Rules and Regulations
1. A story may be entered into more than one category..
2. You may enter more than one story into a single category. 3. You are allowed to enter as many stories as you would like to enter. 4. There must be at least 5 entries in a category for it to run. 5. A story may not be entered two years in a row. 6. A winning story may never be entered again. 7. A story that has won a different fanfic contest may not be entered. 8. There will only be one winner per category, with few exceptions. 9. The story must be based on one of the allowed series. (See Categories) 10. In the crossovers, the story must either be a mix of two or more of these categories, or have only a small part of another series. 11. Crossovers can also be submited into categories under each series in it. For example, if it's a romantic crossover between Sailor Moon and DBZ you can submit it for Best Sailor Moon Romance, Best DBZ Romance, and Best Crossover. 12. I apologize for rules 9 & 10, but as much as I regret it, these are the only anime shows my friends and I have seen so we don't feel adequately informed to judge other series. This may change in the future. 13. In the overall categories, a story can't win overall in their series and overall in the entire contest. The person who wins best overall in the entire contest can assume they had the best in their series, and that the best overall in their series was second place. 14. You don't directly enter the overall categories. Entering your story into any other category enters it into the overall categories. The overall categories are Best One-shot, Best Multi-part, and (duh) Best Overall. 15. If your story doesn't seem to fit into any of the categories, go ahead and enter it into the closest match or into Random Insanity. Remember, even if you don't win the category, you can still win the overall. 16. Yaoi/Yuri is allowed, along with non-yaoi. 17. Don't even think about flaming me or any of my judges/technicians/artists. We will keep track of any one whom flames us, and you will be disqualified from this and all future contests. Oh yeah, and we'll post your name and flame for all to see. 18. No trashing other writers, fics, or sites in your stories. 19. You may only enter your own fic. If you feel someone else has a great fic, and they should enter it in the contest, write them an e-mail informing them of this and of the contest and have them enter it themselves. 20. Be honest. Plain and simple. 21. No plagiarism. If we find out you've plagiarized, which is likely, you'll be banned from this and all future contests. 22. No bragging if you win or sulking if you lose. 23. I'd greatly prefer for you to give me a sight address that links directly to where the fic is archived, but if your fic hasn't been archived yet, I understand that it would be impossible to do so (duh). In that case, simply cut and paste your story into an e-mail. If you do the sight address, I want the link that goes directly to the story, not the link to the homepage of the sight the story is on. 24. For doujinshi, we have to have a site adress for it. Attachments won't work; copying and pasting won't work. It has to be a site address. 25. The due date to have the story submited by is December 31st, 2002. 26. If you're confused by anything or have any questions, feel free to E-MAIL ME