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Ash's Profile

So, who is Ash?

If you don't know THAT, you are either rather innattentive or new to Pokemon. ^^

General-information wise, he's the star of Pokemon. He lives in Pallet Town; his mom's name is Delia; we have no clue whatsoever about his dad. ^_^; He has black hair and brown eyes; he always wears his Pokemon leauge hat; usually he wears a blue-and-white jacket, a black shirt, and jeans. Because it's an anime, we rarely see him otherwise. ^_-

Because he overslept, he got Pikachu as his first Pokemon from Professor Oak. Trying to catch Pidgeys when Pikachu wasn't helping him, Ash disturbed a WHOLE FREAKING FLOCK of Spearow, who commenced to chase him, and he nearly got himself killed. Luckily, Pikachu (after Ash's wicked-cool "Come and Get Me!!" speech)decided (more like deigned, after this episode) to help Ash, and kicks some major Spearow butt. (Do they _have_ butts?...)

Ash had stolen Misty's bike in the process of running, and the thunder attack Pikachu used totally fried it, so Misty (secretly one of the four Cereulean City Gym leaders) started to follow him around. He later met Brock, then came to the top 16 in the Indigo League. Then he ditched Brock (not really...) and went to compete in the Orange League, meeting Tracey along the way. Then he ditched Tracey at Pallet (all Tracey's choice) and got Brock back to go to Johto. You can find more and better details almost anywhere else.

Now, HERE is why it was worth coming to this profile.

A lot of people don't like Ash. I do. He is a great character! Sure, Ash is headstrong. Sure, he hasn't caught many Pokemon. Sure, he can be a bit stupid. But give the kid a break!!

He's only 10 years old. And besides, whether through luck or skill, he has kicked more butt than we ever could've in his place. Think about what Ash has done. Is he really all that bad?...

Special Information

Look up the name "Ash" at or whatever that name site is called. It is eerie.

Do you know how many sites use the word "headstrong' in their Ash profiles? Niether do I. ^_^

His last name is spelled Ketchum , people.

Relatives of Ash!!! They ARE out there, you know!! Check the Encyclopedia Brown books!! I had the information down at one point, but in ONE of the books, someone with the last name "Ketchum" calls Encyclopedia to help him find where he hid his sandwich, because if he doesn't find it and the boss does, he'll be in deep. (No wonder Ash never says anything about him...^_^) I am NOT making this up.

Ash's Relationships in Fics (poor dude): AAMRN (Ash and Misty), Palletshipping (Ash and Gary), and Shi3 (Ash, Gary, and Richie). Shishi originates from SatoSHI (Ash) and SHIgeru. Shi3 is SatoSHI, SHIgeru, and HiroSHI. As I said, poor dude. ^_- (You can pretty much see my opinion on the last two from that comment.)

Ash Links
