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The sequel to Can’t I Have Some Peace Tonight

By Meredith


Sorry, had to do it. (“And still experimenting with different fonts!”) People liked the big font, so... IT’S BACK!!!!


Rating: G (as in, go fig.)

Category: Bit more romance this time! (I can hear the multitudes cheering...)

Summary: Aw crud... Okay, Misty’s thinking about _that night_ (YOU KNOW WHICH ONE I MEAN!!!). Kinda also what she should think in Everything Changes and Making My Way. (All hail to Dragoness! May she go on to write even more! If you disagree, the heck with you! ^_^)


(Note: This is set when Ash comes home from the Orange League. It‘s also Misty‘s thoughts unless otherwise noted.)

Whew! It’s been a long day.

It’s kinda nice to be back home...

What do I mean, “Home”? My home is in Cerulean.

Well, I always have been more welcome here than in the gym...

Of course, the day was kind of ruined by Team Rocket and Gary. My LEAST favorite people in the whole world. _So_ Gary was acting human. I still hate him.

And I can SO not believe Gary beat Ash!

Oh no, I’m sounding like my sisters!! Save us all!

I can’t believe Dad left the gym to them. I guess fathers can be pretty stupid.

I have ample evidence of that, don’t I...

And I thought _I_ had it bad because Mom and Dad went to Paris! To have them arguing like that... About _me_...

Ash is NOT stupid! Okay, so he’s dense at times. Isn’t everyone?

And I know Ash’s mom is proud of that Orange League trophy, but she isn’t showing it. Use it as a weight... Come ON.

Don’t they realize this is special? Not ONLY is it important to Ash, but there aren’t many people who have won this trophy! And Ash is the youngest winner ever!

That’s amazing!

He’s amazing!...

Of course, if I let him know that-if we ALL let him know that-he’d probably be like GARY.

I feel like doing a Brock-- “Don’t mention that name....”.

Ash can just withstand so much...

He’s special, and if his parents don’t think so, well, the heck with them.

I know Ash’s mom loves him. He knows it, too.

I don’t even _know_ Ash’s father, but I don’t like what I hear.

Ash, Ash, Ash! What is _wrong_ with me??!

All I know is that everything seems... _special_ on this journey of his. And I’m actually _comfortable_ in front of him. Usually in front of people, I feel like I have to prove something.

Wait, didn’t I read that in a Reader’s Digest article or something?

I did, didn’t I?

Where is it... Not this one... Or this one...

Wait a sec.



No way! This can’t be the article!

I’ll just read through it and prove it...

Oh no, it IS the article.

Is that bad or good? Everyone wants love...

I dunno... maybe I can sort it out later...

What’s on the radio?

“I don’t wanna wait,

For our lives to be over,

I want to know right now,

What will it be?

I don’t wanna wait,

For our lives to be over,

Will it be yes or will it be...


Usually I _like_ that song. This is SO not the time.

Aaaaahh! The valley girl again!!

Let’s try another channel.

“So it’ll be, what it’ll be,

Don’t make a fuss and go crazy over you and me,

Here’s what I do, I stay loose,

Not like we have a date with destiny!

It’s just,

A little crush,

Not like I faint,

Every time we touch,

It’s just,

Some little thing,

Not like everything I do,

Depends on you,

Sha la la la,

Sha la la la...”


Actually, I kinda like it...

Shut up, Myst.

I wonder what Ash is doing?...

Let’s find out!

“Hey, Ash?”

Oh, GREAT opening, Mist...

“Oh, hi! What’re you doing here?”

Does he have ANY idea how cute he is? You don’t find many guys that innocent.

“Oh, there were too many love songs on the radio, and I was thinking about you, so...”

#$@*^&^*%@#&*%#*@%#*%#^$!!!!!!!! You practically TOLD him, you idiot!!!!

He’s looking at me...what is he thinking, he’s looking at me...

“Wanna go out with me, Misty?”


Directness! Yow!


He’s grinning, why is he grinning...

“Oh, in two years.”

Articuno I don’t know what’s going on...


“Two _years_??!?!?!”

He’s still grinning, is that good...

“Yeah, Mom’d go _crazy_ if I had a girlfriend now, and I think I’d better make a reservation now before every other guy on the planet does.”



That’s so sweet...

“That’s so sweet...”

Okay, so sue me, I'm at a loss for words here!

“So... two years, then?”

He’s holding out his hand... I should shake it...

“Yeah, two years. Just don’t get picked up by anyone else, okay?”

I can’t bear that thought...

“Sure, as long as you don’t either.”

He worries about that too? Maybe we have something here!


And I mean that.

“Good.” He smiles. I like that smile. “See you tomorrow, Misty!”

“Yeah, see you, Ash!”

A new League... A new perspective...

Oh, I left the radio on...

“It’s a whole new world we live in,

Pokemon Johto.”

I think I’ll keep it on, just a LITTLE longer.

“Everybody wants to be a master,

Everybody wants to show their skill,

Everybody wants to get there faster,

Make their way to the top of the hill,

Each time, you try,

Gonna get just a little bit better,

Each day, you climb,

Is one more step, up the ladder!

It’s a whole new world we live in,

With a whole new way to see,”

Right on! And the radio reads my mind again!

“It’s a whole new place, with a brand new attitude,”

Darn straight!

“But you still gotta catch ‘em all,

Be the best that you can be.

Pokemon Johto.

It’s a whole new world we live in!”

It is a new world...

“But you still gotta catch ‘em all,”

But some things will always stay the same.

“Be the best that you can be.”

We try...

“Pokemon Johto,”

Johto League!

“Pokemon Johto!”


Author’s Note:

Sorry it took so long! I had writer’s block. But wasn’t working well, and I went into this, knowing that I needed to get my lazy butt to finish it for the loyal fans. ^^ And I did! I think it’s better than the last one! A LOT better!

About sequels... ^^; Ho boy. All right, if you want one, say so in your review. I have one in mind, and if I get greater than or equal to one or two reviews asking me or begging me to, I’ll write it. And remember, I’m terrible at romance, so the one I have in mind is partially ripped off of a Star Trek: Voyager episode. If you ask (preferably leaving your e-mail address so I don’t tell the people who couldn’t care less), I’ll tell you which one. ^^ If you’re wondering why I’m using ^^, it’s because my regular one looks like ^_^ in Arial. I don’t like that. Man, I was uploading a fic (TPOPWOSISSTD4, if anyone cares), and it aborted because “it wasn’t in .html”. It was! In the window, it showed all the .html ones, and it was in there. Also, it ended .htm , and it accepts that! Oh well. Please R&R!

~You sent her a valentine? Paging Dr. Love, Doctor I.M.N. Love!~

Hobbes, upon hearing Calvin had sent a hate-mail valentine and a bunch of dead flowers to Susie Derkins. It was after an argument where Hobbes said Calvin had a crush on Susie.

~You’re right. The people in the last five rows will only be able to see the top of your head. They’ll be _blinded_ by the glare.~

B’Elanna Torres, in the Voyager episode “Virtuoso”, possibly one of the best ones. The doctor is acting a tad bigheaded. If you don’t know, he’s bald. ^^

~What’s love got to do, got to do with it?~

I think we all know. ^^

