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Name :   _lovelywhite_135
Age :   23
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   hamtaro
Favorite Game :   that volcano game on neopets
Comments :   Your website is the best!!(better than mine..and I hate to say that) Grrrr..I waaan know how ta make animations.Im a really great html hacker though.HeHeHeHe.Oops Ive gone nuts.
Name :   elementor65
Age :   16
Favorite Anime :   Metropolis
Favorite Game :   Golden Sun, MMBN
Comments :   It is so cool that you made the shoyru! It's the top neopet! Even I was thinking about changing my Pteri into one!
Name :   angelpeach88 (Jenn)
Age :   16
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Awesome pet page, seriously, and great statistics on your pet! I'm glad that I found out your pet ;)
Name :   angelpeach88
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Hey, I didn't know any other way to contact you, but your in-box is full, and I can't mail you:) Please mail me when you empty it, thanks and see you! Great site! lol
Name :   rodawig
Age :   ?
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   TV is EVIL!!!!!!!
Favorite Game :   gameboy pokemon silver/gold/crystal
Comments :   I love your site.Shoyrus are my fav neopet, I'm in a shoyru guild, I'll have to tell them about your site!
Name :   Unknown
Age :   15
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   Sakura Diaries?
Favorite Game :   All Final Fantasy games
Comments :   The work really payed off, I'm quite pleased to your homepage
Name :   Nikki
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Hi, Im Nikki my name on here is lillovebueg1989 I like ur Shoyru/Eyrie. I just saw u wanted more plp to sign so I did Email me plz.
Name :   blu
Age :   14
Favorite Anime :   ...umm... hmm... there's a toughy. I dunno.
Favorite Game :   Mario Kart 64,SSB (and Melee), and I like stuff
Comments :   That's a really cool story of the shoyru. And so that would mean that, in artist's view, the shoyru would look like a mew with dragon wings and a dragon tail? intresting... Also, why don't you just use a transfigoramation potion on Shoyru?
Name :   Ryoushin
Age :   17
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Love Hina
Favorite Game :   Phantasy Star Online
Comments :   Hey, just checkn' out your new page.. very cool! keep up the good work!! ^^
Name :   Deathcharge
Age :   10
URL :   http://
Favorite Anime :   Dragonball Z
Favorite Game :   too many to count, sorry
Comments :   I'm whirlwind21. I have too many favorite games. I can't tell between them.
Name :   Tashi
Age :   16
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   SAILOR MOON!!!
Favorite Game :   Super Smash Bros. Melee
Comments :   I LIKE ANIME!!! YAH!!! I like vidio games!!! I`m a girl and im bored...*sigh*
Name :   butta_fly95
Age :   10 1/2
URL :   ?
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   Wow? How are you so succsessful? Can you give me some pointers? Neomail me. -butta_fly95
Name :   Eve Tan
Age :   14
URL :   -----------------
Favorite Anime :   NIL
Favorite Game :   why must i tell you ?!
Comments :   Maybe you should put alittle backround!
Name :   aztec meat loaf
Age :   1851
Favorite Anime :   booger man
Favorite Game :   banana blast
Comments :   i eat eggs.
Name :   piratess97
Age :   Hm....
URL :   None
Favorite Anime :   None
Favorite Game :   Neopets (does that count?)
Comments :   This is such an awesome site--I couldn't do HTML like this if my life depended on it! .
Name :   Kris
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   
Name :   Kris
Age :   14
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   salor moon?
Favorite Game :   Zelda?
Comments :   Hey, you really created shoyru? too cool. I own a green one and im gonna own a red one soon. They're the cutest things! So I guess I have you to thank for my neopet that I love so much!
Name :   pookie61
Age :   18
URL :   sorry
Favorite Anime :   ranma
Favorite Game :   crazy taxi
Comments :   real cool and professional and very comfortable/smooth to follow
Name :   Meghan
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   sailor moon
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   i love your site!!!!!!
Name :   Proloto
Age :   18
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   battle dome toshiden
Favorite Game :   zelda: ocerena of time
Comments :   interesting little page ya got here.. pretty neat though :)
Name :   Pam
Age :   10
Favorite Anime :   Pokemon!!!!
Favorite Game :   Pokemon!!!!
Comments :   I LOVE SHOYRU!!!!! Uhhhh yah
Name :   Dillon
Age :   18
URL :   n/a
Favorite Anime :   yu-gi-oh
Favorite Game :   final fantasy 7
Comments :   nice page man i think that u should go for that job chat wit u later peace out
Name :   Eric
Age :   13
URL :   n/a
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   SSBM
Comments :   That's totally awesome that you created Shoyru!!! Nice web page, too!
Name :   Shoyru
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   no
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   Shoyrus rule!
Name :   Kate D (pheonix994)
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Horse
Favorite Game :   Monopoly
Comments :   yo trade with me at the trading post. i want treasure maps
Name :   shiroiusagi
Age :   ??
