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Things People on Pokemon Would Only Say If Someone Spiked Their Drinks

(Hey, I had to come up with an original name!)

~By Meredith~

Disclaimer: Ash: Hey, Misty, do you know who owns us? Misty: I don’t know, but it sure as heck isn’t Meredith.

Ash: Are we gonna say anything dirty in a few minutes? Misty: She is NOT gonna make me swear. Ash: Any Misty: What? Ash: Er... The stuff a la Zelda’s Rare Candy Shop. Misty: EEWWW! Heck no! Maybe a few “I love you” s or “You’re hot” s, but none of...IT. Ash: Good. So overall rated PG? Misty: Darn straight! (It better be!)


Ash: Gary, you’re right. I am a loser. Can I please join your cheerleading squad? I look good in skirts!

Pikachu: Man, Ash is pretty hot.

Togepi: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Die you *bleep*s! *bleep*s!! HA!

Meowth: Will you marry me, Pikachu?

Misty: Ash, it was I who sabotaged your career! I PAID Team Rocket for that little stunt! I, and only _I_, will become the world’s greatest Pokemon Master!

Jessie: Team Rocket, man it sucks so heck, I quit!

James: Wait, Jessie! Oh well, that is true, ain’t it?

Meowth: Wait, I’m coming! Heel! Sit!

Giovanni: I just LOO-OOO-OOOVEE Barbies!

Ash: Misty, I choose you!

Misty: Huh? Okay.

Ash: Misty, mallet it!

Misty: Ew, it’s a Tentacruel! I’ll be glad to!

Ash: Monster ball, go!

Misty: I thought they were Pokeballs.

Ash: Who cares?

Misty: Good point.

Ash: Let’s go on a rampaging killing spree!

Misty: Why?

Ash: They forced me to become a Pokemon Master!

Misty: Good point.

Ash: First, I think I’ll get you!

Misty: Bring it on, pretty boy!

Ash: AAHHHH! You think I’m pretty! I’m melting!

Misty: I was kidding! You’re the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen!

Ash: Thanks!

Misty: Thank you!

Ash: This is pointless.

Misty: No it isn’t!

Ash: I refuse to say anything else!

Misty: Okay.

Misty: I love you, Gary! (Egoshippers, so sue me.)

Misty: I love you, Brock! (Same to shoreshippers)

Gary: I love you, Ash! (Palletshippers? God help us all... So Gary doesn‘t go out with his cheerleaders. HE CAN’T BE MORE THAN TWELVE!!!!!! And that‘s just sick. But, whatever. I‘m just saying nobody would be that straight out about it. *Bless me father, for I have sinned...* No I am not Catholic.)

Brock: I love you, Ash! (You wanna dispute me on that? I dare ya.)

Gary: _I_ am a loser, Ash. You will always be better than me-and cuter too.

Misty: I hate water Pokemon.

Brock: I hate rock Pokemon.

Ash: Heck, I hate _ALL_ Pokemon.

Giovanni: I am Sailor Rocket, Champion of justice! In place of the moon, I’ll punish you!

James: You got the English and Japanese mottos mixed up, Boss.

Jessie: How do you know? Do you watch Sailor Moot?

James: It’s Sailor MOON, and yes, I think Chibi-Usa’s hot!


James: Chibi-Chibi’s even hotter!

Jessie: James, SHE’S LIKE FOUR!!! And Chibi-Usa can’t be more than 10!

James: Ha, you watch it too!

Jessie: Yeah, I like making fun of DARIEN/MAMORU and TUXEDO MASK/KAMEN.

James: How? What can you make fun of?

Jessie: Have you ever heard his stupid speeches?

James: What stupid speeches?

Giovanni: Moon prism power! Moon healing escalation!

Jessie and James: YOU’RE MESSING IT UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessie: Personally, I’m rooting for Beryl.

Ash: Gary, I am your father.

Gary: The Force is with me.

Cheerleaders: Gary Oak! Gary Oak! Man he sucks, right now he’s broke!

Richie: You will never beat me again! DIE, ASH KETCHUM!!!!!!!!!!!

Misty: What’s that?

Ash: TM 04.

Brock: Ash, I am your father.

Victreebell: James’s head tastes nasty! Never go near it!

Jessiebelle: Aah, you only live once. Put your feet on the table, James.

Meowth: I love all Persians.

Officer Jenny: There is NO MERCY FOR LAWBREAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melvin: Here I am, finally! Viva Las Vegas!

Nurse Joy: Sure I’ll kill your Pokemon! Er, I mean _heal_.

Cheerleaders: Gary, Gary, man he sucks! If you like him, kiss our butts!

Misty: Hi, Mulder.

Ash: Hello, Scully.

Pikachu: I hate ketchup!

Meredith: Prima is great! I love Richie! And Tracey! AND Gary, too!

Squirtle: Bulbasaur!

Ash: Man, Pikachu’s hot.

Ash: I am Sailor Moon!

Misty: I’m Sailor Mini-Moon!

Brock: And I am Sailor Jupiter!

Ash: Pikachu, Pink Sugar Heart Attack!

Misty: I finally paid you for your bike Ash, bye-bye!

Ash: Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions...

Misty: I am Sailor Moon!

Ash: Chibi-Chibi, Chibi-Chibi...

Ash: You da MON!

Brock: Look, Jabba, I’ll pay you back...

Prof. Oak: Use the force, Ash!

Ash: Misty, I’m pregnant.

Nurse Joy: Brock! Er... Hi-my-name-is-Joy-will-you-go-out-with-me?

Ash: Shove being a Pokemon Master, I’m gonna be a janitor!

Lily: Hello, Misty. Would you care to join us for a scrumptious tea service?

Ash: I’m gonna get Voldemort tonight.

Brock: Ash! Say you-know-who, will you?!

Misty: Shut up! I’m studying for my History of Magic exam.

James: You ain’t getting none.


Ash: I’m too good for you, Mystic!

Misty: It’s MISTY, you dumb Ash.

Giovanni: I’m gonna show my face!

Togepi: I'm not gonna act like an idiot today and make cousin Pikachu fall from a high spot trying to save my worthless posterior!

Pikachu: Darn!

Ash: My life is worthless... ::jumps off a cliff::

Tracey: Hey, who took my cocaine?!

Misty: Let’s have some fun tonight, Psyduck! MST3K is on at eleven!

Ash: Guess what, (guess what), It’s gonna be MAE-AE-AEEEEEEEE!!

Misty: Isn’t she LUUU-UUU-KEE, this Holly-wood girl...

Ash: I'm a doctor, not a Pokemon trainer!

Brock: Oh! Professor Ivy! Mention her again...

I can’t think of any more at the moment. If and WHEN I do, I’ll put them up as Things People on Pokemon Would Only Say If Someone Spiked Their Drinks 2. Thank you, R&R please, and farewell,
