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Things People on Pokemon Would Only say if Somebody Spiked Their Drinks...Side Stuff 1!

~As tour guide~ And THIS is our ~ closet! In this room all of our descriptions are made. You have probably seen these used in ways such as ~walks to the closet door~.

~Thinking~ Man, this sucks. I hate tourists. But if it’ll feed Toki...

~Aloud~ Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to our stars’ quarters!

Man: YAY! Hotaru is SOOOO hot!

Woman: Not HALF as much as that big hunk o’ man Gary!!

~Thinks~ Sh*t, this is going to be a LOONNNG day...

~Aloud~ And here we go! We’re walking, we’re walking, we’re walking...

~thinks~ Why don’t I just battle some da*n trainers or something??!!!

~Hotaru and Gary are hiding in ventilator shaft~

~Meredith * Tomoko~ ’s voice: Where ARE those two?!...Hiding, if they have any sense. Hey!! YOU!! Stop messing with the doughnuts!!!

?????: Da*n.

Meredith’s voice: Hey, what are you doing to those anyway? HEYYYY!!! Don’t you DARE slip that stuff into the donuts!!! Deja vu... ACK!!!! RARE CANDY!!!!


Meredith’s voice: WHO THE HE** IS IN THE ~ CLOSET??!?!?!?!?!?!

~sorry lady my name’s Bob~

Meredith’s voice: WELL GET THE HE** OUT OF THERE!!!!

~ok ok!!! man you’re stingy a stingy old [censored]~

Meredith’s voice: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME??!?!?!!!

~I meant witch! witch! not that!~

Gary: Oooh, she’s pissed now.


~man! you aren’t a good hostess!~

Meredith’s voice: THAT’S IT!!!!!!! EVERYBODY OUT!!! OUT! OUT! OUT!!!

~mutterings as everyone obeys~

???: Hey, do we have to too?

?????: Yeah, we used to live here!

???: And now you’re gonna kick us out?

Meredith’s voice: OMG!!! You’re back!!! H, Gary, get out of that shaft and, well, just get out of that shaft!

Hotaru: Are they gone?

Gary: ~dumbfounded~ _H_??

Meredith’s voice: Yeah they’re gone, and SHUT UP, OAK!!!

Gary: Fine, fine!!

~They get out~

As if you haven’t guessed, Ash and Misty are back!!!

Hotaru: Ooh, cool! I always wanted to meet you!

Gary: Well if it isn’t the---Ooh! Doughnuts! WITH SPRINKLES!!! ~goes to the table~

Ash: Er...

Misty: Articuno, it’s even weirder.

Hotaru: OAK!!! GET AWAY FROM THE DOUGHNUTS WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!! Hey, are those pralines?

~Meredith, Ash and Misty talk, Meredith filling them in on the events since they left~

Ash: HA HA HA!!! The NURSE beat him up???

Misty: Man, I wish I was there!!

I have a tape, if you wanna see it! Man, it’s just been weirder and weirder since that-- Rare......candy......incident...... Aw cra*!

Hotaru: Gary, stop stuffing your face and let’s have a decent conversation with Ash and Misty!... Gary?

~Gary’s looking at her oddly~

Hotaru: Gary? Gary? Gary?!

~Gary walks towards her drunkenly~

Hotaru: Gary? What the he**... ~Remembers something~ RARE CANDY IN THE DOUGHNUTS!!! Aw CRA*!!!

~Gary grabs her~

Hotaru: GET THE HE** AWAY FROM ME!!! ~Breaks free and grabs sword that magically appeared on mantel~ Don’t make me use this, Oak!!! ~thinking as he, with blank eyes, comes closer~ Aw sh*t, aw sh*t, aw sh*t, aw SH*T!!

Misty: Aw sh*t.

Okay, THIS has to be the record for the word “sh*t” on this show...And there’s another one!

Misty: Okay... we’ll do the credits.

