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11/06/02 5:13pm

By special request, I have uploaded this site before it's even ready. You better feel loved, Siannon, um, grrr! I don't even know how to spell your name! Wait.. The card, the one with your phone number, you wrote your name on that. Please be patient while I go an dig it out of the depths of my closet. Found it! You better feel loved, SIONAN. Hee hee hee, maybe I should put your phone number up here too. Aren't I evil?
Anyways, this is my really aweful looking Gravitation layout, and ya, I don't think that there's anything that special about it other than that it wasn't deleted by some nasty old virus like all my other half finished websites. Blah. Bug ya later, gotta go work on, um, stuff.
10/07/02 7:00pm (my time)

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know I'm alive. We should have our computer hooked up soon, right now I'm borrowing someone elses so I can't spend too long on here. Just wanted to say that I'm heart broken that none of you have e-mailed me at all, and that I'm frustrated that I don't have your e-mail addresses here with me so I can write to you. Miss ya all! Oh, and by the way, I get Weekenders here on satellite tv every day of the week! Ha!

>>me, myself & i<<
>>the fanfics<<
>>the fanart<<
>>the sounds<<
>>the images<<