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welcome to the Eternal Serenity For Angels we are now accepting members by email a more efficent way will be available soon. additions to the network will be updated here thanks. Well here is my email:

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Hi ^^ Here I will have all the UPDATES and what i'm thinking bout doing.... Please if you have ANY suggestion please email me and have the Subject: Updates! Thank You for all the support and waiting!

~November 29, 2002~
Well i got this thing runing and i will have the pictures up ver soon i have thousands and thousand too put on! ^^ Well Buh Bye
~November30, 2002~
Well i put these pictures on! They are sooo hard to put in right -.-; Well i'm going to try to fix up the linkz page today or tommarow. Ummm... If you want to be on my linkz email me and put the Subject "LINKZ!" Thanks for Visting buh bye ^^
~December2, 2002~
Hey again! well i put this music on today do you like? If it form FF8 i love that game along with others ^^ Well i'm trying to put somthin right above ^ but i don't know what yet, GIVE ME SOME IDEAS GUYZZ!! heh.... well, I got the guestbook up and running it is at the middel left ^^ i'll do more work don't worry! Bye guyz
~January5, 2003~
Well,... man i can't belive that it is 2003! But anyway but on the subject of the webpage, I put and Oh! My goodess angel above ^ and it really goes well with the site well i think... So do you guyz like it so far? no one has signed my guestbook yet! ::cryes:: Please if you do come in sign the guestbook it would't bite i promise! The second page needs a little something i don't know what but i'll figure it out! Ummmm... I'm still working on the pictures! OH! If you want to be listed on my web page and send me an email...Then i have to tell you that i'm goin' to put my own pictures i have made yes, i'm an artist too.... heh well get back to you laterZ buh bye!
~Janurary26, 2003~
I'm back! Sorry I haven't writen, but the site was had a big change! Well just a Well I'm going to link the Chat to the web site just click "Chat"! Well got to go for now buh bye