As you step inside, you find yourself in a long dark hall. Looking around you see different doors of different sizes. You walk down the hall and eventually find yourself at the end of the hall, standing in front of a ‘very’ small door. The door looks like it was taken directly from “Alice In Wonderland.” You kneel down to get a better view of it and find yourself wondering what strange creature uses such a door. You see a large red button above it that has a label. “Do Not Push,” you read, but the temptation is just too strong. You push it and suddenly a brick slides back and you hear a pop. The next thing you know, you are just the right size to enter into the door. You turn the knob and cautiously enter.
Disclaimer::: All characters
shown here are the property of the manga artist who created them. Kris-chan,
Maureen-chan, Autumn-chan, Lola-chan, all other chibis in training, and the chibitizer are our own creations and any resemblence
they have to anyone other than us is purely coincidental. Please do not take
any of the images on these without our permission or the permission of the
person that we got them from, unless otherwise stated. Any harm befalling you
as a result of explosions, spells, or the chibitizer will be at your own
disclosure as you are the one risking entry onto our pages. ^_^ If, however,
you find that you actually enjoy being blown up, like we do, then please come
back again.