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Well, if you eat a lot of beans, you can make a fart too! ^_^;

That's not me, it's just I thought you would like a pretty picture to look at. ^_^; Sorry for all you anti-Brock peeps out there. Anypoo, hi, it's me! Me is the person who made this page. Um...anypoo, uh...I guess I can say I like watching anime (douh!). My favorite series are Slayers (all three), Outlaw Star, Tenchi, and yes, Pokemon. SO SUE ME! I just really hope they make a Pocket Monsters subtitled someday. I also like Here is Greenwood, and I like what I've seen of Evangalion. I have too many favorite characters to name all of them (I'ma very indecisive person ^_^;) My fav bishies are Brock, Zel, James, Butch, Tracey, Shinobu, Gene, Tenchi...too many to name. Hmm, what can I say. Oh, I know. First off, why did I make this site? Well, I like Pokemon (not the cards, and video game, but the show. not as much as other anime though!) and I guess you can say I find a lot of humor in farts and poop. I guess I get it from my brother. It seems his comeback to everything is "Your butt," or whenever he makes fun of something there's poop involved. When you think about it though, poop is really funny. Like the poopie list, if you haven't read it, you should search for it on the internet, it's SOOOO true! of it. As far as farts go, I think my sister and grandpa are the only ones who hasn't laughed when you start smelling a raunchy gas attack. I always seem to laugh when someone calls somebody an "Old Fart" and Professor Oak just seems to fit that description. Besides, there's no Professor Oak shrines out there. So, I'm gonna *stands on top of mountain, screaming* DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN THIS WORLD!!! I have a couple other sites, if you want to check them out. Dee and Haley's Pokemon Partay is a site I made with my best buddy since preschool, Dee. She takes care of Team Rocket, and I do Brockie. (NOT THAT KIND OF DO!) Although, we help each other out on some stuff. Anypoo, a site we've started with Jessie (Dee's cousin), swimmingtrunks87 (ST for short) and Jess(we met Jess and ST in a club) about shippings in different shows is called Shippers Anonymous. It's just starting out. Dee, Jessie and I are also founders of a club called The Democracy of Anime. Enough with the ads. ^_^; If you feel like talking to me *everyone runs away*. Um...well, here's some ways to contact me anyway.

Yahoo Screen Name: brock_is_mine
MSN Screen

You can email me on either one of those. I don't know why I did it separate like that, I guess to make me look organized. ^_^; Anypoo, also, I just have to add this in. I love music! But I hate bubblegum pop!
>:( TIS THE DEVIL! Okay, I'm done now. See you peeps later! Actually, I er...never see you. But you meant what I know! Oh wait...that's not right...

To the Main Fart!