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Haruka (Amara) and Micheru (Michelle)

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!... (Sorry, couldn't help it. ^_^;;;)

(Please note: If you are a fan of either of those two, just leave. I don't wanna get in a fight. Thank you. ^_^)

(Please Note again: I am not joking.)

With (hopefully) all of the Haruka and Micheru lovers (Ack, bad comparison possibility... Sorry) gone, I have one thing to say (*laughs at self* Yeah, sure):I. Do. Not. Like. Them.

Maybe they're too far from the sun! All the other scouts turned out fine! Okay, let's get the bloody stats out of the way:

Haruka is the Japanese name; Amara is the dub. Both versions of Uranus are race car drivers; through dubbing, only one is a lesbian. Well... For the full scoop, click here. (Basically, it's not ever clearly stated that they're lesbians, even in the original. Look under "The Intruiging Relationship Between Haruka and Micheru" and then thank SOS.)

Micheru/Michelle is a very good violinist. In the dub, she and Haruka are cousins. Not so in the original--just check out the SOS site, I don't want to get into it.

Do I hate them because they're gay? NO. So why DO I hate them?

1.) They don't really care about anyone but themselves, and an abstract "world". See the WHOLE TALISMAN-SEARCHING ARC OF SMS for proof.

2.)They want to kill Hotaru-hime!!!

3.) They are convinced that all darkness is evil, with no way for it to be otherwise.

4.) They ASSUME that just because Hotaru/Saturn has the POWER to blow up the world, she WILL.

5.) I was at a Hotaru site which had a really good series summary, and do you know what these (insert derogatory term here) do?! THEY KILL HOTARU AND SETSUNA!!! And do NOT tell me they were pretending to be evil!! I don't care! It doesn't matter!! THEY KILLED HOTARU-HIME!!!! !_!

And even so, I don't really HATE them. I just don't like them at all. ^^; A small distinction, perhaps, but an entirely accurate one.

There. Uranus and Neptune. If you want to know more, go somewhere else. This isn't an information site anyway. ^^;;; ^_~