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Name :   Winter
Age :   10
URL :   dont have 1
Favorite Anime :   whats a Anime?
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   I love your shoyru! how did you win? can I be your neofriend? my username is: Winters_flower
Name :   li9200000000
Age :   10
URL :   Don't have one.
Favorite Anime :   What's an anime?
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   I like your pet's page.
Name :   Michael
Age :   8
Favorite Anime :   dont have one
Favorite Game :   super smash brothers
Comments :   the pictures are great!
Name :   Tracy
Age :   11
URL :   ???
Favorite Anime :   Not telling
Favorite Game :   Don't know
Comments :   what did the original shoyrus looked like?
Name :   alkal
Age :   9
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   meerca chase
Comments :   are you realy the creater of the shoyru? and if you are, congradulitons on creating the most popular neopet!
Name :   alkal
Age :   9
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   meerca chase
Comments :   are you realy the creater of the shoyru? and if you are, congradulitons on creating the most popular neopet!
Name :   Samantha
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Flame of Recca/Curios Play
Favorite Game :   Neopets
Comments :   Great site but how do you do it?
Name :   Kiriska
Age :   14
Favorite Anime :   Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z (can't decide)
Favorite Game :   Pokemon Silver. ^_~
Comments :   I adore the shoyru. It's simple. When I joined Neopets, I was Pokemon fanatic who's favorite Pokemon was Mew. I was also hooked on Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders. The shoyru was a dream come true. ^_^ Your famous! I'd just like to congratulate you, even th
Name :   Kroon308
Age :   12
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Dragonballz
Favorite Game :   SSBM (Gamecube)
Comments :   Great homepage
Name :   webmaster555
Age :   young
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   Krobats Lab
Comments :   You got really nice site here! try searching for me at neopets!
Name :   faerie_usul_lover(sarah)
Age :   Teenager(not telling real age)
URL : and
Favorite Anime :   Dragon Ball Z
Favorite Game :   Final Fantasy
Comments :   I like this site.I like shoyrus more!!!They're my favorite neopet!!!!!!!!
Name :   jenniferwood52
Age :   9
URL :   http:/
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   Tug-o-war
Comments :   Um...why on earth did you call your EYRIE SHOYRU?????
Name :   Devon
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   Driver 2
Comments :   Cool webpage how did you make it like that?
Name :   hieverybody51
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   dogs
Favorite Game :   UNO Blitzo
Comments :   
Name :   Melissa
Age :   10
Favorite Anime :   pokemon
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   i love neopets and i love this page, the animations..oo and i do believe neopets stole the idea of shoyru form u buy its soo cute!
Name :   thanatos1012002
Age :   12
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   
Name :   My2
Age :   17
Favorite Anime :   Doraemon
Favorite Game :   Bust a Move ahhaha
Comments :   HeY FrAaAaAAnkLin. ReMeMbeR me??? WeLl anYwaYs. I viSiteD yOuR WeBpAge aNd it wAs tHe bOmb. sO seriOus. I liKe iT a lOt. iF yA hAve timE viSit mine. SeE yA
Name :   Michael
Age :   eleven
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   
Name :   Mike
Age :   11
URL :   ?
Favorite Anime :   im not sure
Favorite Game :   megamanx4 or final fantasy 10
Comments :   PRETTY COOL!!! too bad theres no music on it though...
Name :   Exiled
Age :   Meaningless
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   kotetsu
Favorite Game :   Thrill Kill
Comments :   How much money did you get on this dea, eh. I'm curious. Man someguys get lucky, a stroke of what apeals to some other guy, and by looking at the popularity ratings, more of the people on Neopets than any other crazy idea. Heh, but they sure draw it a lot
Name :   1337 '1'
Age :   404 |\|0|\|3 0f jor business
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   bastard
Favorite Game :   Project Ego I AM FROM THE FUTURE
Comments :   So I can just drag and drop the little images onto my desktop just like that? well thats good!
Name :   hey_tabby
Age :   13
URL :   ?
Favorite Anime :   ?
Favorite Game :   ?
Comments :   mew
Name :   LadyWolfB2C
Age :   
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Umm... Pikachu's cute....
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   I just LOVE the shoyru! It's the most popular neopet! Mine is called sandy_shoy, and she's just ADORABLE! Can we be neofriends or do you have way too many already?
Name :   me
Age :   12
Favorite Anime :   no
Favorite Game :   no
Comments :   go see my cool site! plus this is the best pet page ive ever seen!!!
Name :   Maaike4ever
Age :   12
URL :   sorry /
Favorite Anime :   DragonballZ
Favorite Game :   the sims
Comments :   Yo this site is so cool I really like anime 2 I draw it ! But youre site rocks!
