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Super DragonFist


Subject:  Some Games added to downloads
Date:  ^Bump
Posted By:  Son_Goku
Yeah, ive put up a DBZ RPG game for tha snes..
It's about 1.00 mb to download, however it's remoltley hosted.
Also if you want to affiliate we have an ELITE spot open!
Apply asap! B4 it's gone!
We Also need a new staff guy, but i don't have time to talk bout it yet,

Subject:  Some sweet fanart added
Date:  ^Bump
Posted By:  Son_Goku
Yeah, some real good HIGH quality full COLOUR pics have been added.
Also ive put an pulsepoll up on the site, it's had a few problems so if it don't work
then you can always go to the external link located
here... Please only vote once!
We have oner 15 free Splash images, and over 10 new banners added to the site¬athetic sites hits!

Subject:  Affiliates to be reveiwed!
Posted By:  Blazer
Well it's been awile and i found that two of our affiliates are under_performing,
Also some of them don't have our button on most pages,
When you read this, you know who you are, BUCKLE UP PLEASE!
I do have da power to demote you to a Ghetto Aff, so just work on it,!


Subject:  Free Splash Rulez!
Date:  8/8/02
Posted By:  Blazer
When you decide to use one of our free splash/banner images you must link back 2 us
and any website with our images that fails to do this will be blacklisted, it took me time
to make them, and were going to be uploading 27 more to the website soon! U got it?

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