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Lord Henry's Rumpus Room

LHRR is undergoing some changes due to my developing interests.
It now has a kanji study section and more links to pages for those interested in Japan.

Also, in conjuction with the master programmer who created from scratch the pc blockbuster hit Ampersander comes a new section: "Games in the pipeline". Click here to find out more!

Anime analysis contains the secrets, mysteries and philosophies of the less lowbrow anime available in the western world.
Maths corner is a discussion point for the topics in maths that are currently in vogue in the western world.
Home Aloof contains resources for the critically acclaimed radio program "Home Aloof". It has proved to be a big hit with the western world.
Victoria square news is now gone due to a lack of current and topical news items within the western world.

Some worthy links

Simon's awesome page
Home Aloof
Christian's page
