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I absolutely HATE my Confirmation class. I might just quit. Really. It's so stupid. It's a waste of time and money. We spent the first 15-20 minutes dancing the electric slide, the macarena, the YMCA, the hokey-pokey, and the chicken dance. I never liked the chicken dance. Some exclusion game you played when you were little or something. And the hokey-pokey! My God, the hokey-pokey! That has no place in organized religion! Then we went on to learn absolutely nothing. It's all stuff I've known for years. Granted, I do go to a Catholic school, but really! How hard is it to figure out when the 12 Days of Christmas are? I want to learn about Confirmation, and what it's going to do for me! Otherwise, I'm quitting.
Ugh. I feel much better now. I did definitely have a better day today. Katy needed to go to the library, and somehow convinced me to come. It was fun, and I don't quite know why. Maybe because I went without knowing where the hell my parents were. I still don't know where they were, but I'm not sure I care any more. Most fun I've ever had researching someone else's paper, though.

Wow! Hee hee, I had so much fun today! I convinced my sister that we should actually go out, so we went out shopping. Not your ordinary shopping trip, really. We went to Best Buy, and bought the new Cake CD, which has both "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" and "Love You Madly" and a Stabbing Westward CD. XD Then we went to the mall, but that was just for lunch. I did see Orphen in Suncoast there, but it was dubbed. I want the subbed -- more Koyasu!! Then we went to Bookmans, and I got some Fushigi Yuugi, and we rented "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" at Blockbuster.
My Pirogoeth poster came today. I had to rearrange the furniture in my room to find a place to put it. Of course, the poster tape wasn't strong enough, so it's laying on my bed, with the door closed in hopes that a cat won't step on it. It's soo cool! I'm in heaven today. All I need is my WK.

I'm thankful for 3 things: One is for Aunt Sheila and her deviled eggs, and the second is whoever brought the banana bread.
I'm not thankful for the cheesecake. Eating two pieces was a baaad idea. But damn it was good! I definitely overate. I'm giving up -- I'm just gonna get fat. It's the eggs that did me in. Those are the best deviled eggs ever. There were 2 platefuls and they were all gone before dinner. (That's not meant to imply I ate all of them, but that's how good they are.)
Thanksgiving has a lot of ups and downs to it. Both my parents' families live here in the valley, so it's a really big get-together. One annoying thing is, though, dinner is served at about 2:30. That means if you didn't get up in time for breakfast, like some people, (namely myself) then you can't eat lunch. But there's a lot of good food; you just have to endure being sociable around the relatives. Fortunately they left me alone this time to bother Katie about college admissions. I did, however, have to watch Shrek. There were funny parts, but overall, I didn't really like the movie.
I think I use the word 'really' too much.
The third thing I'm thankful for is Ochiba. Ochiba was kind enough to help me out -- I couldn't download something from the page because of a Javascript error, and Ochiba set me up a way to download it, and now I have a copy of the Weiss Kreuz OVA's! Yaay! XD

Ugh. And here I thought today would be a good day.
I had two tests, one of which was 100 points and only 10 questions; the other was open book because otherwise everyone would fail. I think I might have done all right. On one. Maybe.
Then Katie (my sister) came to pick me up, and the car died! She'd jump-started her friend's car earlier, and apparantly that messes up the transmission or the alternator or something. So we had to wait 40 minutes for Mom to show up, and she brought Ben, and he's a bitch. This is why I need to learn to drive, and then promptly be given my own car. -_-;;

And Dad took the day off to go fishing, and his friend is coming back with him for dinner, so we have to clean the house. At least we won't have to clean it again tomorrow, since Thanksgiving is elsewhere.

It came it came it came!
Hee hee, I'm just terribly giddy and excited since our new CD burner came today. I can finally get those 2.12 gigs of mp3s off the computer. Granted, I like them there, and I plan to keep some there, but it means more memory and better processing speed. We keep filling up. No more, until I get the next set, hee hee! XD

I've got more stuff to talk about than I know what to do with.

