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<bgsound src="mugen.mp3" controls="smallconsole" loop=infinite>

Yuuhi rocks!!!

06.27.03 DAAAH~! The last update was a whole year ago! Well, it's me, miaka, updating for no good a reason. Well, I'm bored. Whatever, ciao!
7.28.02 shinigami: ugh.... whatever happened to this site?? it just kinda disappeared from our memories @_@ anyway... is anybody ever gonna work on this??? or have we all given up??? -_-; oh well, whatever... is kokoro still working on the esca site??? *silence* umm.... anyway.... i wonder if anybody's even gonna see this o_O anyway.... bai bai for now...

shinigami: yo!!! cool, you put up that song ^_^x. so, are we gonna just abandon this thing or what??? bobo went silent on here a long time ago...... hey, do you still work on the esca site??? hmm.... well, gotta go do homework now...... *sigh* damn french homework.........

Kokoro: Hey! Whoo, music! Sorry, just had to do it. But I wanna change the song later to something new. So, what IS going to happen to the site? Is it officially closed? We never do anything on it, and everytime one of us writes something, it's about how we SHOULD be working on this, LOL. I think we should acctually make two different sites if we were to do fy and AnC...I dunno. Baiz!
Never mind, I changed it.

yo!!! hey, when was that picutre added here???? isn't this supposed to be a fushigi ceres site??? hey bobo, aren't you gonna work on the site??? you're the only one that doesn't have to worry about exams or school work...... *glares*....... this site isn't really going anywhere... ever notice that this thing is just filled with a bunch of writing??? not really much stuff here....... (*sigh* there isn't even a background colour) anyway..... gotta go study now........

<----This da Rour...Ruo...R...whatever kenshin thing you like Bonnie? I thought the guy was supposed to be serious...Well, I think this is pretty kawaii ^_^ !
Hey guys! Look I did something! I uploaded Scarlet!! Yay! Well then, anyway...

shinigami: yo!!! happy new years!!! why isn't anybody working on the site??? i was the last to write on here..... you know what THAT means......waaaaa....... THE WORLD'S COMING TO AN END!!!!! ok, ok, maybe it isn't THAT bad.... but maybe somebody else other than me should write here..... just maybe..... o_O.... yeah..... gotta get back to writing my crappy poems, sayonara, no da...

shinigami: hey guys. hmm..... nobody's really writing anything anymore except for me...... strange..... well..... it's about 1:00am right now and i've been sitting on my ass staring at the computer screen for the past 2 hours...... sad, isn't it??? well, i really should be sleeping right now..... or studying............ or something like that........... especially considering the fact that i fell asleep in math today for half an hour....... well....... maybe you guys should work on the site and whatever. i'll try to help more after my theory exam...... gotta go sleep now...... sayonara, no da.......oh yeah..... is anybody gonna work on the character things for the suzaku map??? we should finish it some day......

hey hey guys....... me got some news for you guys...... you better be thankful that i sat on my ass for 2 weekends straight downloading eps..... `cause.......... WWWWAAAAA....... THEY'RE SHUTTING KAZAA DOWN............. NO MORE FREE ANIME FOR US........ yeah...... that's all i really have to say right now......... back to my work....... sayonara, no da.........

hey hey..... i actually wrote here twice in the same week..... although i should actually be doing homework..... whatever......... yeah........ well, as pathetic as it seems.... i finally figured out how to use the fonts and colours....... pathetic, ain't it??? well, it's a start..... right??? hey, why don't these pages even have a background colour??? hmm........

shinigami:hey guys..... have you guys even worked on the site??? i won't be able to do anything until after my theory exam... maybe i'll try to do something during the winter break or something...... too much work right now.... stupid english teacher gave us that stupid reading assignment..... well, gotta get back to my work...... sayonara, no da.......

Miaka-chan: Guys, ja read my e-mail? I guess I'm in a mad rage right now. I dunno. NO, I'm not doing the site. Tired of going back and forth from school to home. It basically sucks! I was kinda thinking that you were going to start the site Bonnie....aren't you? I mean, you set up the beginning, you're going through with it. You guys, do you have a nice picture of Seriyuu? Or one with ALL of the characters on it? That would work, cuz I wanna make another page map. So fun! Yay! So to end this note, I think I would do some things on the site, but you'll have to tell me. Plu, are you going to make a basic page setup Bobo? Cyaz! -Your oh so mighty miko

BOBO: hey map mel! keep up the good work!!! yeah, that means, "CAN YOU DO ALL THE WORK ON THIS SITE???? PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!" U know ur the only one who can do anything around here! yeah....seeya later, cyberchick.....but stephanie!!! how can u say that of our dear dear rat boy??? who could resist such a rat?? hmmm?? that dirtiness.....*sigh*

shinigami: what the??? how the hell do you do this??? waaaa...... sorry if i totally screw up on something..... hmmm...... aaaahhhhh..... DEATH TO RAT BOY....... I'M GONNA MURDER HIM..... HEH HEH HEH..... yeah...... i better finish up my socials report now...... sayonara, no da...........

AHHHH! GOD DAMN IT!! NOTHING I DID WORKS AT *ALL* AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!!!! GOING TO KILL THE PERSON WHO MADE THAT CD UP FOR PUTTIN' UP MY HOPES!!! Duh...but why is it that when I look at your page (bonnie) that none of the pictures in the background show? HOPE! *mel lights up, all misty eyed*
The pg design that DOESN'T work...
My map (which I *WAS* so proud of) that doesn't work...*sob*
11.01.01 Your asking ME to go to my COUSIN'S house for internet? I am SO damn pissed off right now! F..........ah, I'll tell you later Bonnie. I dunno what you want me to do on this site, but tell me and I will. I'll do ANYTHING. But...staying after school is a very bad thing. BAD.

tra la la la.....i'm so bored! this is so depressing....i'm on the computer on hallowe;en....and i'm not even e_cited about anyhing..........hey miaka, when are u gonna be able to work more on the site? can't u go to some of ur "cousins"' house to use their computer? and stephanie, when are u gonna at least try to figure out how to do something on the site? i'm mean, this is supposed to be a joint website..........and i definnitely DO NOT have the smarts to make anything look cool on there! ummmmmmmmm.....................soo.....who wants to buy 11 and 12 of ceres?
Here's the site dedicated to YUUHI!
Here's some screwed up site....