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- Updates
Updating- 2.20.02 - Gohan  
Hey yo! Wel sorry for not updating.....I wasat camp for 4 days, and no cpu's. But also in oher news Kiss is done qith my layout so he'll get that up or me then ill start updaing. OH ea and the ol gif maker is back, ME!!!! Im startin to make gif more now so expect more to come

Updating- 2.20.02 - Gohan  
Hey Guy and Girls! Good news! I have 5 times more gifs then ever. I just need Kiss's layou then im ready to show them off. Also I interviewed Goton and VegettoHD you can find it in the Interviews section.
Thats all for now, see ya!

Updating- 2.20.02 - Gohan  
Hey Guy and Girls! Good news! I have 5 times more gifs then ever. I just need Kiss's layou then im ready to show them off. Also I interviewed VegettoHD you can find it in the Interviews section.
Thats all for now, see ya!

Updating- 2.20.02 - Gohan  
Hey guys and girls, Well im gonna finally do the images section. Also I am very sorry that I havent updated in a while. School has been a b----! Well now that school is set aside for today ill update most things like gifs , images, and maybe music video's or movie clips! Well besides the site, at school tommorow (which is 2.21.02)MY CLASS IS GETTING ANIMATION CLASS! I guess it will be fun, besides the fact that we know that we are making a 30 second animation that calls for 1,000 peices of paper to draw on. Oh yea and the layout id drawing closer.

You can help- 2.9.02 - Gohan  
Hey guys and girls!!!! Well im in kinda of a jam, But you guys can help!! Just click that GT-100 button under my topsites area and then you, can get me up to one of the top 10 best sites!

New Affiliate/ New Layout- 2.9.02 - Gohan  
Hey Guys And Girls, Well I have affiliated With Goku's new site. DBWired. His site will be up soon.

And in other news, After I have affiliated with KissDBZ it seems that I get a new layout. So i guess ill have to wait to say bye to this layout pretty soon.

New Affiliate- 2.7.02 - Gohan  
HI GIRLS AND GUYS!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT! I AFFILIATED WITH KISS!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! MAN IM SO LUCKY. Oh yea and he (personally) is making my layout!!! damn im super lucky


Good news and bad- 1.1.02 - Gohan  
Hi all! Well im working on the MGS2 story/game for the site. Oh yea and unfortunatley the HD Gallery is closed for a while. The gifs went crazy and Im gonna remodel the place anyway.

MGS2 Section is up!!!- 1.1.02 - Gohan  
I got the Metal Gear Solid 2 section up!!!! So go check it out! It has most things that a strategy book would! I'm also gonna put up a Boss section, to tell you about how to defeat them or slow 'em down. Well have a nice day!!!

I'm back!- 1.1.02 - Goku  
Hey, after a long time of thinking I've finnally decided to come back to the site. I'll be getting up as many of the pages as I can. Oh and by the way. Happy New Year!

Interviewed SSJared- 12.15.01 -Gohan  
Well I interviewed SSJared. So go check it out here

New Affiliate- 12.9.01 -Gohan  
Okay well AlecSaiyan/ Golden Data and I have affiliated. Well just wanted you guys to know.


Michael Store opened- 11.30.01 -Gohan  
Well today at school I opened my own DBZ/GT pics and graphics store. Well now I have a lot of people buying stuff, There my best customers! Well When I get a scanner I'll show you guys wut i drew for them here.

help!- 11.28.01 -Gohan  
Alrighty well Winter is here.....And my domain might be hault to a stop because I only have a 1 year domain so if you want to help us get at least 3 dollars so i can pay for the rest, just click on the sponsor button then you gave me automatically 5 cents. But dont worry its not your money.

Tutorial is going up- 11.3.01 -  
Okey Dokey then guys and girls... Well im the getting the tutorial section up (very slowy 0.o). Oh yea and i got a new MB up that lets me make people mods and stuff. So i fixed the MB thing so if you want to become a mod just ask me and you might get lucky......So just click on the link on the left Nav bar that directs you to the MB and thats it.
As much as i want to talk to ya guys and girls i have to go sometime. So so take that finger outa ur nose and listen! LOL! Well I g2g bye!
P.s. If you were really picking ur nose then your weird 0.o

Tutorial is going up- 11.3.01 -  
GOOD NEWS!!! Well im going to get te tutorial up today. There will be a "Gifs tutorial", "Making better gifs", "modifying gifs" and more.........

SO pretty much im going to work more. And i dont think the MAde By US section will be up soon though.

so wutever......i g2g bye

Good News- 10.30.01 -  
Hey guys and Girls. Well i have good news, I have some gifs on the way on to the Gifs section. I will also make the Made By Us section come alive today. So now all of the gifs i have made will be there.

I g2g.........bye

IM BACK!- 10.18.01 -  
Hi boys and girls well i have a very small update today but it is most exciting to me. Well i got a section called Tekken gifs/frames it is frames or gifs of the Tekken characters in Capcom frames so enjoy!

IM BACK!- 10.18.01 -  
Well hi boys and girls im back!!!! Well i went to SF so i was gone for a while........So im gonna get the HD2 Gallery up and some other galleries up k?


New gif sections! - 9.15.01 -  
Hey guys and girls I have gotten up the Marvel Gallery is up. Oh yea and the SNK Gallery, Capcom Gallery and the Marvel Galler are 100% done. I just need to do the HDGifs gallery

Well i gotta go........BYE!

Capcom Gallery up! - 9.15.01 -  
Hey guys good news for everone!! The Capcom gallery is up, AND drum roll please........::Drum roll::.......THE RIGTH CLICK BLOCK IS GONE!!!! SO GO IN THERE AND GET WUT EVER YOU WANT AS LONG AS YOU GIMME CREDIT!!!!

SNK Gallery up! - 9.15.01 -  
Hey guys wazzap!!!? Well I have good news!!! I got the SNK Gif Gallery up! YAY! Well ill be working on the Street Fighter Gifs Gallery!


Bombing - 9.11.01 -  
Today there was a terrorist attack/ bombing in Washington D.C. My heart goes out to anyone that lost a very close friend or family. I am very very very mad at the terrorist's action. I am also mad at the country that was laughing and partying in there streets for wut had happened.

Sorry - 9.10.01 -  
Sorry for the weird things that have been going on but ViNcE should be fixing it today. Since Xion messed a lot of things up I had to lay him off.

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