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Fyris Ideira

Fyris Ideira Age: 25
Height: 165cm
Birthdate: May 16
Origin: Tesselat
Occupation: Exorcist
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Fyris chibi-ish style, muah hah hah Fyris with lanterns 1st sketch of Fyris


In exchange for her ability to communicate with spirits and to receive their help, the spirits may possess her body, which is why she may sometimes seem like a different person (which is kind of true). While she is possessed, her spirit remains, but she has no control over her body. However, because of this, she has 'seen' the thoughts of different spirits. This has allowed her to be more accepting and understanding of others, but it also makes it more difficult for her to form her own opinions. For most of us, we may think one way about a certain thing, and wonder how and why someone else thinks differently. However, it is doubtful that we'd be as certain about ourselves if we had been able to think what others thought, for the reasons on both sides could be equally convincing.

Fyris was often regarded with a bit of suspicion by some people from her town (they believed that she was some kind of demon worshipper), which was why she decided to move to Helia, where she made a living from 'exorcising' ghosts (though most spirits aren't evil, so all she really did was persuade them to leave). Naturally, she was very successful, and it was in Helia that she met Jocephine, another girl who had special abilities. Jocephine didn't make her money so honestly; she tricks people into giving her money. They do get along quite well though, and because they both left their home towns for similar reasons, they kept each other's secrets well (Fyris's clients don't know about her ability).