Really? Oh, THANKS! I have to help Hotaru before this goes above PG. OAK!! STOP THAT!!! ~runs to help~

Misty: Wow, this is INCREDIBLE.

Ash: Yeah. Almost makes you wanna come back.

Misty: Yeah...

Ash: Now, how do we do this again?...

~look at the fight going on behind them~

Misty: Now, smile at the stupid crazy people...

Ash: ~singing falsetto, in bad imitation of Celine Dion~ It was so long ago, but it’s *all* coming _back_ to me now!!

Misty: Written by the girl as insane as THAT. ~gestures behind her~

Ash: And if Satoshi Tajari was a girl who wrote fics about his/her own creation with disclaimers, I _think_ we’d have heard about it by now.

Misty: Ya think?

Ash: I don’t think this show’s changed THAT much... “Show?” Am I insane??!

Misty: Well, I wouldn’t go on a show rated above PG!

Ash: ...Have you ever READ some of these fics?

Misty: Well...not _voluntarily_!

Ash: Who says we’re on here voluntarily?

Misty: Huh?

Ash: I’ll argue fic physics with you while the jokes are rolling...

Misty: Whatever... Anyway, this fic is dedicated to---

Hotaru: He passed out, thank Saturn!!

Meredith’s voice: Wait... That’s awfully fast...

Hotaru: Aw CRA*!! He doesn’t have a pulse!!!

Ash: AAH!

Meredith’s voice: Cra*! Allergic reaction!! Da*n! Why do these never turn out how they’re supposed to?!!? It’s supposed to be funny, and now it’s going to be sappy cause we have to go to the hospital!! OH MY GOSH!! I can’t believe what I’m planning!!! I should throw this in the trash!!! But I won’t, oh noooo, even though I’m not in the right mood... DAMMIT, I SUCK!!!

Misty: Oh cra*, this is serious! We have to go!!!

Meredith’s voice: Darn, I can’t hurt myself for this in a HOSPITAL...

Misty: Let’s go!! She designed a recording for an emergency!

Ash: Okay! ~as they run off~ I hope he’ll be all right...

Meredith: I’M NOT GONNA KILL HIM!!! That’s the WORST part! Oh my goodness...

~Recorded Joke Pages~

Misty: What ARE you doing, Ash?

Ash: Looking up recipes on the internet!

Ash: And now, night 12 of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!

Gary: Hello, Dolly, oh hello, Dolly...

Togepi: ~singing REALLY high~ Everything’s gonna be all right, rockabye, rockabye; Everything’s gonna be all right, rockabye, rockabye, rockabye!

Pikachu: ~singing~ Out here in the quiet of the night...

Jigglypuff: ~singing~ Get up off of your thing!...

Brock: Ash, what are you drinking?

Ash: ~faces camera~ Soda Pop, the official drink of Pokemon Masters!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: And their Pokemon!

Misty: That’s a wrap!


Gary: Meredith is the best author on earth!!!

~Tape runs out~

Hotaru: So he'll be all right?

Doctor from Voyager: Yes. As long as he doesn’t eat more of this Rare Candy stuff. ~shakes his head~ In all my years in the Delta Quadrant... ~Walks out~

Okay then, everyone, LET’S GO KILL ????? !!!!!

Everyone: YEAH!!! ~all but Hotaru leave~

Hotaru: Well, I guess that’s payback. ~gangster accent~ Keep the change, you filthy animal. ~normal~ You had me worried there. As much of a wise@$$ as you are, I’m scared to death I might miss you if you left... ~kisses him on the forehead~ AAACCCCKKKKK!!! What in the HE** did I just DO???!?!??!!??!?!?! AAHHHHH!!! ~Runs to bathroom to wash her mouth out with soap~

Gary: ~opens his eyes~ SCORE!!!


~Recorded author’s note~

It WAS going to be TPOP 9, but it’s not long and funny enough. ^_^;; I need suggestions!! Just review if you have them!!! DON’T KILL ME!!!

~All too sincerely,

~Meredith * Tomoko~