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Things People on Pokemon Would Only Say if Somebody Spiked Their Drinks... 5!

Ash: ~waking up, in armchair~ Woah.... Misty?

Misty: Hey, you woke me up!

~Dangerously~ You should be worried about more than that, Mist...

Misty: Huh? Who's there?!?!

~annoyed~ As if it's not obvious... Who ELSE do you know who speaks in purple print?!

Ash: Oh, hi. How's it going?

~Furious~ How's it going? HOW'S IT GOING?!?!?! YOU SHOULD BE IN FEAR OF YOUR LIFE!!! I'M THE AUTHOR!! AND I'M _TICKED_!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, after last night... ~lecturing~ I was afraid you were DEAD or something! You could've at least TOLD me!!! And then, I open the closet door and find... And find......

Ash: And find what?

Misty: Don't leave us in suspense here!

Hmmmm... were.... I have no clue. I seem to have blocked it from my mind. ~Shrugs~ Playing Poker?... No, I wouldn't be this ticked... Oh well, if it's _that_ bad, I suppose I'm better off not knowing. ~Glares at Ash and Misty~ As are YOU.

Ash: Oh, by the way, Mere- er, ~Meredith * Tomoko~... Geeze, what the he** were you ON?...

Misty: Great, Ash, you insulted her! _I'll_ tell her. Y'see, there are very few stories in which we live in marital bliss.

Ash: Dating? Yeah. Get married: You bet. In love? Heck yeah! But actually _married_?... Not often.

Misty: So, we'd like to see what it's like.

Ash: So... We'd like to go!

~sniffs~ I knew this moment would come... Oh, all right. Get outta here. But remember... You can always come back...

Misty: Oh, thank you.

Ash: Good-bye!

~They leave~

~sniffs~ Okay... I'll miss them... In honor of Ash and Misty, this round of jokes will either be Ash and Misty being funny or Team Rocket making fools of themselves. ~mutters~ Same thing...

Rating: PG, and you know it! Stop asking!

Category: Mystery. HUMOR!!! Honestly! And we think ASH is naive!

Summary: Oh come on. You HAVE to be kidding me. Ask one of your little friends!

Disclaimer: If I owned Pokemon, Ash would probably have psychic powers by now, as would every other main character, Jessie and James having quit Team Rocket. Oh yeah, Gary, Prima, Richie, and Darien (appearing by a dimensional rift) would have "accidentally" fallen off a cliff. And NO one would miss them. On to the fic!

Jessie: Honey, have you seen the phone book?

James: It's in the drawer, where it always is.

Jessie: I'm looking, it's not there. Oh. Wait a second. ~Disgusted~ What is _this_?

James: It's the new phone book, it arrived yesterday.

Jessie: What did you do with the Sprint Yellow Pages? The one we've used and trusted for years?

James: I threw it away.

Jessie: Honey, how COULD you?!

James: Well, it was easy, I just opened the bin and I put it on top... ~trails off~

Jessie: Get it back.

James: How am I supposed to do that?

Jessie: _I_ don't care, just get it back!

James: ~repeating brokenly~ She doesn't care.


Meowth: Fill 'er up!

James: Look, I'll give you fifty bucks for your Sprint Yellow Pages.

Meowth: No.

Ash: It's YOU!!

Jessie: A-one, and a-two, and a-three!

James and Meowth: ~Singing~ Oh we're the pi-irates, who don't do anything, we just stay at home, and lie around...

Misty: Got _that_ right.

Ash: Oh look, the Grim Reaper! I'm gonna catch it!

Misty: I, saw Mommy kissing San-ta Claus, underneath the mistletoe last night...

Ash: ~in Santa suit~ I did NOT!

Misty: You're gonna! ~Kisses him~

May Oak: Ash, how COULD you?!!

Gary: May, I thought you were gonna put that mistletoe up over us!

May: I have a confession. I'm engaged to Tracey.

Gary: AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ~Jumps off a cliff~

Tracey: ~Confused~ Why did he just jump off a cliff? And when did we become engaged?

Jessiebelle: You ARE??!?! How COULD you??!!? ~Beats Tracey up~

May: You go, girl!

Prima: Are you May and Jessiebelle?

May and Jessiebelle: Yes.

Prima: Hello. I'm here about your call. Before we talk business, could you fill out this survey?

May: Why?

Prima: I wanted to see if you knew I'm a raging psychopathic killer.

Jessiebelle: Really? So are we!

May: Let's become partners!

Prima: What's in it for me?

May: Inheritance.

Jessiebelle: All we have to do is kill my parents! They're loaded! And there's Pokemon.

May: My last name is Oak. Enough said.

Prima: ~thinks~ Okay. Partners!

Mewtwo: No! ~throws Psychic at girls, who die~ Phew. We were almost dead there. ~leaves~

Ash: It's time for another Ho-down! Come on, you KNOW you missed it!

Misty: Yeah sure.

Ash: Okay, we need a subject!

Guy in audience: "When markers run out!"

Ash: Oh Lugia, what have we done? Ok, this is the ho-down on.... When markers run out. Ack. -_-; Let's get it over with.

Ash: ~Steps up~

Er, I hate it, when markers run out.

I can't think of anything, to sing about!

Oh have mercy, this is really scary,

Wait a da*n second! That guy was Drew Carey!

Misty: It WAS??!

Ash: Yeah!

Misty: ~steps up~

Ooh, I'm gonna kill, this Drew Carey fellow,

For putting us through, thi-is kind of hell-o!

Oh- about markers, when they run out,

It's annoying, Arrgh, I'm just gonna shout! ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

James: Oh no, it's MY turn?!?! ~steps up~

Er... Pi pi-ka, pika pika chu,

Ka ka Pichu, Pi ka pikachu!

Chu ka pika, ka pi ka ka cha,

And then this guy, walked into a bar!

Jessie: What the HE** was that?

James: ~defensively~ Well, it _rhymed_!

Jessie: Oh no. ~Steps up~

Cha, cha, chabok, Liki-liki tung,

Bliss, bliss, Blissy, Muk muk muk!

Ka, ka, pika, Pidgey, pidgeyoooo,

And the marker, stepped on my big toe!

Everyone: ~hesitantly~ Stepped on my big toe!

James: ~whispering~ And the pot called the kettle black.

Jessie: ~whispering~ Oh shut up.

Okay, I think that's enough for now! Wow... It's so quiet... Brr...

~Recorded Author's Note~

Blissy is the new G/S evolution of Chansey. That is such a good ep... Jessie wanted to be a nurse... Just reinforces that TR's not evil... It's called, "Ignorance is Blissy". So, the big mystery. Who will be my new helpers? Still a boy and a girl... A couple over my dead body... After next time, I have no clue what will happen. I know the new hosts, but not what we'll do next... I have a vague idea for like five times after that, but not what's in between.... Who loves ad-lib? Me! ^_^ Dasvedanya!