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May 16th

Got the Doujinshi up...
May 23rd
Finished getting the rest of the links to go...
July 3rd
Autumn-chan's Lab is up...
July 24th
Finally got some major updating done. Added Kris-chan's and Maureen-chan's bios to the "About Us" page. Updated the contact page and the link page as well.
July 27th
Added Lola-chan's bio... stayed tuned for more about her and her friend Jessy-chan
August 8th
Finally added Jessy-chan's bio! Also check out the Bishounen World. Autumn-chan has her bishounen posted!
September 10th
Just added a poll. Please take the time to vote. Another one will be added soon.
September 11th
Kris-chan's and Lola-chan's bishounen are up. Check them out at the Bishounen World.
September 15th
Maureen-chan's bishounen are up.
September 19th
I have added more chibi pictures in the Chibi World. Word to the wary: Some of the images are very big.