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as i gaze into your eyes
i see you gazing in to mine
this feeling i start to get in my heart i can not explain
and by the end of the day when i have to say good-bye
these hours with you is just not enough
i want to hug you and never have to let go...
i want to forever hold your hands and forever kissing your soft lips...
-tony ng

in amy world the feelings is still there
the thoughts, the regrets, that empty feeling
wanting, desiring to fill that hole
a void in the mind but a diesease to the heart
a feeling so strong but it must end
but endings came to soon; and the hole is to big

from any angel i look at you
you look just as beautiful what ever you do
even in a picture you look so sweet and
when you kiss me
that just sweeps me off my feet
how can i not love everything about you
your smile you personality
i love you so much
-tony ng

I go through life everyday,
searching for my place in life.
Some meaning to this pointless suffering.
Some glimmer of hope
that this dreary road leads somewhere.
But I find nothing...
A person is born with everything, and dies with nothing.
-daniel kim

girl i want u to know
i love u no matter what happens
i dont want to spend my life with out you
when ever i close my eyes i see ur face smileing at me
i cant picture me with out u
i dont know what i will do
somthing about u makes me love you soo much
is it ur smile, ur looks or ur butt
there is something more important then those
personality is the main reason that
i love u so
-tony ng

I will never look back to say I love you,
I will always look forward and remember you.
I never dream that you would be real,
But yet in reality, you are so fake.
I only wish that I could hold you,
and cherish you forever.
But maybe that's too far ahead,
and I will just have to let you go.
-eric chau

AlThoUghz We HaVe SuM PrObLemZ
DaT DoSeNt MeAn I Dun LiK u NoMoRe
I StIll FeEl DaH SaMe WaY I UsE 2
U'Ll AlWayZ Be DaH SwTteSt
N U'Ll AlWaYz STaY DaT WaY
But I ReAlIze DaT DiNgz HaVe ChaNgEd
ALoT Of DinGz HaVe BeEn Goin in MaI mInD
I NoE DeEp DoWn InSide i StIll HaVe FeElIns 4 u
BuT JuSs IsNt DaH SaMe NoMore
I Dun FeEl Dah ScArE-NeSs In MaI HeArt WeN I c U
I Dun feEl WeIrD WeN Im TaLkIn 2 U
BUt I hoPe U'Ll UnDerStaNd
I'M NoT TrYin 2 HuRt u
BuT U HaVe 2 NoE DaT DiNgz HaVe ChaNgEd
N It"ll NeVer Be DaH saMe LIk It UseD 2 Be
* DiZ Is DeDiCaTeD 2 A SuMoNe DAt I DiDnT MeAn 2 huRt,
n im SoRRie If I Did*

solve this poem to find my love:
my heart seeks out as the love goes by, a tiny elf that just rushes by,
it speaks out to me, but doesn't know my secret.
the elf's best friend is a well-known caveman,
who's love of life is to wear tiger skins.
put them together to find the love of my life,
oh yeah,
don't forget to change the first letter...
to the second note in between the lines.
-eric chau

3 Simple Words

3 Simple words express my emotions
3 Simple words show my undying devotion

I know it's impossible for us to be together
Yet, it feels wrong to part from you ever

They say it wont last
It wasn't meant to be
Then why has your spirit empowered me?

Your dazzling body
Your warm heart
Now I Know we should never part

From the highest high
To the lowest low
My love for you will always show

3 Simple words are to me so true
So can you find it in your heart
to love me the way I love you?

3 Simple words turn gray skies to blue
3 Simple words
I love you
I truly do
-Antonio--To Donna

i let you go
hoping things will better
thinking it will be better
but now i regret doing all that
now i hope not to let you go but to get you back
but maybe things are no longer the same
maybe the feelings have changed
but i know that things still might be the same
yet i have no way of telling
but i have doubts that things are still the way
i want them to be, no i dont have doubts
i know

love is an illusion
your image paralyzes my mind
like a drifting boat, i wander off
to the land of nowhere.
like a magician you amaze me in various ways
oh, too bad your vision is with another
as unforgettable as a scar, it blemishes my mind
forever seperated by numerous differences
knowing not being able to be with you
the next best thing is, carry on
-anthony dang

no reason
give me a reason to live
and i will contradict that reason
give me five more
and i will show you teh truth
give me sixty more
and you will cry from my harsh wordsit's too late

Darkest hour reigned in the scarlet cavern
Sullen and secluded
The hour was eternity
Each beat of time isolated, frozen
And the darkness yearned for light
Silent prayers and cries of dark desire
The shadows within the dusk were obscure and
concealed, illusory
A grim flicker, a mere flash was enough
The shadows weren't mere silhouettes
Figures manifested from the vague insubstantial mist
Resonant voices echoed the halls
Fragrance of the flame wafted throughout the corridors
The lust of time quickens its beat
Twilight absorbed and devoured it
It was wrong
What was taken was not what was given
The darkness devoured the shadows, not the light
For fear the light would disappear if encompassed and
received by the midnight shroud
A light flicker, no more
Just loneliness settles in the desolation
-enchanted dreams

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