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BPP Oekaki Rules

Oekaki Rules

Alright, I know I've been slacking on creating this rules page, but now there are more people using the board, so I felt this was necessary. If you can't obey the rules of my oekaki board, your pictures will be deleted automatically. I know this may sound harsh, but I feel everyone should be entitled to use the board as long as they stay within my guidelines.

Don't worry, there are only TEN simple rules here. Should be a piece of cake to follow. ^_^

What's allowed...

1. The board is open to any genre, so don't worry if you want to draw something outside the Digimon realm. (i.e. Original Characters, Disney toons, other animes, etc.)

2. Anyone can use this board, and by anyone I mean no experience necessary as long as your picture looks as though you spent more than five seconds on it. I'm sorry, but NO stick people allowed, unless it is a brilliantly done stick person comic. LOL! But I doubt someone would spend the time contriving one.

3. Shounen/Shoujo ai is permitted. You can draw any couple you want, as long as they're not participating in any type of explicit act.

4. Uploading pics from other boards or your hard drive is allowed, but there are certain limitations, so read on to find out what they are.

What's NOT allowed...

5. No uploading anything over the 200kb limit. Also nothing over the dimensions of 697x841.

6. Only 2 uploads per day if they are non-oekaki pics. Meaning, if you didn't draw them on another board, you are limited to two per day. This is an oekaki board, not your personal photo/image gallery.
If you have a website, I highly recommend showing off your works there. You can always provide a link when you comment.

The only reason I'm posting this rule is because as of late, people have been taking advantage of the whole uploading deal.

7. This board is HENTAI FREE! Which means no NC-17/X-rated stuff allowed. I am well aware that my site is based upon a show directed towards children, so if there happen to be younger viewers on here, I don't want them to be subject to any explicit material.

8. I'm sure everyone's heard this rule before. NO SPAM! And to me, spam is anything that is only words with no picture. I'm sorry, but if you want to make a banner or something for your site on here, you always have your trusty Paint program, which is almost equivalent to this board, w/ a few exceptions.

9. And lastly, no reposting. I haven't had this problem yet, but basically what I mean is, no posting a pic, and then a week later decide to repost it if you did not get any comments. However, I will not mind if you wait say...3 months and then try it again. Just no back to back reposting.

And that's it! No sweat, huh? ^_^

If you have any questions regarding the rules, or you are unsure of something, you can always email me ( or post on my message board. With that said, off to the oekaki BBS!