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Waffles : Crumpets :: widdle : Gaaaa
9-april-2003 - 13:14
Never knows best

hewwoooo shmoopy
so here i am at 7:47pm
writing you yet another epic
i hope your enjoying yourself in your new house
im certinly having a ball in this one
so as you know im off to the movies tomorrow to see the matrix, again
and your welcome to join byron and myself if you like
our bus is leaving at 10:20 so make sure your over at my house as soon as possible
ive also gotta get new work shoes
as the ones i have at the moment have fallen apart
im going to get some colorado boots
"that way you can wear them outside of work as well" thanks mum
so im sure byron will have another great time shopping with me
first jewlerey then shoes
how could he not have fun

so today at work was alot easier and quieter
but i was still called in early just incase and i was stuck back late because we couldnt get some bastard customers out
at the back of the store where the staff parking is, theres a small bush area and a water catchment behind that
so yesterday the catchment overflowed and there was about a foot of water through the parking lot and the far right corner of the store got really wet
so apparently thats what stuffed the registers because theres some stuff back there to do with them
and thats y there wasnt anyone on the floor to take fone calls, because they were all too busy moping up the mess
so im glad im getting a bit more money this week
but its all going to be gone when i buy the shoes

i hope you slept ok last nigh
after i hung up i stared at the roof for about 30 mins then i tried reading for about an hour
then tried to go back to sleep
but i ended up just staring at the roof for pretty much the entire night
so im stoofed
but that flat coke has seemed to help
im starting to read warlock again
i got about 10 pages through it last time then gave up
but im a little further now and its going ok
so lets hope i dont find something ill find more interesting untill im done with it

so last night while you were out i spent my time by having a shower
then i had dinner
then i fucked around on line for a little while and redesigned this very pretty site your looking at at the moment
then i got bored and went downstarse and lied on the couch while chris played zelda again
then he put on the latest buffy series that hes just bought
so i watched about half an episode then got bored and went to read
then i talked to you
so like i said last night
a very slow and boring night indeed

*points out the fact that hes managed to cover up the nasty angelfire advertising completley*


so anyway its a very late 8:10 now and im very sleepy so im going to be going to bed
i know that this epic isnt very good or even interesting but its the best i can do under the circumstances


so ill probably talk to you later tonight
i love you shmoopy
i miss you way too much
and i cant wait to see you again

*eats shmoopys tummy*

bi bi
sexy legs