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Sora, Carrie, Misty, and Sabrina Debate “Is Digimon a Rip-off of Pokemon?” and Possibly Others

I _Know_ it’s KARI, shut up, I don’t care.

Sora: Well, maybe Ty’s hair, it’s even worse than Ash’s!

Misty: No way! I can’t even visualize that.

Carrie: I hate to admit it, but his hair is _huge_!

M: I can’t imagine it being worse than Ash’s.

Sabrina: It is. Here. (A photograph floats into Misty’s hand)

M:....Dang....... I never thought I’d say this, but it IS worse than Ash’s! (laughs)

C: Yeah, Ash’s is at least _plausible_.

S: You can blame it on hat hair.

Sab: Getting onto the _subject_-

M: Which is?

Sab: Some people say Digimon is a cheap rip-off of Pokemon.

S: No way! Digimon kick so much more can!

M: Hey! Pikachu could fry all your Digimon’s butts in 5 seconds!

C: But Digimon Digivolve! Then they’d stomp Pikachu into the ground!

S: Carrie!

C: Sorry, I’m like that in catfights.


C:! (laughs nervously) That’s not what I said at all!

M: Chibi-usa...Anyway, there are more Pokemon than Digimon!

Sab: You can’t dispute that. More species, more members of species...just MORE.

S: Really?

M: Yep. There are whole _tribes_ of Pikachu!

C: Cool!

S: Can I have a Pikachu?

Sab: Getting on the SUBJECT, you don’t capture Digimon.

C.CAPTURE??! You CATCH the poor things?

M: Well, yeah...

S: Ours just follow us around!

M:(nervous) Well, it’s the same with most of Ash’s! Just follow him!

C: Ash has more than one?!

M: Well, yeah, that’s the way it is.

Meredith: Hey Misty!

M: Huh?

Sab: AAAHHH!!! It’s the author! It’s an SI!!

Meredith: ^_^ Oh shut up. Mist, could you take this to the Pokeworld for me?

M: Who, me? What is it?

Meredith: Oh, you probably can’t do it...

M: What?

Meredith: I got a couple flames. I’m taking them to the PFHN- the Pokemon Fire Helpers Network.

S: Huh? Flames? What are those?

Meredith: It’s fanfic authors’ slang for really nasty reviews. Someone-who-shall-not-be-named-because-it-would-be-too-arrogant-and-jerklike gave me one or two. I’m almost happy-I can help some fire Pokemon!

M: Er...whatever.

Meredith: Sorry for bugging you, just wanted to say hi, and don’t say ANYTHING, Sabrina.

Sab: (looking innocent) What? Say something? Me?

Meredith: ^_^ You’re lucky I like you all. (creates portal)

C: Bye, Madame Author!

Meredith: Call me that again and I’ll let Misty persuade Sabrina...^_^

C: Huh? Persuade her to what? (looks at Misty suspiciously)

M: (stepping away from Sabrina and acting innocent) What do you mean, Madame Author?


M: Or what?

Meredith:....Or I’ll send you to live with the Thunder-bleargh-cats. (gags)

M: (screams like heck)

Meredith: I was just kidding! I’d NEVER do that to _anyone_- except maybe Tracey or Richie (gags at saying that name) I won’t even add that name to the spell-checker!


Meredith: I gotta go, or people will think I’m as arrogant as Gary....

M: Is that even _possible_?

Meredith: Good question...bye! (she leaves)

Sab: Eccentric weirdo...

Meredith: I _HEARD_ THAT!!!!!

Sab: I was _joking_!!! You of all people should know that!

Meredith: What, so now I’m psychic? I wish. I’m just an author.

Sab: Isn’t that the same thing at the moment?

Meredith: Oh yeah... ^_^ (leaves again)

Sab: AHEM.... Also, Pokemon battles.

S: We have those.

Sab: No, this is more of a sport.

S+C: SPORT?!?!

M: It’s not as bad as it sounds!

S+C: SPORT?????

