Princess of the Almorian Guardians
My name is Jinx Thorne,
I was born on the 11th day of the 11th month, at the 11th hour, during a full moon, my mother Rhiannon suffered not. While I was still inside of my mothers womb, Krendelstryk, the God of Magic blessed her and myself with a protection spell, some say this caused me to have unnatural abilities,

"Aye tis must be true so they say to this day".

At a early age I began to show such talents, I could always hear or see things others could not. My parents fearing for those who would come after me for such, sent me to the Shadowfae Coven for protection and learning, the Witches helped me to control my powers and looked after me as if I were their own, you see they also raised my mother. Upon turning 16 , I returned home. my family now was beginning anew as the Almorian Guardians.

I took up my place as Princess and began to train with my father and the warriors of the land, becoming a Ranger to serve my people.

When I was exploring in the forest as I usually do, I drew my bow to target a wolf I came upon. The wolf shifted much to my surprise and asked me to stop. I did and was pleased to meet a man named LocoLobo. We stayed together ever day and there was never a day we did not see each other.

One day an evil man that has haunted our family, named Majes, kidnapped my mother. It was necessary for me to seek her and rescue her from this man. LocoLobo was unable to go with me because his mother was ill and he had to go and be with her.

When I returned to find my love I found that there was a terrible snow storm and his tracks were gone. I was saddened but I had to move on hoping he would find me one day. I knew I loved him but I also knew that the time was not right.

:: Weapons I carry ::

Dagger bearing the letters Ag in emeralds on the handle ( sheath at my side)

Short Sword made of Mithrel (strapped to my back)

Bow with poison tipped arrows (in a beaded pouch over my right shoulder)

Bracers given to me by Dark-Void that when worn, can make me appear as anything I wish, or wish to wear.

And of course I always have my bats with me (given to me at birth by Lord-Mordred of the DD) to serve and protect, they get kinda nasty though if not fed.....LoL

I stand 5 ft. 6 inches tall being elven

Hair:: midnight black, wavy & long though I wear it in a long braid mostly.

Eyes:: violet with silver flecks, that flash totally bright silver when angered.

My attire is usually of suede, fur or leather made from pelts of my many hunts. My boots are thigh length of the same. I have many a gala gowns, but rarely will I be seen in them, although mother tries! Over all this I wear a hooded full length cloak to conceal my weapons.

One of my favorite past times is going exploring with my father the King, I am quite the daddy's girl you see. Unfortunately we have grown apart these days.

I am usually found in the forest surrounding my castle home. I sleep there most every night. I have friends in the wolves and can be seen with them often. I have become a loner type these days and the forest is my solice. Father seems to never be around these days either, therefore I hunt alone. I have developed a keen ablity for tracking and seldom hunt except for in the absolute of need.

Although I enjoy spending time with my sister I rarely interact with many others for long periods of time. My Sister Kristalin is my world.

One day in the Tyran pub my Lobo walked back into my life. I could'nt believe my eyes when I saw him. I married my first love as soon as possible. The ceremony was performed by Ag_Aria_Luna_HP in our home, The-Citadel. This marriage was to be a short one because the love was not true. I acted hastily and with memories of the past only. I loved Dragon Spyder in my heart. We had denied our true feelings for one another, but soon admitted the truth to ourselves and each other. We were married soon after.

Here is my story....

~ Blessed Be and Safe Passages to All ~

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