All right, first off, I just want to say a sentence or two about the new cartoon, Justice League. While I'm not a big fan of American cartoons, the one thing that can get away with me liking it is the Marvel superhero type. X-Men, Batman, etc. They're classics, and a different genre than anime. I watched the show, and it looked pretty good. Of course, since this is American there's no chance of rampant homosexuality, but I think I'll live.

Second, the Leonids. Wow! That was awesome! We went out to the desert, and just sat there looking at the sky. Granted, that may not sound like a lot of fun, but the show was spectacular! Really. I think at the peak there was 1000-1200 meteors a minute. They were falling all over the place, and there must have been a second shower, because some were going in opposite directions. The peak was at 3 A.M., so we didn't head home until around 3:20. We didn't get home until four or so, and then I had to get up in three hours, but then I got to sleep in until noon. Another great thing about stargazing -- an exuse to sleep in.

Thirdly, and last, is the Harry Potter movie. That was really good. I got a headache from staring at the screen for so long, but that's just me. I always get headaches like that. The movie was wonderful. It followed the book pretty well. Of course, a lot of stuff was cut out so that it didn't take 5 hours to show everything. I really liked a lot of the things, like Mrs. Norris (cat with red eyes) and Nearly Headless Nick. John Cleese! Yay! I still think they could have done a better job on Harry's scar, though. But the effects were superb, especially the quiddich match. And Wood has a sexy Irish accent. ;)

Dear god, I've done it! I have no clue why, but I've done it! I've transcribed "Alice's Restaurant" in its 22:25 minute-long entirety! (shakes head) I'm insane.
Leonids are tonight. We're going out to Florence Junction (aka Middle of Nowhere, USA) to watch them. The peak is 3 A.M. Sunday morning. Dad's actually the once who suggested this! Heh. It's nice when Dad gets caught up in space stuff. He's really fun to talk to then, and you can get him to agree to almost anything, and he doesn't get angry.
I've got a new layout being played with in photoshop. I probably won't use it for a while; I really love this one. My only problem is with alignment.

I love field trips! The French 3's & 4's went on a field trip today. We went to see the play Cyrano de Bergerac. It was really neat, because they went throught the entire play, but they put certain parts of the dialogue in French, and other times they would "rewind" the play for an entire scene and redo it in French. It was really neat how they did it, too. They would turn off all the lights, and turn on a strobe light, and the actors would run through the action backwards. It was soo funny to watch. If you ever get a chance to see any play, I suggest you go.
The other benefit was that we got free dress, and we only had two classes. And we got out of the 2nd one 15 minutes early.
Also, I saw Erin and Daniel there (And another girl, but I can't remember her name. Marge??). Then we went to a French cafe for lunch, and by the time we got back, there was only 15 minutes left in class, so we just got to hang around. It was really fun! (Eyes chocolate chip croissant on counter, runs off.)

(mmm... WK music... Koyasu....)
I'm so glad Dad ordered a CD burner. I've got over 2 megs of mp3s, so getting them off the harddrive will free up a lot of space.
I've gotten my religion class addicted to Pocky. I brought it to class today, and they went crazy. Carl and John alone ate nearly an entire package. :)

Augh. I have this horrible headache. It came in somewhere around lunch time, and I was an idiot and didn't get any aspirin. I took my chemistry test; it was pretty easy. Turns out she was going to put it off until tomorrow, but since I'd already studied, I didn't feel like waiting.
All I wanted to do was go home and sleep. But we had to get food for my World Religion class, so we stopped at a local ethnic store. I got Pocky! This is the first store I've found that has it. Yay Pocky!!
After that I went home and took a nice long 3 hour nap. Then I watched 'Enterprise' and finally did my homework. Stupid stupid headache.

On a totally unrelated note, Justin told me that Clint lives 2-3 miles from my house. I can see it now: "Clint, Clint, I need a ride!" "What -- who is this?" *Click.* Heh heh.