M: (panicking) I don’t do it! Only to catch wild Pokemon! Ask Sabrina!

Sab: Hey, you’re a gym leader too!

M: I’m not in practice!

Sab: (chillingly) Don’t make me turn you into a doll again, Waterflower.

M: Eep!

S: SP- Gym leader? What’s that?

C: SPOR- She turned you into a doll? Cool!

M: Little fungus Chibi-usa... Gym leaders battle challengers. If challengers win, they get a badge. With 8 badges, they can go to the Pokemon League. In the Pokemon League, you can become a Pokemon Master.

S: Oh... Hey, that’s it. The plots are completely different! That’s why they aren’t rip-offs!

Sab: Yep, that’s the number one reason.

C: Yep.

M: Yep.

S:...What about Monster Rancher?

C, M, + Sab: ARRGH!!!

Sab: Pokemon might be. A guy traveling around with a group of friends in a world of monsters. But in Pokemon you _catch_ the monsters, and aren’t trying to save the world, and no type of evolving’s in MR. Nope. Similar, but not rip-offs.

M: Right. Here’s another issue...Sabrina’s like Hotaru.

Sab: ARRGH!! We. Are. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S: Well, there is the power...

C: And the hair...

M: And the attitude...

Sab: ShiMATTA! I don’t CARE!!! We are NOT!!! STOP IT!!!! STOP IT OR I’LL TURN YOU INTO DOLLS!!! that one? (points behind Sabrina)

Sab: Huh? (turns around) Oh crud, my doll escaped from her safe within a safe within a safe within a locked closet again! Darn! Excuse me while I put it back in. (She leaves)

S:...What the...

M: Don’t ask.

(Sora and Carrie go onto a laptop and log onto the internet to find out more about Pokemon and anime in general)

C: Hey Misty, why do you call me “Chibi-usa” all the time?

S: It’s a reference to Japanese Sailor Moon.

C: I’ve never even seen the dubbed version!

M: Man, kid, you’re missing out.

S: Not really, the dub’s pathetic.

M: Better some than none!

S: Yeah, but they changed Setsuna to TRISTA, shimatta.

C: What does ‘shimatta’ mean?

M+S: Oh, nothing.

C: Yes it does! (Sabrina enters)

Sab: Hi, I’m back. And I know what happened, don’t tell me.

M: (whispers) Psychic.

S+C: Oh.

Sab: Hey!

M: Also, there are evil Digimon. There aren’t any evil Pokemon.

Sab: There will be. Evil Pokemon come out in Gold and Silver. Satoshi-san isn’t helping Pokemon’s ‘evil’ reputation much.

M: EVIL?!!???? That whomps. Are we gonna see these?

Sab: Maybe. I don’t know the plot of the Japanese episodes.

M: What’s different about the Japanese eps?

S: The names are different, the Pokemon are different, they’re made like that first...

C: More episodes, more violence, and of course, it’s in Japanese.

M: Aah.

Sab: Well, that’s all for now, see you later!

S: I’m glad Holiday at Acopoco was banned, it’d give me nightmares...James with boobs!

C+M: EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! (Misty starts to barf)

Sab: That IS gross, but this is over now! Goodbye everybody!


I know it’s TAI, I know it’s KARI, don’t tell me. I’m trying. It’s just supposed to be funny. Don’t review saying “DON’T DISS MY SATO_CHAN” or “DON’ DISS TAICHI”, because I am not dissing anything except Thunder-cats. I hate that show. I am free to accept anything saying “DON’T DISS THUNDERCATS”, but if you say I’m dissing anything/one else, I’ll just laugh. I’m gonna start typing a story called “The Freedoms”, if you see it, it’s just about every genre, why am I rambling, I’m tired. Bye.

*If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, that you have but slumbered here, while these shadows did appear.-A Midsummer Night’s Dream*

I gotta put that more often.

Also, *Hobbes: They say idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Calvin: I resent that! (prepares to drop water balloon on Susie Derkins) We work darn hard at this.* They just say what I don’t. ^_^

