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What Goes on in the Old Fart's Lab?
The Fart & His Pokemon

Oak has lots of pokemon at his estate, of course he IS a pokemon professor, so you know he needs lots of pokemon so he can do research. It's funny, the pokemon he holds for Ash seem to be er...interesting. For example...

Let's just look at the picture here, shall we? Muk was found in the smelly sewers of Darktown...I think. Anyway, as soon as Ash got him, he sent him off to the Old Fart. This set off a bad chain reaction. Of course, Krabby and Tauros aren't really the kind like the smelly, hump-loving Muk and his good friend...


Yes, Heracross. He sure is an interesting pokemon. The first few moments Ash saw Heracross he was doing this...

And as if that wasn't enough, he was with a bunch of other Heracrosses. Poor Heracross doesn't understand that the other pokemon don't like it when you suck them.

Our poor innocent friend, Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur, you don't have to take that crap!

That's it Bulbasaur!
Anyway, of course, not much longer after Ash captures Heracross, Ash wants to trade him in for Tauros so he can compete in a tournament. When he tells the Old Fart this, Oaky says, "Why, I've been wanting to do some research with Heracross." So Ash unknowingly sends the incredibly excited and anxious Heracross to the Professor. And there Heracross stays. Coincedence, I THINK NOT! Even way before any of the pokemon there was still...


I'm aware that Ash's mom is NOT a pokemon! This just supports the evidence of Professor Oak's sick obsession with pokemon, and even people. Somehow he just sucks them in with his Let's hope this sort of magnet does not work through television screens. *shudder* And how can we forget the poor, young, sweet, cute...

Enough said...

To the Main Fart!