Mmph. I need to kick something!!! This week has been totally up and down. It started out OK, I guess. The Diamondbacks won the World Series. I'm not as much into baseball as I used to be, I guess. When we lived in St. Louis and Baltimore it was more fun; probably because the baseball teams had been there before I had. (shrug)
Wednesday about half the class was gone for a Spanish field trip so our wonderful English teacher read The Hobbit to us! That was so great! I absolutely love that book. I can't wait for the Trilogy movies. I'm ditching school if I have to to go see that. It comes out December 19th I think.
Kate and I were also supposed to present our Chemistry project, but we got an extension (now due 13th -- note to self: start on it!!) because we were going to tape it, but I couldn't come, and we'd had Kate's sisters do it instead. That was a mistake. We'd planned the handpuppets part, but at least Kate and I can pronounce 'renowned,' let alone the rest of the words in the presentation.
Thursday our English class went to see the Jewish Theater Company perform The Chosen, a book we'd been assigned to read over the summer. I really liked the book (even though at times it almost seemed like it might have had shounen-ai overtones). The play condensed it a lot -- there were only 5 actors. Nonetheless, it was a very good play. I think I'd like to see the movie, too. I think it has Leonard Nimoy.
This weekend was the best! Well, so far at least. We had a half day on Friday, and I managed to get a ride home with Katy, so I didn't have to spend almost 3 hours in a car going from school to Xavier to home. Instead I got to spend some extra time online (note that I don't say 'working on updating my website' ^^;;). Today I actually did some work on homework. I have a religion project on Confucianism vs. Taoism due on Wednesday. I have that Chemistry project due Tuesday, and a test the following day on the periodic table. Plus, I have math homework -- we're getting to the stuff that made me fail last year's course.
But we also went to the new Chandler mall! It is sooo cool! It took forever to find a parking spot, and the mall was really crowded. It's a nice mall, though. Very open, but with a weird layout. Kinda v-shaped. We convinced Dad to buy a DS9 Christmas ornament. Then -- THEN we went to the Mac store.
That place is HEAVEN!!! They had all this cool shiny stuff, and a bunch of PDA's and transparent subwoofers and enough OSX to make you scream! And then there was the iPod! That thing is 5 gigs of ultra-shiny sex! (pant pant drool drool) It's got 5 gigs of memory, and you can use it to store info or mp3s. I could finally get my 2.15 gigs of mp3s off the HD. It's $400. Screw college, I'm getting that. We also went to B&N and pined over all the Tolkien books. My sister desperately wanted to buy an illustrated version of the Trilogy, but the cheapest one was $75. We had the money, but then we would have been really really broke. I did, however, buy a copy of The Hobbit with illustrations by Tolkien. The guy isn't the best artist, but that's not the point.
Tomorrow I have to get up early, but other than that I have nothing planned, so I'll probably work on homework and (crosses fingers) my website. Monday we have off; I'm going to Kate's house -- she bought Serial Experiments Lain, and we're gonna watch that.
Here's hoping I get an ounce of homework done this weekend!

Maa. So much has happened. I just don't have enough time any more.
This weekend I went over to Kate's house. Ostensibly, it was to work on the chemistry project we have due the 7th (ack! not done, not done!) But in actuality it was to finish watching Gundam Wing. Kate got the entire DVD set off of ebay. Mmmm... Shounen-ai-able. Very good series. However, I do not recommend watching half of it at once at one in the morning. It's a lot of fun, but we got really giddy. I had a fun time with her. We talked about a lot of our characters and stuff, and I got tormented by her little sisters, who absolutely adore me. XD
Oh! The Diamondbacks won the World Series. That's kinda cool I guess, for a team that's so new to win so fast. I used to like baseball a whole lot more when I lived in MO or MD. But I guess the team is too new or something; I just don't have the same feel for it. (Shrug)


Going out with your friends is so much fun. We went out tonight to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They re-released it to theaters, with an extra 40 seconds of footage.

We were going to go to the 6:10 showing (it was only at one theater), but we were kinda late. So instead the four of us (me, Katie, Kate, and Justin) spent 2 hours running around downtown Mill Ave. We basically walked up and down the stretch near Tempe Town Lake.

Believe it or not, we had a lot of fun. Just doing random things, walking and talking and getting dinner. I ended up blowing my money, and having to borrow money from my sister for a ticket.

Isn't it great when you can just hang out with your friends like that? Not really doing anything, but having a great time of it anyway. I wish we could have that more often. Looking back, I don't think I could recall maybe more than one or two of the many subjects we touched upon...

