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Pictures of My Cuties

The page you all wanted to see is here! Ah... look at all of those sexy, cute, hot, handsome... er, guys!
What about pathetic?
SHUT UP!!!! You're pathetic!
Am I the one who kisses and hugges pictures and plushies?
That's what I thought. Now, before I embarass you some more, I'm going to tell the fans what to do.
But that's MY job!!! It's my site after all!!
Fine, have it your way.
I'll just have to tell the fans the other thing you do. OK, listen up! Kayu takes a picture of a cutie, goes to her bed, and then she...
NOOOOOO!!!!!!! Don't tell them that!!! TELL THEM WHAT TO DO!!!! Have my job of doing that! Just don't say it!
^_^ I knew you would see my way was the best way.
^evil glare^
Alrighty, fans, just click on the anime, video game, or manga series you want to see pictures of, and there you will see pictures from that series. If you want the picture just right click on it, and click the option 'save as'. Please remember to add a link to this site if you take a picture for your website. Ja ne!
^still glaring evily^ I do it much better.

Anime Cutie Pictures

Video Game Cutie Pictures

Manga Cutie Pictures

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