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Why Bra and Goten?

Now many of you are probably thinking, "Why Bra and Goten?" Well, I of course have my own opinion on this matter, but I've looked at other sites who agree on Bra and Goten being a couple, and I agree with their opinions as well. So listen up! Bra and Goten DO have a lot in common. They are (of course) both half saiyan, half human. But it's not just the power they posses. Yes, they both have older brothers. But that's part of the reason. Goten is expected to be like his older brother, Gohan. Very smart, a scholar and have a good education. Bra is expected to be like her older brother, Trunks. Smart and maybe one day a future owner of Capsule Corp. So a lot of pressure is on these two! Gohan is always praised for how smart he is and Trunks is praised for being the president of Capsule Corp. I bet Bra and Goten sometimes feel lonely and misunderstood. They would be perfect each other! They both understand what it's like to have an older brother, they both understand what it's like to be the younger sibling in the family and they both understand the great power they posses. They could be there for one another when they need some comforting. They also look so kawaii together! I bet Vegeta would react pretty "strangely" to the whole situation though!^-^