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Serena's Profile

There are five million pages where you can find out more than you wanted to know abut Serena--Birthday, favorite food, least favorite subject--that goes for all the scouts. Why should you read my profiles? I'm honest and opinionated. ^_^

So I am going to give up all pretenses of being an information source in the Sailor Moon section. I'm just telling you what I know.

Serena (Usagi Tuskino, in the original Japanese--fanfiction authors often use Tuskino as Serena's last name)is a ditzy girl who doesn't apply herself at all. ^_~ She has REEEEAALLLY long blonde hair, which she pins up in meatballs. [Meatballs, noun, slang. Serena's hairstyle; a ball on each side of head, both with ponytail hanging down; kind of like buns. Japanese term--Odango; means dumpling. Odango atama--Dumpling Head; dubbed as Meatball Head; Darien's nickname for Serena]

She's running (late) to school one day when she sees some boys hurting a cat and yells at them. To make an already long story short, this cat is Luna. Luna tells Serena that she is Sailor Moon, and as such must go save her friend Molly (Nauru or something in Japanese) and kick some Negaverse fanny.

So, she meets the other scouts, more like FINDS the other scouts, and gets a huge crush on Tuxedo Mask, a guy in mask and tuxedo (never would've guessed!)who often saves her butt and then leaves. (*cough*wimp*cough*) Gosh, this is complicated... So, Darien/Tuxedo Mask (like an idiot, if ya ask me, but I doubt you do) agrees to have a duel with one of the Negaverse dudes over the Rainbow Crystals, which, as this section is too long already, is what both the good and bad sides want. (Marvel at my in-depth details! ^^;)

He and Serena get kidnapped, they find out each other's primary secret identities (yes, they have more than one), and then... Darien gets his *** kicked.

(It's almost enough to make you a Negaverse fan, if they all weren't such -----es. They're worse than the host of The Weakest Link. Of course, I don't think she's that bad, but it proves my point well enough. ^_^)

So it turns out Serena is the Moon Princess, who everyone on the face of the earth has been looking for ( SEEMS that way! Almost!), and Darien is some Prince of Earth. Yipee.

(I really must apologize for this stupid and obviously biased profile. But heck, if you want objectivity, you are SO in the wrong place.)

Um, lessee...How do I summarize four, no maybe five, six, oh heaven knows! story arcs of a show?... Well, Serena-san kicks Negaverse butt after several episodes. She loses her memory, then gets it back. I think--yeah, it's right after that arc that Darien dumps Serena cause of a recurring dream; it's that arc in which Rini shows up, the future daughter of Serena and Darien, who is _occasionally_ a snobby little--well Mere, you've edited that word out enough on this profile, and besides, you LIKE Rini, remember? I really do.

Then, it's Sailor Moon S, where they introduce Amara/Haruka (yay), Michelle/Micheru (yay), Trista (!!%$@)/Setsuna (Yay!), and Hotaru (WAHOOOO!!). ^^; Then SS... Oh, this is pointless. ^^

I think Serena is WAY underrated. Well, not by us, but by a lot of people on the show. Serena-san is on the list of my favorite anime characters ever. With some others from Sailor Moon. ^^ Serena/Darien is, of course, a couple, inexorably so on the show, only disputed by Serena/Seiya, one of the Starlights. ^^ Oy.