The Story of Cardcaptors


It all started out when Sakura came home from school. No one was home, Sakura heard a strange noise from her Dad's libary. She was getting frighten as she step-by-step walk into the libary. Then Sakura saw a book move on a self. She took the book out, she opened it and took out the frist card, The Windy card. Then all of a sudden a big tornado-like wind started to blow all of the cards out of the book and was shooting out of her house to all around the world. When it all stoped, a creature startd to come out of the book Sakura had in her hand. The creature was Keroberos, the Guardian of the Clow cards, all he did frist was yawn. The Kero got all freaked out about the cards that is not in the book. But luckily Sakura still have The Windy card in her hands. With that she has a good chance to get the escaped cards back to the book. Kero told Sakura about the Clow and the cards, and showed her how to use the magical wand to which I forgot what it is called!????? And that's how it all started out, WB didn't show the very first episode but thats how it happen.
