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Sailor Lead Crow's Profile

Akane Karasuma/Sailor Lead Crow

Planet of Origin: Coronis (Chronis)
Occupation on Earth: Production manager at the Galaxy TV
Favorite Color: red & black
Weak Points: She doesn't like when Aluminum Siren eats all the time
Seiyuu: Suzuka Chiharu
Her attack is Galactica Tornado
Her Death:
After Aluminum Siren was killed, poor Lead Crow was heartbroken. One day, she was looking through Aya's desk and found a diary. As she read it, she found out who Sailor Moon really was. To avenge Siren's death, she decided to steal Sailor Moon's star seed. But, poor Crow, Tin Nyanko had followed her and attacked her just when Crow thought she had succeeded. Her last words were about Aluminum Siren.