Name :   Azura Wannman
Age :   12
Favorite Anime :   Card Captors
Favorite Game :   Truth or Dare
Comments :   I think your site is really cool, compared to mine. Where do you get this stuff?!
Name :   blueberry_girl37381
Age :   11
Favorite Anime :   Digimon and Pokemon
Favorite Game :   ???
Comments :   This is the coolest site ever!
Name :   Meryl
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   oo... Tenchi Muyo
Favorite Game :   Final Fantasy 7 to Present
Comments :   Great, great, great, great site. You must teach me, o mighty master. I am still young and foolish. ^_^ heh, heh, heh...
Name :   Proloto
Age :   17
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   first time i been here :o
Name :   Kayla
Age :   N/A
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   ?
Favorite Game :   cheat
Comments :   i like both your site and your pets ite. they are both cool.i just think that they look too much alike like the section where you choose like to go to guest book it is the same as your pets
Name :   Lysander Huynh
Age :   18
Favorite Anime :   Any as long as it's good!
Favorite Game :   Hmm.. Let's see James Bond 007 : Agent under fire
Comments :   Hey franklin, Get to link to my site now!
Name :   Jamie
Age :   11
URL :   ???
Favorite Anime :   Dog
Favorite Game :   ???
Comments :   Hi!!!
Name :   Kristi
Age :   13
Favorite Anime :   Cardcaptors, sailor moon and more ^^
Favorite Game :   um, hard one, i like pokemon games there pretty cool and croc and..... LOTS!!!!!!!!!!
Comments :   WoW WiCkEd SiTe!!!! KeEp Up ThE GoOd WoRk!!! Ps- ShOyRu'S RuLe!!!!!!
Name :   angels_rule_2_me
Age :   19
URL :   none
Favorite Anime :   sailormoon
Favorite Game :   meerca chase
Comments :   This site is the best Ive seen!
Name :   petmaster616
Age :   10
Favorite Anime :   Dragonball Z/ Zoids/ YuGiOh
Favorite Game :   Omelette Defender
Comments :   I like DBZ, YGO, and ZD's.
Name :   amber20002rock
Age :   12
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   hi there i relly like your pets state its better then mine my pet has the same name as your to
Name :   Tomb_dragon (alex)
Age :   18
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   neopets
Comments :   Hi, vote for my pets and neomail me!
Name :   seasawn
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   Tenchi in Tokyo
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   I love your site mew, and your Shoyru! Keep up the good work ~.^
Name :   justine
Age :   14
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   hm...dun rilly watch them..sry
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   i have a shoyru as my first pet. they are so cool. thanks for creating them!!!
Name :   Alesia
Age :   12
Favorite Anime :   DBZ, DB, Techi
Favorite Game :   Final Fantasy V
Comments :   Well i really liked your sight. you like anime almost as much as i do. well abount anime i HATE the way tenchi treats Ryoko. BYE
Name :   casey
Age :   12
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   AWESOME website! and thanks for making shoyru's! without you i wouldn't have one of my favorite pets!
Name :   Cassie
Age :   12
URL :   wish i had one!
Favorite Anime :   none
Favorite Game :   CHEAT!!!!!!!!!
Comments :   AWESOME site! and thanks for making my favorite pet! without you there'd be no shakulani!
Name :   yum9
Age :   11
Favorite Anime :   Yu-Gi-Oh!,Cardcaptors,DBZ,Digimon
Favorite Game :   Any N64 one
Comments :   Cool site
Name :   Angelfreak125
Age :   12
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   meerca chase
Comments :   The web page is really nice! I wish I could do that. Check out my pets page. I can't spell the name (my pet was adopted) so look up Angelfreak125 and click on the neopet name that starts with shoyru.
Name :   Cow559
Age :   10
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   I love shoyru's web page! My favorite Shoyru got into a frozen account :( I read that thing that said that if you were kind you would sign the guest book, and guess what, I am kind :) LOL -Cow559
Name :   Jasmyn
Age :   13
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   Diablo 2
Comments :   Hey there, I just wanted 21 say that DiabloII rocks!, E-mail me sometime bout it if ya want my e-mail is, my neopets name is mystikebeauty so... wat character and wat level and stuff like that. Peace out, Cya
Name :   My_Cat_Rusty
Age :   11
URL :   
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :   Ive used your Shoyru adotable and I love them, well not love them, but theyre cute!
Name :   Dave McCrossin
Age :   21
Favorite Anime :   NONE
Favorite Game :   NONE
Name :   BIKASH
Age :   12
Favorite Anime :   POKEMON
Favorite Game :   SIMPSONS RODE RAGE
Name :   Rebbeka Wagner
Age :   12
URL :   Http//:
Favorite Anime :   
Favorite Game :   
Comments :