And then there was the movie itself? Have you ever been inside of a theater full of freaks, laughing like hell at the introductory credits alone, or reciting every line alongside the actors? We were all singing along to the songs (regardless of the fact that it's just BGM), doing our little dance bit. Especially at the end, where they just play this song for about three straight minutes. We'd sing along, the entire theater full of us; and when the song ended, we just sat there, waiting, not really sure if it was over. We got a good laugh out of that too.

It's things like these I hope I never lose.

The sky was clear this morning; not a single airplane or contrail marred the peaceful blue sky.
Peaceful my ass. I woke up this morning, turned on the TV, and thought, "Ho-lee Shit." Five minutes later, the second plane in the terrorist attack literally SWOOPED in on the World Trade Center, banking sharply and smashing squarely into the building.

What a way to start the day. Unfortunately, as the day progressed, I found myself more concerned with what was happening further south, in the Washington D.C. area. I don't know why I was more interested in that. Must be the whole desensitation to violence thru TV thing.
But really. This is one of those things that effect us all profoundly. But I'm not going to be taking an active part or mourning the loss of a loved one. I am one of the millions of people who simply stand and stare, analyzing what is happening. Like looking at Napoleon and fixing his strategy 200 years later, I am hundreds of miles away, and secure in my place and that is bad. I am too detached from this. Unless they had planted the bomb in my backyard, I think this would just pass me by.
But still, it just seems so unreal....

Well, I just finished watching the episode of Evangelion with Kaworu. I know how the series goes, but I haven't seen eps 7-21, or the end. But I wanted to get this episode to see it. I watched it for Kaworu.
Kaworu is cool. Ignoring the fact that it was dubbed, he seemed to come just to be for Shinji. Now, I'm a moderate yaoi fan, and I have to say, this was very interesting. For a minor character, he really had a big impact. He makes you think. Now I need to see the rest of the series.

On a totally unrelated note...
I'm pissed at school. I've got too much going on. Test tomorrow, two Wednesday, and I have to come to school at 6:30 tomorrow. Plus, my math teacher is just evil. I had her last year too, and that just turned out badly. She collects one assignment per chapter, and only corrects 2 problems. That's not enough to properly show whether we understand the material, or even a proper percentage of our work! As a result, I'm not getting a good grade. Hopefully the test Wednesday will pull it up.
Or bring it crashing down completely.

I'm getting depressed again. Send me happy emails.

Whee-ooh! Just got back (well, OK, a couple hours ago) from a party at my friend's house. He got Dune (the new Sci-fi channel version) on DVD for his birthday, so we all sat down and watched that.
And it was really bad! I haven't read the book in several years, and I only saw the 80's movie version once, last year, (Patrick Stewart and Dean Stockwell scared me.) but I think that those were probably better. This was just a low-budget miniseries.
And it showed. They blew most of their budget with the computer effects, so the only had one backdrop/matte painting, which they used WAAAY too often. Paul and Jessica are running across the desert, going past the same mountain ridge again and again, while you can see the painted-over squares and at one point, even the canvas itself! We were laughing our assess off. It's fun to make fun of movies. At the part where they were collecting the water from Jamis, John broke into the dialogue to say, "And now, let's all sit back and have a big glass of Jamis juice." We just cracked up. I mean, there's just so much to make fun of!! Heh heh.
I have to say, though, it didn't do the book justice in the least. But I had fun, and that's really the important part. There were only 6 of us there, but it was still fun. We're pathetic, really. Kate has suggested that our next party be a Dr. Who party. And it most likely will be. If we don't have the Mel Brooks movie party I suggested.