Favorite Anime :   CCS
Favorite Game :   FFVIII
Comments :   I like this site nice nice nice!
Name :   D. K. (its not Donkey Kong!)
Age :   somewhere between 10 and 20....
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   hmm.. I used to watch all kinds of anime but the lately I've been glued to the computer
Favorite Game :   Final Fantasy/Everquest (but I quit it; too addicting)/Neopets/hopefully soon Dark Age of Camelot/a few other RPGs
Comments :   nice site. :D the part about rpgs being long, fun, and having almost no replay value is 550% true. the only thing missing is backround music.. preferably final fantasy music :P
Name :   crazy_kitten88
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Wow! You're a good artist! I didn't know where Shoyrus came from! Your page is great! :)
Name :   Christina
Age :   12
Favorite Anime :   dragonball z (DUH)
Favorite Game :   erm...probley tony hawk 2 for ps
Comments :   Hi Ur A Really Good Artist, I Hope To Be As Good As You Someday! ^u^
Name :   Mike
Age :   14
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Cowboy Bebop
Favorite Game :   tales of phantasia
Comments :   Hey did u create the shoyru?
Name :   cabra_capricorn
Age :   19
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   *scratches head *ah I like them all!
Favorite Game :   Black and white/Sims/neopets
Comments :   Horray for Shoyrus! Thank you some much for createing them! psst I love you for it!!
Name :   Jackie
Age :   13
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   FAB WEB PAGE! I can't believe that I would find here the creator of my favourite and most popular pet- the Shoyru! Thanks ever so much for creating this neopet!!
Name :   Adrienne
Age :   13
Favorite Anime :   i dont like anime!!!!!!
Favorite Game :   harry potter trivia game
Comments :   your sites really cool its awsome how u created the shoyru. i love my shoyru shes the cutest thing ever well at least striped shoyrus are. thank you for inventing the shoyru. seya
Name :   Lvr
Age :   15
Favorite Anime :   CCS
Favorite Game :   Golden Sun
Comments :   Hey mew ^^ I just wanted to sign ur book =P I love ur drawings look so animeish! =P cya later someitme ^^
Name :   Page
Age :   17
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   erm...i dunno
Favorite Game :   half life =)
Comments :   Uve done an amazing job on this site! keep it up!
Name :   mooneevee
Age :   10
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Sailor Moon
Favorite Game :   Pokemon Gameboy games!
Comments :   ur site is soooooooooooooo cool!
Name :   Steven
Age :   12
Favorite Game :   ff!!!
Comments :   cool page!
Name :   NCol3010
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   All! ( sept gundum wing!)
Favorite Game :   Golden Sun & Pokemon (all versions)
Comments :   Just wanted to say tat your page is rockin! Way cool! I used to have a shoyru but now I'm into lupes...
Name :   Rachel
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   dragon ball z
Favorite Game :   dont have one
Comments :   ur page is really good and so is shoyru i can never seem to get a pet that good iv had to get many accounts becuz of errors a things and i been playing 4 almost 2years
Name :   Steph
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Sweet page. Very confusing on the topic that you have an eyrie called Shoyru! You're awesome at graphics. You said to sign your guestbook and I am. So... yeah. Seriously, this is an awesome website. Nice layout.
Name :   zain009
Age :   009
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   gundum wing
Favorite Game :   super mario sunshine
Comments :   I think this is a good site,but it could be lightened up
Name :   Alyssa
Age :   14
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Umm... I dunno =(
Favorite Game :   Too many to list!
Comments :   This is a great website. I think it is awesome and, yes, it does look very professional. Thank you for the pleaseure of seeing a site that is actually worth my time! Lol
Name :   Shoyrus Rule
Age :   11
Favorite Anime :   neopets
Favorite Game :   RollerCoaster Tycoon
Comments :   SHOYRUS RULE!!!
Name :   Jamie
Age :   14
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Cowboy Bebop!
Favorite Game :   Any Zelda game!
Comments :   I LOVE NINTENDO!
Name :   Dreameralltheway@neopets
Age :   14
URL :   df
Favorite Anime :   df
Favorite Game :   dfads
Comments :   great page
Name :   Dreameralltheway
Age :   12
URL :   @yahoo
Favorite Anime :   lotz
Favorite Game :   lotz
Comments :   nice background
Name :   les2582
Age :   9
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   ffx
Favorite Game :   ffx
Comments :   hmmmmm
Name :   jakiib
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   DBZ
Favorite Game :   pikmen [gamecube]
Comments :   yoyr site is soooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name :   N. C.
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   ???
Favorite Game :   ???
Comments :   How are you able to do all those things with Shoyru and still have time for whatever else you do?
Name :   Michael
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Hi!I hear you make good pictures!