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Setting: Out in space, in the far future (no specific date). There is a colony of people the size of the island in the Sekiei Station, which is also where Satoshi and Shigeru live.

Differences: Well, half the population of people in this version lives in the Sekiei Station. Everything is in space, of course, and that's also a major difference. The ages are the same as in the fantasy version, although it is mostly based on the modern version.
All use of (name)-san, (name)-kun, etc. is taken out, even Imite calling Satoshi "Sato-chan."
Although the body of the story was taken from the modern version, this is seen more as a regular anime rather than a real movie. Actually, the style of chapter titles are rough sketches of character designs. Think of this science fiction story as an OAV more than anything else. It's almost like Pikachu Tankentai but still the complete opposite while being the same in a strange way... whatever that means. ^^;;

Rating: Umm, pretty much PG-13. It's not as R-rated as the other versions are, except for a few scenes.

Chapter One
An introduction to a bunch of characters. Kasumi orders Kenji to kill somebody that nobody expected, and especially not the victim.

Chapter Two
Continuing on with the plot. Takeshi appears and makes a bit of a problem, and the famous actress Hanako steps in to surprise somebody.

Chapter Three
A sub plot for one of the characters. Imite finds some very interesting facts about Satoshi. Yes, I do mean what you're thinking, so you don't have to be ashamed of yourself.

Chapter Four
The continuation of the sub plot, and into another, but this one gets to the point. The police decides that perhaps it'd be best they try and hunt down Kasumi and take a chance.

Chapter Five
The final (and shortest) chapter. Sometimes bad things happen to good people... or maybe... good things happen to bad people.