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So you have come to learn the truth. prepare yourself . . .

The Facts:

1) He is green
This suggests green pigmented chloroplasts, an identifying charcteristic of plants.

2) He only eats senzu beans and drinks water
Do I really need to say it? Slugs eat decaying plant matter. Plants eat water, and get nutrients from stuff that's dissolved in the water.

3) He can regenerate himself.
Plants do. slugs just shrivel up and die. (Saba stares at Kapok. Kapok looks kinda guilty)

4) Nameks are asexual.
not many slugs are. lots of flowers are.

The arguments:

1) Piccolo moves
Not all plants are cessile. In the rainforest, trees have hinges in the stem where it is joint to the leaves. the joint enables the tree to move their leaves to face the sun. Also, various shrubs and many cacti can walk around, when nobody is watching them*

2) Piccolo has no roots
Ever hear of tumbleweed? (again...)

3) He can speak
well, he did come from a different planet . . .

4) Piccolo has teeth
and when I dressed up as dracula in grade 3, I used the exact same thing. and I know my Grandad's teeth arn't real, either. (he used to take them out to scare me) examine the picture. his false teeth are almost falling out here!

5)Piccolo has antennas
HELLO, have you ever heard of flower buds? Or perhaps they are stems. like the grapevine, sending out little shoots. yeeaahh...

6)Piccolo has ears
Ther're leaves. well think about it, there big, green, convenitently leaf shaped. how else do you think he can absorb CO2?

Be aware the following image is scientific proof that Piccolo is indeed a plant. Those who wish not to see this PROOF ( MHU ahahahhahahahahahahahhahhaah hahahahahahahahahahha we are right!!!) can go back to home now

*not proven fact, however acc. to many cartoons this is so.

Okay, we have other points to make, and they'll get up in their own time. But till then, this it THE site. (remember you heard it here first... wait, does that sound too tacky?) The Public deserves to know the truth.