Name/Alias: Liz, liz_chan

Gender: Female

Age: None of your buisness!

Birthday: August 15

Zodiac Sign: Leo (the lion, grrrrrr)

Hobbies: Reading, writing, sleeping, um.....putting off work.

Favorite Music Artist: Eve6 at the moment.

Favorite Song: Teenage Dirt Bag!! By Weedus (Thanks Aenne!)

Favorite Author: Poppy Z. Brite

Favorite Book: A tie between Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite and Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind.

Favorite Movie: Um....The Empire Strikes Back At least that's my favorite off the top of my head.

Favorite Food: Peanut Butter M&M's. Yummmmm.

Favorite Anime: Neon Genisis Evangelion!!! Or The Slayers. OK, both are my favorite.

Favorite Manga: Inu-Yasha.

Favorite Anime Character: Zelgadis from The Slayers