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Why Ash?

(CH, M's Pidgeot: *snorts* I'll tell you! 'Cos she has a--)

*claps hand over CH's mouth* SHHH!

Basically, Ash is the sweetest guy ever to walk the planet.

(CH: I told you.)

No, you didn't. Shh. He's sweet, he's cute--

(CH: I _told_ you.)

No, you didn't get the chance, so SHUT UP. He's sweet, he's cute, he's considerate, he's selfless--

(CH: The proverbial Boy Scout.)


(CH: I _hate_ it when you do that!)


(CH: Agree with me!! It takes all the fun out of it!)

I know, that's why I do it.

(CH: Yeah, yeah...)

And for all of this, there are barely any Ash sites out there!! I must end this travesty.

(CH: Couldn't've done it better myself.)

Shuddup. So, I made a pathetic little Ash Mini-shrine!!

(CH: You have WAY too much time on your hands...)

I know. Anyway, stop asking why, it's annoying...

(CH: People, in the Cliffs Notes version, she did it because there was nothing else to do, there's a shortage of Ash sites, Ash is a good character...)

Why thank you, I didn't think you were capable of--

(CH: AND BECAUSE SHE'S IN LOVE WITH ASH!! That's right!! She thinks he's a bishounen, man!! Almost every fic she writes has him in it!!)

WHY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

*large fight ensues*

(M's friend: Well, since she's busy, I suppose I'll lead you out of here.

*phone rings*

M's friend: *picks it up* Hello?

Slurred voice on phone: Hey, dude! Try L&M's taxi service! *drunken laughter from two people*

M's friend: Oh no.

Slurred voice on phone: Oh, Leila! Y'seen any big black dogs lately? *more drunken laughter*

M's friend: I can't believe it!! They're drunk AGAIN!! Stupid Pokemon, I thought I stole their fake IDs!! Now I have to make sure they don't destroy the world! Mewtwo, Lugia, I am going to get you for this... *disappears*)

*There is nothing happening except the strange sounds of M and CH fighting. Within five minutes, the computer plays a recorded ending.*

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