and move around a little bit... Satsuki: ^-^ I can do that. Tetsuya: *just looks embarrassed* Sakura: Good. You two have a good time, and I'm gonna go get my wine cooler... *has an attraction to wine as her favorite drink* Tetsuya: !.! Satsuki: !.! She's abandoning us... Sakura: *turns and walks away* Tetsuya: Well, YOU'RE the one who asked if I could dance. Satsuki: Yeah, well, YOU'RE the one who was standing around the bar. Tetsuya: 9.9 If you want to dance, dance. Otherwise... Tetsuya: *gives the door a meaningful glance* Other Dancer: If all you two are gonna do is talk, get off the floor! Satsuki: Hmph! *glares at the other dancer and starts moving with the music* Sakura: *comes back with her wine cooler, sits where she can see the two of them* Tetsuya: 0.0 *is dragged along for a moment, until he listens to the music and figures out what the rhythm is* Tetsuya: *then begins leading Satsuki in the dance* Sakura: *sighs* They make such a cute couple... But I've gotta take him for a wardrobe change, too... *sips her wine cooler again* Satsuki: *is suddenly, unexplainably, and absolutely happy* Satsuki: *rests her head on Tetsuya's shoulder and relaxes as they dance* Sakura: Hmm... He better keep his hand on her hip... *takes another sip, has hit the paranoid drunken state... a little while longer, and she'll actually get drunk* Tetsuya: *absolutely confused, unsure if he's happy or scared to death or protective or anything at all* Satsuki: *has her eyes closed, trusting that Tetsuya won't steer the two of them into some other couple* Tetsuya-san... Tetsuya: *manages to keep his voice under control with great effort* Yes? Satsuki: Thanks. This is really nice... Tetsuya: *for once meaning it* It's - my pleasure. Sakura: *wobbles around in her chair* Hoo boy... *has finished her wine cooler* Satsuki: *sighs happily and keeps dancing* Soji: Umm... Excuse me... *taps Satsuki on the shoulder* Satsuki: !.! Satsuki: *turns around, letting go of Tetsuya* Oh, Soji-san... ^-^;;; Tetsuya: -.- Soji: I'm sorry... Anou... If you found someone else, go ahead... Satsuki: Anouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Tetsuya: *bows to Satsuki* Thank for an - interesting time, but I should really go. My business never rests. Satsuki: If - if you're sure... *doesn't really want him to go, but doesn't want to hurt Soji, either* Tetsuya: I'm afraid so. *bows again, then disappears into the crowd* Soji: *looks sad* Oh, I'm really sorry... You liked him, and I chased him away... Satsuki: *smiles at him, scrubbing at her eyes a little absently* No, no, it's fine... do you want to dance? Sakura: *is yelling at the bouncer* What do ya shmean, I haff to leave... I didn't do nothin'... Soji: Uh... I would dance, but I think your friend is in trouble. Satsuki: ^-^;;; Whoops. Satsuki: Well, I better go take care of her - but first... Soji: ? Satsuki: *smiles a little shyly* What's your email? Maybe we could get together and go dancing again sometime... Soji: Uh... *looks nervous* Umm... Satsuki: ^-^ Soji: *looks really embarrassed* ShinSoji_69... That's my email... Satsuki: Thanks. I'll drop you a line, okay? Ja ne! *runs over to the bar* Soji: *waves* Bye... *suddenly curls up a little and gets excited* That's the first girl who ever wanted my email!!! Bartender: Now, look here, miss... Satsuki: What's the matter? Sakura: I wash justa... sking for 'nother... wine cooler... *hanging on the bar* Satsuki: *sighs* Sakura-san - I think you've reached your limit... Sakura: *looks up at the bartender* You're cute! Kiss me!! Bartender: *politely* Thank you, but no. Bartender: She's over it. You had better take her home. Satsuki: I will, sir. Sakura: Hmph... Fine... I already haff a GIRLfriend, y'know... *hiccups* Satsuki: ^-^;;; Come on, Sakura-san, let's go. Then you can kiss E-chan all you want. Sakura: Okay... *follows Satsuki* Satsuki: *carefully leads Sakura back to the apartment building, supporting her the entire time* Sakura: Damn... You look good, Satsuki... Did K-chan ever hit on you? Sakura: *hiccups and gazes at her with glazed over eyes* Satsuki: *stiffly* No. She knows I'm not like that. Sakura: Okay... Where is K-chan? *looks around, nearly falls* Satsuki: She's probably asleep. Can you get in the apartment by yourself? Sakura: Sure! *looks confused* Where is that, again? Satsuki: *sighs* One floor up, number 63. Sakura: Okay... Ja ne, 'Suki-chan! I had fun... *stumbles up the stairs* Satsuki: *softly* Me, too... oh, me, too... Satsuki: *goes into her and Suzuki's apartment and takes out Val* Satsuki: Some night, huh, Val? Val: *beeps* Satsuki: Yes. *smiles suddenly, lighting up her whole face* Yes, it was. *And the scene fades.* Credits: Satsuki: Hokuto Kuzuki Sakura: XxGigasboltxX Tetsuya: Hokuto Kuzuki Soji: XxGigasboltxX Random Guy: Hokuto Kuzuki Random Girl: XxGigasboltxX Young Lady: Hokuto Kuzuki Bouncer: XxGigasboltxX Bartender: Hokuto Kuzuki Val: Hokuto Kuzuki Other Dancer: XxGigasboltxX Saleslady: Hokuto Kuzuki