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The Wedding

Brock’s POV

I must admit, I never saw it coming. But here we are, at the wedding.

Pikachu fainted when Misty told him. You should've seen his face when we told him it wasn’t a dream. But, here we the wedding.

According to the bride and groom, they’d been denying it for _years_.

“Pika-a.” Pikachu never did like the idea of them getting married.

The groom comes out. I can see Mrs. Ketchum rubbing her eyes.

The ‘Sensational Sisters’ are muttering their annoyance that Misty’s getting hitched before they are. Hey, they coulda asked _me_ out _anytime_.

Sigh. Won’t I ever get a date?

“I _still_ can’t _believe_ this.” Ash never liked the idea of Misty getting married either. I wonder if there’s a good reason...

Ash and Pikachu are at the end of the pew muttering something about ‘utter bakas’, Daisy and Lily are muttering, Violet’s crying about being an ‘old maid’ (~sigh~ If only they could see me, a handsome single guy right in front of them!), Mrs. Ketchum is crying even though no one’s said anything yet, Professor Oak’s just sitting there (hope he didn’t have a heart attack), Gary’s fan club is crying for some reason or another, and I’m starting to feel like the only sane one. Oy.

It’s pretty boring...although Togepi and Psyduck being ringbearers is funny. Then Togepi started bawling, and Ash and Pikachu took it outside. They’d started the vows by then. Ash muttered to me as he walked by, “We gotta barf anyway.”

“Pika-a,” Pikachu agreed.

I declined to comment. Although I might join them when they kiss.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” says the minister. Ash, Pikachu, and Togepi choose that moment to come in.

“Aw crud! I’m gonna have nightmares tonight,” says Ash.

“Pi KA,” agrees Pikachu. Togepi starts bawling again. Psyduck runs around in circles, gets a headache, evolves into Golduck, and then runs around in circles again. Then he joins Ash and Pikachu to barf.

Pretty darn bad omen, if you ask me.

At the reception, I see Ash, Pikachu, Golduck, and Togepi having a little support group in the corner.

“Come on, Togepi, it isn’t the end of the world! Quite!” said Ash.

“Toki-toki-priiiiii!” I understood a little Togepi. I think that meant, “Yes it is!”

“Aw, come on. If I know Misty, she’ll get sick of him in two weeks, and divorce him and find some DECENT guy to go out with,” said Ash.

“Pika, Pikapi?” said Pikachu slyly. ‘Pika’, in this case, meant, “Like you?” I couldn’t get Pikapi quite yet, but I assumed it meant “Ash”.

“Heck, like ANYONE but him.”

“Duck gol!” said Golduck. I don’t know what it was saying, but it was agreeing with Ash. Maybe it meant, “Darn straight!”

Ash was plainly worried about Misty. All that proved was that he didn’t hate Misty. I mean, who WOULDN’T be worried that she married-

“Hey LOSER!”

“Gary!” yelled Ash.

Misty’s with him. “Hey Ash! Until you pay off my bike, Gary and I are coming with you!”

“NNNNOOOOOO!!!! Here’s the money, let’s get the heck out of here, Pikachu!”

Pikachu leaps onto his shoulder. Togepi teleports into Ash’s arms. Golduck gets inside his Pokeball and psychics it over by Togepi. Ash starts running like heck. I look at Misty and Gary, who are kissing at this point.

“TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yell, running after them.


No, I am NOT an egoshipper! Eeeurgh! Makes me barf! It’s just meant to be funny and unexpected.

It’s Friday, and school is out because of Tropical Storm Helene. That’s one great thing about my town-if there’s a tropical storm or a hurricane, we’re far enough inland so that we only get a little rain and/or wind, but close enough to the coast so that everyone worries. get some fics earlier then planned! I hope you’re thrilled. ^_^ I’m gonna type a lot, then upload whatever’s finished, and go watch Pokemon: The First Movie on HBO Plus. ^_^ I’ve never seen it before ^_^ Thanks for reading! Please R&R! And you know what I do with my flames. (Here Charmander, this’ll help you feel better! Have a flame! ^_^) I want to spread this little quote (don’t kill me):

When the world is out of synch with your inner realm, you come to think of it as a heartless, godless realm; yet when it mirrors those inner feelings, you dismiss it as pathetic fallacy. Lisa Hayes, Robotech (Do you like it? Do you know what it is? Say in your review, please!)
