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Sakura Con Pictures

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A Fushigi Yuugi Group pict. ^^ Left to right, it's my friend Jessie as Nuriko, buddy Kim as Miaka, and then the guy Tasuki at the Con, who was incredibly gorgerous... *_* Too bad he was taken by the Yui next to him, Seiryuu no Miko.

Another FY group pict. On the top row, l-r, it's Girl-type Nuriko, a cuuuute Miaka, Jess as Nuriko, and me. Then, below us, it's another Tasuki, and Kim glomping her. ^_^

Woo hoo! ^___^ Nurikos ahoy! ^_^

The last of the FY Group picts. L-R, Miaka Kim glomping Tasuki /again/, the three Nurikos, and me, being a priestess on the floor. *sweatdrops, thinks that sounds oddly kinky...*

Hee hee, a Panda-style Genma (Ranma 1/2)! ^_^ Gods, that suit must have been hot....

Kay, I'm really not sure if they're from Angel Sanctuary or not, but they're costumes are awesome!

Waaai! It's Inu Yasha! ^_^ What a cool costume he had! ^_^ He had the scowl down too!

Aww, another car-ride picture. Jess is in the front, looking like... uh...smirky? Too close. And poor lil' Sarah, looking cute and scared. Probably had just woken up.

A cutie I met at the con named Josiah. ^^

Pict 1 of the Karoke contest. I was very far back and such, so you can't /really/ tell what's going on, but I believe Joe/Quatre was doing a song.

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