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Things People on Pokemon would Only Say If Somebody Spiked Their Drinks...7!

Gary: Oh my god, she's made SEVEN of these??!?!?!?!?!?

Hotaru: Yes, and people like them!!

Gary: How can they like this ****?!?!

Hotaru: Lessee... Who was it...Oh yeah! ~opens portal~

Gary: Huh? What're you doing?

Hotaru: I promised Jupiter that she'd get to kick your @$$ next time you said a bad word.

Gary: Oh cra*...

~Sailor Jupiter appears from portal and starts beating Gary up~


Gary: Ow! Ow! Stop that! Ow! OOOFF!!!!!! Hey, that's fighting dirty!! OW!!!

Hotaru: And now--


Hotaru:...we bring you--


Hotaru: Things--

Gary: How'd you know?!?!?!

Hotaru: ~very fast~ PeopleOnPokemonWouldOnlySay7.

Jupiter: Ash told me!

Gary: Why that lying Rattata!!! He swore he'd never tell!!

Jupiter: He had his fingers crossed!!!!

Gary: That *******!!!!!!!!!


Gary! Ow! OW! OW! Ow! OW! OUCH! OW! Ow!

Hotaru: ~Fed up~ SILENCE WALL!!!!!!!!

~Wall encloses the fight and silence resumes~

Hotaru: Okay, it's rated PG, Pokemon people say stupid things, and no copyright infringement intended, Satoshi-sama. That all? No? ~Reads from paper~ "This appearance of Jupiter dedicated to Jennifer, sorry it wasn't you." Oh. THANK YOU JENNIFER, WHOEVER YOU ARE!!! Gary Oak's getting beat up because of you! What a Christmas present! ~grins~

Misty: What's your happiest memory of Christmas?

Ash: The one that wasn't like "A Christmas Story".

Misty: No wonder.

Jenny: ~in a bar, slurred~ So all my life I've been listening to my parents, bein' like my sissies. Sisters. Well, that ain't happening no more! I'm dyeing my hair pink!!! ~Puts money on bar and leaves~

Barkeeper: Ok, lady! ~When she's gone~ Yeesh, I've never seen anyone get so drunk on one glass of beer!

Ash: ~slurred~ what's that place next door? Does Misty ever go in? I bet she does.. She'sh been cheating on me!!! ~sob~

Misty: I'M RIGHT HERE YOU IDIOT!!! I'M 17!!!! AND WE AREN'T EVEN DATING!!! Yet... I should NOT have bought him that glass of whiskey... Ash? Oh darn, he passed out. ASH!

Barkeeper: @_@ Ok, NOW I've seen EVERYTHING.

Misty: I wonder what Ash is like drunk...

Ash's Mom: You DON'T wanna know. I gave him the wrong pills once. It still haunts me. ~shudders~ That's what made his father leave...

Ash: ~hypnotized~ Gary, Gary, he's the best, Gary passes every test!

Misty: Oh no!! I TOLD him he shouldn't try to see why those cheerleaders stay!!

Misty: Greetings. I am Captain Kathryn Janeway of the starship Voyager.

Ash: And I'm... Uh... What's this guy's name again?

Misty: ASH!!!

Ash: I _tried_ to stop you from making me wear this, but NOOOOOO, it's "so cute"!! Man, this is the WORST da*n Halloween I have EVER had!!

Misty: Well, YOU wanted to be Gary and act like an idiot so everyone'd hate him!!!!!


Misty: Well, I wanted us to go trick-or-treating together, and I am sure as HECK not being a _cheerleader_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash: So why can't we go separate?!!

Misty: We wouldn't be able to laugh at Gary at the Pokemon trainers party!!

Ash: Huh?

Misty: Brock was trying out his 'Prima' costume and Gary asked him to the ball!

Ash: Oh Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno!!!!!!! I _HAVE_ to see _this_!!!!!!!!

Misty: Only couples can go. So get used to the costume!!!

Ash: Yes mam'm!!!!! ~pause~ So what's this guy's name again?


Ash: I don't care what you say, Mist, I am NOT playing Hamlet!!!!!!!!!!

Misty: Scrambled eggs, anyone?

Ash: Sure! Where'd you get them?

Misty: Togepi.

Ash: Aagh! They're tainted!! ~Throws them out the window~

Jessie, James, and Meowth: ~singing~ My world is changing, I'm rearranging, does that mean Christmas changes?

Ash: ~singing~ Christmas is here, everywhere you look around,

Misty: ~singing~ Christmas is here, if you care!!

Brock: Where are you Christ-mas, I think I found you, you never go away,a-a-ay,

Gary: What are you doing?

Everyone else: Shut up! ~storm off~

Gary: What?

Tracey: Wow! A Pidgey! I gotta sketch this! Wow! It's pecking my eyes out and ripping my arm off! I bet Professor Oak will be so happy!

Professor Oak: Of course I'm happy! I don't have to deal with your whining anymore! MWHWHWHWHWHWHWHWHWHW!!!!!!!!!!!

Misty: Oh look, that girl's got Gary up against the wall!

Ash: Cool!

Brock: ~lovestruck~ What's your name? I just gotta know!

Girl: Jennifer, but don't even try it. ~resumes the verbal abuse~

Ash: Now THAT'S the kind of girl worth chasing. ~sensing blowup~ Because she's so like Misty.

Misty: ~calms down~ Aww, that's sweet!

Hotaru: Well, here we are, closing the end of another TPOP. When is he going to be out?

Jupiter: Tomorrow. ~Grins evilly~

Hotaru: Darn!

Jupiter: I know, it's a shame.

Hotaru: ~rustles around~ Oh. ~flat~ Gary's on videophone.

Jupiter: What do you want, Oak?

Gary: I just want you to know that if I had my Arcanine, you would be regretting the day of your birth, *****!

Nurse: I'll get him. ~takes out spiky mallet with a electrical current via Pikachu and prepares to bring it down on Gary~

Hotaru: Darn! Our picture went out!!


Jupiter: But not our sound. ~grins evilly~ Well, I gotta go. I have a cake in the oven. Ciao! ~leaves through portal~

Hotaru: Bye, Lita!


~recorded Author's Note~

So I don't show up much. Hotaru can handle it. ~grins~ The joke in orange was submitted by Lunamew. I make it a policy to accept any entries unless they go above PG. So feel free to submit some! You don't even have to E-Mail me! My reviews are e-mailed to me! Do I sound desperate? ^_^ Maybe I am... @_@ Ho boy. Please R&R!!