Augh. Let me tell you, I hate camping. It's OK sometimes, but not when you've got other stuff going on, and especially during FSKING MONSOON SEASON!!
Well, for starters, it started raining while we were setting up the tent. Of course, it stopped as soon as we were done. But then it rained again at night. ALL night. The tent got all leaky and all 7 of us ended up crowding into it, even though we had 4 tents. Two tents didn't get used at all, and one night my mom slept in the car.
We did stuff like ride buses, look at the Canyon, and sit in leaky tents eating cold pizza. Twasn't fun. I wouldn't recommend the canyon. People keep falling off.
But there were a couple good things. I woke up at 1 in the morning one night, and was NOT TIRED. So I sat outside, and DAMN, was it nice out. A little cloudy, but the moon was bright. Just a little chilly, too. Very cool. I think that would be the perfect time to check out the canyon, except I'd probably fall in.
I heard a lot of French, Spanish, Italian, and a little Chinese or Japanese. Really interesting. I also listened to waaaay too much Simon & Garfunkel.

A little tip to all you people going to the Grand Canyon: the gates aren't manned after 10:00 or so and you can sneak right into the park.

'Tis my sister's birthday. She's 18. Heh heh heh. I wonder what trouble I can get her to do for me now... She already has to drive me everywhere until I give up and get a liscense. She got some neat stuff, and some weird stuff.
I got her a t-shirt she wanted. It was for this really long, weird, twisted, perverted X-Files fanfic. The shirt says "I survived Iolakus." She knows absolutely no one but a few people she knows will get it, but she's really happy.
Even better, she got a dot-com. I don't know if it works yet, but it might. -- an X-Files site. Plus some other stuff. I might add it and some other non-RK links to the links page.

We're going camping in mid-august. I really don't want to, but I have no choice since some old friends are going across the country to visit us. We're going to the Grand Canyon, but I've already been camping there, and it gets dark too early for someone who is used to going to bed after 1 am.

Waah! School starts the 15th. I don't know if I want to go back or not...

Yesterday was my Grandpa's birthday. So we went out to his house and visited. Two of my aunts were there, though only one of my cousins could make it. My Aunt (*****) was crying because her divorced husband (dunno much about him, but we don't like him) is moving here from PA. My cousin (*****) wants to live with him. Dunno why. But it's really upsetting my aunt, and aggrivating all the other troubles we're having. Lotta money issues. Broken down cars, college tuitions, etc. I really need to get a job. Anyone need a webmistress?

On a lighter note, I had an interesting dream last night. It involved golfing, and I played badly, but I think we won scholarships or something. It was really weird. Unfortunately, I woke up about 3 seconds before I found out if we'd win anything. Maybe I should take up golf.

Whee! We had a power outage (dunno why). It was neat! It was just this small section of black. The lights down at the other end of the street were on, and so were some other lights, but it was dark! My sister and I ran around in circles through the house yelling "It's dark! It's dark!" We were really giddy.
Then we went outside, since it was so dark out there, and we found my cat, and we walked around a lot just talking and stuff because it was dark and that was cool!

I hate life. Actually, not really. It's just that sometimes my life and existence don't seem to have any meaning or purpose. There are times when I get so bored (do you know how hard it is to type when your finger is bandaged?) that I think about cutting into my flesh just for the fun of it. To watch the warm, red blood make its way down my arm, dripping, maybe in spurts if I cut into a major artery. I could do that. In just a second, I could make an incision that would bring my life crashing down around me. Maybe I could do it just to get some counseling. You know? I wouldn't die, but then at least the world would see how miserably fucked up this sane little girl is. She's got a perfectly normal life -- two siblings, parents married, two pets, good grades, friends, all that crap. Well, that doesn't matter really, when your soul is twisted into pieces the size of a thumbnail. There are about 8 blades in this room that I could kill myself with; the kitchen is another half-dozen paces away. It wouldn't be so hard. Why the hell did God make these beings with consciences and guilt so capable of killing themselves. Does this hurt him too? Will this make him cry?
Crying. I never cry now. Only when extremely upset and mad. Maybe once a year. But that is enough. That's why I never do anything. I hate how it feels to cry. That hot face, the headache, how it hurts to take in hitching breath after sobbing gasp. I don't want anyone else to feel that way, especially because of me. I would slit my wrists, but DAMN, it would hurt. And I'd never be able to wear t-shirts again, which would be a bitch, seeing as it's July in Arizona. So I'll just hold off until I get my head slammed into a brick wall just *one* *more* *time* and then I can stop and take a break from reality and watch it all pass by as I sit and wait
for fate...
And I'll live because there's nothing else to do.