is the man!!

What can I say!? he's just the man!! Look at him! He has the best pose! Hes funny and cool all at the same time. lol.  He was in Final Fantasy 7 and 8 and possibly some other ones, but those are the only ones I know about.  People don't give him his props like they should.

He is a boss in FF8, you go to a island in the south, called Cactuar Island, It has little cactuars and there are little cactuars and a Big Cactuar. Like the one above, except the big one has a italian/french Mustache. lol.  you know, it curls like this @ on both sides.

He is a summon in FF8 as well, when he's fighting you his 1000 needles move looks really cool, and has a different look to it when he's on your side.  He's just so cool!! lol

What else!? He has 2 animation frames!! in FF7 and 8 then purposly gave him 2 animation frames! its so funny. heh. and the big one has only 4 animation frames.

Well, thats all for cactuar, I'll try to add some stuff to this if I can find (or make) some pics of cactuar in action. and I drew a picture of him! I'll add it to the artwork section when I can.

*_* KKL

Hyashibara Megumi 100 reasons why Edge shouldn't be the man!!
Rahzel Sniff
Mr. Bates Bruu
Hideo Kojima!!
