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The Deep, Dark Mysteries of Ash (Y'scared yet?)

Be afraaaiiidd... Be very afraid....

All right, so it's not that scary. Let a poor fanfic author have her fun! Please?

Basically, this page covers Ash's past, and the theories concerning it. Or Ash Fanfiction 101. ^^; Hey, it's better than Calculus! I think!

Deep Dark Mystery #1: Who is Ash's father?

There are many, maaanny theories on this, and of course I'm going to list them. ^^

Theory One: Ash's father is Giovanni, AKA the mysterious leader of Team Rocket.

Pros: This provides some nice Star Wars intrigue. "Luke, I am your father"... It does offer interesting possibilities. Also, we never _have_ heard his last name...

Cons: It _is_ slightly overdone. And this isn't actually a con, but you would have to specify exactly why he and Mrs. Ketchum aren't together.

Theory Two: Lance is Ash's father.

Pros: Well, it'd explain Ash's love for Pokemon... ^^ We can be pretty sure Lance exists on the show, because of Loreli/Prima (though I doubt she had that bust in the video game) and Bruno, but...

Cons: Why would Lance leave Mrs. Ketchum? Did she divorce him? Why? No evidence to the contrary, but none _for_ it either.

Theory Three: Professor Oak is Ash's father.

Pros: Er... We know he exists... And there _is_ a shipping for Mrs. Ketchum and Professor Oak... And we know they live near each other...

Cons: Isn't he a bit old? And why wouldn't they tell Ash? Unless they have and he's in deep denial. Who would want Gary Oak (at the beginning of the show, at least) to be your _uncle_ or _brother_ or hell, _any_ relation?

Theory Four: (Fill in name of other character) is Ash's father.

That's the course some fic authors take, either creating a new character or bringing in someone really stupid for a humor fic.

Theory Five: Ash is not in fact a human, but a Pokemon transformed.

Pros: That would explain a lot.

Cons: It's kind of strange. And some would say that ASH could not be that smart, but they aren't here, are they? *sticks out tongue* The old baby-on-the-doorstep thing...

Theory Five: Ash was adopted.

Pros: Not used much at all, yet really plausible! This would explain a lot as well.

Cons: Either Mr. Ketchum died, or, which would not be unlikely at all, she just plain adopted him even though she was single. This could work! I have seen plenty of Pokemon Fanfiction, but I have not seen this possibility truly explored.

Theory Six (Exclusive! ^^;): Ash is in Foster Care.

Pros: In a world where Gary can drive a car, I'm sure there would be some provision for children in the Foster Care System to go on their Pokemon Journeys. Court custody decisions can take around four years if parents fight. (BTW, foster care is pre-adoption, for those of you who don't know.) Also, it would explain how Mrs. Ketchum gets an income--foster care does pay their foster parents... eventually... *cough cough*

Cons: I suppose Ash might've said something about it... This idea is exclusive, because I'm the only one who's come up with it. But it offers many possibilities as well! What if Ash's parents got him back? What if he was adopted? So many fics!

Theory Seven: Mrs. Ketchum has no idea who Ash's father is.

Pros: Er, it explains it as well.

Cons: That really isn't nice! You think Mrs. Ketchum would do that? Fine... Whatever...

Sub-theory One: Mr. Ketchum, whoever he is, is dead.

Sub-theory Two: Mr Ketchum is divorced from Mrs. Ketchum.

Sub-theory Three: Mr. Ketchum is seperated from Mrs. Ketchum.

Deep Dark Mystery #2: What are those squiggles under Ash's cheeks?

Theory One: Dirt.

Theory Two: Some birthmark.

Theory Three: Some brat drew them with a permanent marker.

Theory Four: A mark that he is destined to do great things.

Theory Five: A mark of some great tragedy in his past.

Theory Six: THE ANIMATORS DREW THEM THERE!! You insane freaks!! Are you not in touch with reality?!

~All fanfic authors: The hell we are!~


That's all the deep, dark mysteries! ^^ Thanks for coming!