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When the eye of God Blinks; the path to the sky will open up, and the shadow nation becomes one.



Sorry that it has been so long between updates. New video up and running. Please tell me what you think.

Also put up a new link to Really nice site with a catalog of almost any AMV out there.


Well with the semester coming to an end the amount of time I have available to work on projects like web design and videos is opening up. I had some time over Easter and was able to get together with a friend of mine, Mark Wise, to make a new video. I know I'm biased and all but it is really good. Its called Despair Factor (after the song by AFI) and uses footage from End of Evangelion I look forward to getting that up and seeing what people think about it but that won't happen till next month because I am entering it into the contest at Project A-Kon.

I also entered some of my other work into a contest; this web page (recalling first place) and my non-anime video (receiving third place). So I have this urge to thank them. Thank you MBEA (Missouri Broadcasters Education Association) for the award it is an honor, the talent front of the camera, Johann and Anne (you are beautiful people),and my instructors who took the time to help me with these projects Doug Underwood and Shelly Barabas.

One last thing I want to add some new sections and work on the ones that are here but I want to know what you the people want. Please contact me with any ideas you have.

04.06.01 No major up dates but check out what a friend of mine made after watching some Cowboy Bebop. Ed on hack

Spring is here and my web site is getting a makeover. I have a new background, new buttons, a new video and a way to distribute them, MySpace. I know it sucks but its the only way right now. I had it up for February but when I added the buttons I deleted some of the stuff. The link for it is password Anime.

If there is any one out there willing to help me out and host my videos on an ftp please e-mail me. I'm working on some new stuff too and it will need to be done some time before May 1st because I want it to go to a convention for judging. Till next time.


BIG news *NEW VIDEO* and its available for download now. Also I redid the buttons on all the pages. I think that is a major improvement. Now all I need are some new backgrounds and more flash animation.

I could swear I had another updated in here for February.


Winter break is over and I am back at school. I did a few small changes on the layout and added a few links I thought it needed. I was hoping to have screen shots of a Trigun video but I left most of my stuff at school when I went home and didn't get to plan for the video but in a week and a half or so I should have something to show.

One somewhat major thing I did was rotate my music videos. I now have a DBZ and a Non-Anime video up. If you have any suggestions or requests please contact me.


I didn't like the way my buttons looked so I redid them before class. They now all stay in the same spot when you move from page to page. I think my next upgrade will be modifying the background. I like it but I also think I cold do a lot better with just a little bit of work.

I also found out that one of my links on the Music Video page does work. The Love Can Fly RealPlayer is available. I think after Christmas break I will put my Dragon Ball Z up for download and just put them in a monthly rotation. I will also try to do the free space web site for larger versions too.


I think I found a way to post my videos. Its a place called If I get them up I will tell you how to access them.

12.04.00 This is my first attempt at a web design so if it looks a little rough around the edges that why. This page is designed for a class but if it gets some response I will keep it up. I am finishing up the semester right now and am swamped with school work but I hope to have two videos in production over the winter break. I am looking at doing a Ranma video and a Trigun video (this anime is awesome but difficult to find music that fits well).


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