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Mina's Profile

Mina, Minako, Sailor Venus, Sailor V-- Heck with it, YOU know who she is!! ^~

Minako--Sailor Venus-- is either the first or the last Sailor Scout to be discovered, depending on your point of view. Minako as a person--she's a lot like Serena, actually. Slightly ditzy. But when Minako becomes Sailor Venus, she KNOWS how to kick bad-guy butt. She is probably the second-most boy-crazy girl on the team--If you accept Lita as the first, and Serena as the third.

Why the two "Sailor" names? Naoko Takenouchi (hope I spelled it right), the creator of Sailor Moon, first created a manga (basically, for the Japan-impaired, a comic book) called "Sailor V", about a sailor-suited girl who fought crime. From this idea, she came up with Sailor Moon. Naoko decided to tie the two stories together by making Sailor V Sailor Venus. Simple, ne? Well, maybe not... ^^;

Mina, as Sailor Venus, first appears in the episode with the Zoicite (sp... -.-;) dressing-up-as-Sailor-Moon-and-somehow-making-everyone-believe-her-even-though-it's-quite-obvious-oh-well-it's-anime thing. ^^; I am not one for titles...too bad, huh... As Sailor V, she is present in various forms of entertainment through the whole show.

Basically, Sailor Venus shows up to save Darien's arse--first from Zoicite and then from having to give up a rainbow crystal. (And the Darien-haters go "HA") As much as we know about Minako's past, we know little, technically, about Mina's past... Because the episode about that was left out. *looks murderously at DiC* But here is what I understand about the non-dubbed Mina stuff...

Mina, as Sailor V, used to fight crime in London. (With Artemis, of course.) And, at one point, she had a boyfriend, but (I can definetly be wrong here. I haven't even read a full synopsis) she has to go to Japan for some reason, and they part ways. The episode is about Minako looking back on that and accepting it. Also, tremulously, looking at what I understand of the episode and the lyrics, I believe the song "Route Venus" was in there somewhere. Please note, I DEFINETLY could be wrong. *Later note because I can't amend that: I was. It's somewhere in Sailormoon SuperS. I missed that particular episode, but they probably cut it out anyway.*

And what IS the song, "Route Venus"?... The lyrics basically tell a story about, "I went my way, you went yours...That's the way it has to be, I guess... But remember the last kiss we shared...." The lyrics are pretty... The song?... It's almost irrationally upbeat, considering the subject matter! It's pretty... And upbeat... @.@ I suppose, if you sang it right, it could be quite haunting. But, it's a really..cute...pretty... Oh, I don't know... Adjectives have never been my strong point... Heck, it's a goregous song! It just stands out, I'm sure, with those lyrics and that melody... Not to mention the arrangement. And....A lot like Minako.

(I'd put a MIDI of it on this page, but the copy I have isn't mine and I don't know how anyway... Angelfire only gives instructions for the "Cresendo" player... -_-xxxxxxx)

So, that's about as much about Minako as I can say. ^^; Heck, LONG LIVE SAILOR V!!!!