
Help topics

1-In order to post on a message board open the board you want to post on, select new message, and type what you want. When filling out the form under name, put your characters name, not yours. Also, try and be creative, in order for this game to be fun, we don't want boring messages, instead leave long, descriptive, messages, instead of tons of small boring ones. 2-In order to buy items or weapons, enter a message board titled "Equipment store", or something similar to that. Once, you enter the message board leave a message sayin what you want to buy. Someone in charge of checking on the message boards frequently (me or on of my chosen ones) will get back to you with prices. You start with 100 Faiys(the currency in this RPG). You can make more in tournaments or just regular battles for money. Also, eventually there will be people who need help and will pay you to help them. 3-Fighting....Quite possibly one of the best parts of an RPG. To start an organized fight, both players must agree and set a prize that both players must be able to pay, since you never know who will win. To go through with the battle(or perform any actions) use an asterick(*) before the actions and one when the action is finished. NO POWERPLAYING!!!! Powerplaying is consantly attacking and pretending your godly and invulnerable. People playing like this will atomatically lose, and the other player will get the prize. There are three types of tournaments you can participate in, a full contact with special attacks, full contact with just normal attacks, and no contact training tournments. They're all pretty self-explanatory. During any tournament me or someone else will play a ref. Basically you don't fight until your turn, and it is one round disqualification. You can fight in a message board by posting your attacks and actions, or in a chat. If choose to fight in a chat, I will hve one upon my site soon, you must post where the battle starts, and how it turns out(who wins, prizes they get, etc......). 4-In order to train you must enter either a dojo, training class, or the hyperbolic time chamber. When training, you should enter a chat room and use the command //roll to determine if the training was sucesfull. In order for the training to be succesful you must choose a level, 1-6, and roll the online dice thing. The outcome of this roll must be above the chosen training level, and if it's succesful, you get that much added to whatever score you got(2 times the number if in the hyperbolic time chamber, but you must rest two days, literally, after training in there). You may train once a day, except if stated.
