Me, Myeslf, and I?s little blab corner. Not to mention info on Updates!
*I now have 103 MESSED UP PICS, and 42 NORMAL PICS, that makes 145 in total.*
*CHARLENE'S DIARY is my BigSis's diary so if you go there to read it then be nice when you leave comments. And if you leave bad comments then I will sick my flying monkeys on you! >_<*
*CHARLENE'S PAGE is a page that tells you about Charlene and no one else. She's got some pretty good links though so check it out!*
*All comments and criticisms should be sent to I enjoy hearing from people so send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions!*
07/26/03 - hey peoples! jeeze its taking forever to keep this page going. i can't let it go though. it's like a long term goal...or sumthing.....ya know..... oh well. sorry about it taking so long. i was waiting for the poll to hit 25. evidently i did and no one told me..... hmmm gonna have to fix that.... yea so the winners of this poll were ::drum roll please:: LOVE HINA!!!!!! wow!! you guy took me back with that one. i just did that one already. amazing.. you guys must like that cartoon a lot. the runners up were DRAGONBALL/Z/GT, i must say thats a good pick! pulling up the rear is RUROUNI KENSHIN, SAILOR MOON, and GUNDAM WING. as soon as i get new pics of all thease series i can do a lil updating. although i'm telling you guys ahead of time. i'm probably only gonna do DBZ in the runners up page..... if , i even wanna still do a runners up another thuing to think about......N-E-WAYS! enjoy the site!! take the poll! sign the guest book!!!!! =^_^= ................DO NOT RIP OFF MY PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASK FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!